Trump did run against Obama’s third term- and won
Despite what I titled this post, I do think President Obama might have a leg to stand on in claiming that had he ran, he would have won: (CNN)Arguing that …
Despite what I titled this post, I do think President Obama might have a leg to stand on in claiming that had he ran, he would have won: (CNN)Arguing that …
Obama says he’ll fight Gitmo ‘until my very last day as president’: in an interview with French news outlet iTELE that aired Tuesday. “Guantanámo continues to serve as a recruitment …
This should be a sublime moment for conservatives. democrats are in a full civil war. They are screaming “Obama abandoned us!” and Pelosi is shrieking “This is blackmail!” Maxine Waters …
Earlier this year it became clear that democrats would be running away from Obama as the election neared: Vocal opposition to the administration’s policies has been another tactic used by …
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told American women she is tired of listening to them whine; actually, she said she can’t stand them to hear them “whining.” If they had the wherewithal to marry a president, they could finagle jobs like Senator of New York and Secretary of State. Oh, but they are intent on making bad choices in life and then whining about those same bad choices.
Hillary knows about bad choices, as Secretary of State it is her responsibility for security for diplomatic posts like Benghazi. That whole thing went to Hell in a hand basket, but you don’t hear her complaining. Hell no, it is full speed ahead to the next disaster.
It’s Newsweek, the title of the cover article reads, “Hit The Road, Barack”, and the Left has their collective panties tied in a knot. It has not a been pretty sight, but perhaps Newseek’s new editor, Tina Brown, has realized there is no honor or dignity in being another propaganda rag for a failed president and following him into oblivion and ignominy.
During the 2008 campaign, there was a great boom in the bumper sticker business. The Liberals and Democrats were proud of their candidate and plastered a huge percentage of bumpers …
Apparently, he is worried about his daughters and the world they will live in as adults. I am sure he will want them to be Elites in the Marxist Utopian dreams he has envisioned, it is so much better than that dreadful poverty the rest of us will be trapped in, but one thing for sure, he will want them to be respected by men and the public. The thought of public disrespect directed towards them or women in general, is too horrible to think about. That is why he has called Ms Fluke, the woman who attends an expensive Jesuit law school, but can’t afford or can’t date someone with enough sense to afford contraception.
Prologue: This is a story of two Stone Age chieftains, who migrated to America during the last Ice Age, approximately twenty thousand years ago: one came from the East and one came from the West, but before you begin to recite the teachings of Archaeology from twenty years ago, you might be surprised to know of startling new discoveries about the migration of man and the inconvenient facts surrounding the theories of Anthropomorphic Global Warming.
Facing an inevitable Liberal blood bath in 2012, mainly because of the ineptness and incompetence of the Obama Administration, Liberals have been quick to rally behind the next best option, a New England Rino. They are willing to admit that perhaps the Socialism and cronyism of Obama wasn’t what the country needed these nearly three years of an ever worsening financial situation.
However, secretly they wonder whether the Liberal brand can survive the catastrophic repercussions resulting from the imposition of an ideological Socialism during these lean economic times.