Outsourcing The Power Position

We head into New Year celebrations enjoying a few extra dollars to spend, or put away for future needs, grateful that gasoline prices at the pump have eased enough to be felt. We also wish for continuation in this trend so that each of us can bask in a little relief from the ever-escalating costs on foods and daily necessities. Grateful, yes, but to whom, and more importantly, why?

A Lose Lose Proposition Using Obama Logic

The Keystone Pipeline has been viewed as a means to alleviate several problems: reducing America’s dependency upon Middle East Oil, providing a source for America’s refining of oil if America ever decides to face reality and challenge the environmentalist insistence against building domestic refineries, lowering the price of fuel at the pump (since increasing pump prices directly influences the price of all domestic products, since everything moves by oil), providing employment for many Americans in the construction of the pipeline and at the port, and an assurance of a reliable source of crude (in case we decide to accept reality).