Maybe Jews Should Start Wearing Yellow Stars – and so Should All of Us (3 of 3)
After I finally followed up on What We’ve Learned from the Israel / Hamas Conflict by asking about Jews For the National Socialist Workers’ Party? In the final part I …
After I finally followed up on What We’ve Learned from the Israel / Hamas Conflict by asking about Jews For the National Socialist Workers’ Party? In the final part I …
Unless steps are taken to prevent it, it will not be all that before there are no biological women in sports competitions in high schools, colleges or in professional …
Babies in this country face a perilous journey from the moment of conception and conception itself is no easy task. Sperm have to make the trip all the way …
Does this look like the face of someone you want determining your children’s fate? There is an almost unnatural push for transgenderism – especially for children- from the left …
The death of George Floyd is a tragedy and justice will be served. As agitators were not content to wait, protests broke out all over the country. Some were …
democrats voted to allow the murder of children. Of course, they won’t call it that. Senate Democrats on Monday blocked a Republican bill that would have threatened prison time for doctors who …
“Child” is defined as “a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority.” “Person” is defined as “a human being regarded as …
“As if gym locker rooms weren’t creepy enough already” – Stephen Kruiser At least, I’m pretty sure that quote is attributable to Kruiser – I recall him saying it on …
Just what is it about leftists and their fellow liberal travellers that compels them to proselytize for Socialism? In their holier-than-thou condescending style, leftists and liberals love to dictate to …
It’s becoming clear that baby parts are a big business for Planned Parenthood. The behavior of the employees of Planned Parenthood is nothing less than disgusting. PP harvests dead babies …