Peculiar Perversions

There is no excuse: child molestation is the murder of an innocent soul, for that soul will never be able to grow and mature into the adult that it was meant to be. We all know victims of childhood sexual molestation, whether they have told you or not, you know them. Some of them have a strong survival instinct and persevere through the shame and confusion to become productive adults: others are destroyed, they are the ones for whom the pain and humiliation were too much. They are often consumed by drugs and alcohol or they become prostitutes to complete their pain and be ground down into the gutters of life.

A New Wave Of Islamic Terror, Courtesy Of Obama

Using the murky reasoning of Obama Logic, best described as an enigma, An Islamist Spring has been imposed upon the world with the aid and encouragement of Obama. In his latest attempt to impose freedom and mayhem on the people of Libya, Obama has used the American military to insure that the people of Libya could depose their despot and pave the way for a wave of terror and bloodshed, while they determine their own Islamic Fundamentalist destiny.

While Socialist revolutionaries praise the vision of Obama, there are others who are willing to realistically appraise what the Narcissist in Chief and his personal direction of the American military has accomplished with this latest foreign policy disaster.

Lost In The Pointless Forest, Without A Point Of View

In a cartoonish caricature of himself, columnist Paul Krugman, of the NYT, has written a rambling and unfocused apology for the incoherence of the Occupy Wall Street comedy, in a lame attempt to steal the energy of the mindless mob. Borrowing the first two lines from a popular 1967 song, by Stills of Buffalo Springfield, Krugman begins his clownish attempt of a unifying message for the mob by clumsily injecting his personal prejudices in a vague but obvious method, thereby parroting a nonexistent voice of leadership to the rebellion without direction, by offering some helpful if flaccid finger prointing.

Liberal Pundits Bemoan The Loss Of The Great White RINO

Facing an inevitable Liberal blood bath in 2012, mainly because of the ineptness and incompetence of the Obama Administration, Liberals have been quick to rally behind the next best option, a New England Rino. They are willing to admit that perhaps the Socialism and cronyism of Obama wasn’t what the country needed these nearly three years of an ever worsening financial situation.

However, secretly they wonder whether the Liberal brand can survive the catastrophic repercussions resulting from the imposition of an ideological Socialism during these lean economic times.

“Obama’s lecture on the euro crisis … is overbearing, arrogant and absurd.” The Bild, A German Newspaper

Europeans are underwhelmed with the latest Obama Drama. With the sanctimonious attitude of a faux professor, Obama lectured Europeans on the importance of restoring fiscal responsibility to the European Union.

As humorous as it sounds, the Europeans found nothing to laugh about; in fact, they are insulted and indignant over the presumption of a profligate wastrel like Obama lecturing anyone concerning fiscal responsibility.

Democrats Threaten Government Shutdown, Hold Up Of Disaster Relief, To Protect Green Energy Cronies

So let me get this straight. With unemployment over 9%, with our economy in shambles, and the world starting to panic over their own economy, the brilliant plan by Reid and his cronies is to shut down the federal government?


Obama’s Turkeys

I had a Labrador and my best buddy Knarley Manners had a Chesapeake. The dogs were given to us by people in town, people who found that big dogs make a big mess in small backyards. That was fine by us, we usually had stock dogs and dogs for lion and bear, these bird dogs were exotics to us and really special. There was only one problem; we weren’t bird hunters. Oh sure, we shot prairie chickens (grouse and ptarmigan) for dinner out in the bush, but that was always with a pistol or a 22 and not all that sporting. Head shots at thirty feet or less was the rule, but the skills for shooting ducks and geese had eluded us. Why hunt ducks and geese when you can hunt moose and elk?

Now that we had dogs, we needed to learn how to hunt waterfowl. We made plans, oh how we made plans for weeks and months we made plans; the sort of plans that 13 year old boys make when they are hiding an expedition from their dads.

Conservatism, Health, And Common Sense

Conservatives traditionally resist government intrusion into the home and personal lives of American citizens: Liberals tend to welcome the guiding hand of government into every facet of modern life. This is one of the fundamental differences between Liberalism and Conservatism. During the GOP Debate, Rep. Bachman called Governor Perry on his issuance of an executive order in 2007, requiring all girls in Texas to receive Gardasil unless a waiver was signed by her parents. Gardasil by Merck, prevents infection of the more common strains of human papilloma virus. These particular viruses, once established, can initiate, as well as cervical, anal, vulvar, and vaginal cancers. The vaccine Gardasil prevents the infection and consequently prevents the associated diseases.

America’s Post Turtle Makes A Mockery Of Himself

Biden seems to enjoy his role as court jester. No one doubts that his ham fisted material is original and spontaneous; surely no one would pay for that kind of material. He is fortunate, the public doesn’t remember or gives a damn about vice presidents: but since everything Obama says is archived and carefully scripted, his loyal supporters must be wondering if there is a conspiracy to expose him as an incompetent boob.

Hoffa Incites Riots And Murder Before Obama Speaks

Obama Declares War on American Citizens

Civil discourse only applies to Obama’s enemies. In an unprecedented speech, Teamster President Jimmy Hoffa called for his union members to

“Take These Sons Of Bitches Out”

These “Sons of Bitches” he is referring to are the members of the TEA Party. He called for war and in most wars there is violence. To the union thugs, violence is merely part of their thuggery.