2020 dems pledge to destroy the United States of America
democrats have staked an interesting position. They are not officially the party of Mexico and Central America. They are the party of illegal aliens. They have no interest in …
democrats have staked an interesting position. They are not officially the party of Mexico and Central America. They are the party of illegal aliens. They have no interest in …
The other day Jim Carrey said that America ought to embrace socialism. ‘Dumb and Dumber’ actor Jim Carrey on Friday urged Democrats to “say yes to socialism” and embrace …
Remember the days of Johnny Carson, when any political jokes and commentary were not the same as political advocacy and activism? Well, today’s generation now gets the likes of Jimmy …
Many of us warned this was going to happen…but Obama and pals ensured us that premiums would stay low, we could pick our own doctor and blah blah blah: More …
To answer my own question in the headline, indirectly and painfully, but I believe he just might have. Powerline’s John Hinderaker reports: We conservatives think we are a …
Washington Post columnist Greg Sargent, on January 2, wrote: Now, it’s possible that expected swing vote John Roberts won’t bother considering such disruptions and consequences in reaching his decision. He …
Michael Kinsley’s definition of a gaffe is when a politician gets caught telling the truth. As of this writing we’ve seen four videos surface of Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber. Pejman Yousefzadeh gives …
Shocker….. [youtube]http://youtu.be/Wzvi3hK51Lo[/youtube] Straight from the horse’s mouth, Jonathan Gruber telling you that the architects of Obamacare think you’re stupid and most importantly, they are absolutely counting on your lack of …
Great video explaining another reason why most everyone will be losing the health insurance, no matter how much you like it: [youtube]http://youtu.be/p9BJ6bL0a-M[/youtube] What it comes down to is this. The …
Bout time he gets pissed off: [youtube]http://youtu.be/6S-lir_bMHs[/youtube] “he has been President for five and half years, when’s he going to take some responsibility for something?” I like Allah’s answer to …