The picture that could have changed everything
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. It can also be worth several million votes. The above picture was taken in 2005 by Askia Muhammad: Photojournalist …
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. It can also be worth several million votes. The above picture was taken in 2005 by Askia Muhammad: Photojournalist …
For the third night in a row, the imbecilic anti-democracy, anti-American anti-Trump riots continue. The rioters consist principally of young stupid snowflake anarchists completely removed from real life. Cities across …
You might have seen a video that’s making the rounds – a 20-something who looks like he just rolled out of bed after a Jaegermeister bender night preaches why we …
Hillary Clinton recently lamented the “excessive partisanship” that courses through the country: NEW YORK (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton said Thursday night that excessive partisanship flowing through the nation’s political …
There is much hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth today in Washington DC over Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine but this confrontation was lost years ago. Vladimir Putin has outwitted Barack …
The Cajun people of Louisiana are some of my favorite people; at one point in my life, I considered dropping out and joining this group of hard living hedonists, but …
[youtube][/youtube] As the organizers of last Sunday’s “Million” Vet March attempt to distance themselves from the political partisanship, one idiot on the right stands out as the poster child for …
John Kerry is still out there beating the drums for war. He is growing increasingly frustrated as no one is buying his spiel. The situation has degraded into a tragic …
Underestimating your enemy and overestimating your own capabilities has been a major reason many battles and wars have been lost. The battle of Hattin in 1187 is a prime example of the mistakes to avoid when facing an enemy similar to the one we face today.
As the country is still standing following the financial crisis, Barack Obama has nominated a key figure in the disaster apparently so she can finish off the country for good. …