The Obamacare Titlewave: Waste, Fraud & Unaffordable Care (Guest Post)
Get Ready! A new wave of Obamacare problems is heading into the shore this coming year. Since its founding, the federal government has used billions of taxpayer dollars to …
Get Ready! A new wave of Obamacare problems is heading into the shore this coming year. Since its founding, the federal government has used billions of taxpayer dollars to …
OK, perhaps not exactly, but the actual effects of his proposals that he’s been hiding are what I think we need. The Bookworm pulls apart his argument in detail. In fact, …
Has the audacity of the Obama Administration and the sanctimonious stooges; Reid, Pelosi, and Biden pushed America to the Concord Bridge of the Twenty-First Century. Our Concord Bridge is no …
Welcome to Obama’s America: “…To all you workers out there preaching morality about those of us who live on welfare… can you really blame us? I get to sit around …
We’ve all heard a lot about default. DEFAULT LOOMS! screeches the Huffington Post The right is blaming the left. The left is blaming the right. You might have wondered, as …
Time to primary every single one of these asshats: House Republicans told Obama at the White House that they could reopen the federal government by early next week if the …
Meanwhile the comic…er…White House spokesperson Jay Carney says they “disavow” what the White House said. Comedy. What isn’t comedy is the fact that all along the Democrats have said they were …
Surprise surprise: The chief counsel’s office for the Internal Revenue Service, headed by a political appointee of President Obama, helped develop the agency’s problematic guidelines for reviewing “tea party” cases, …
Let’s see. Six progressive groups were flagged for extra scrutiny by the IRS, while out of 292 tea party groups that applied for special tax-exempt status ALL 292 groups were …
Baby Bob and his efforts to keep us on our toes have once again knocked me a bit behind the news cycle, but this story was too good to let …