If not for obama and hillary, ISIS would be about finished today
He warned them. He said the Jihadis would take over if they took him out: Muammar Gaddafi warned Tony Blair in two fraught phone conversations in 2011 that his …
He warned them. He said the Jihadis would take over if they took him out: Muammar Gaddafi warned Tony Blair in two fraught phone conversations in 2011 that his …
Deplorable: Iraqi interpreter Laith al-Haydar received multiple death threats for working with the American military at the height of the war in his country. In return for helping the U.S., …
Lest voters forget, the Clinton cheerleading attempts to make a name for herself in an anemic and paralyzed Administration all failed, and no attempt is more revealing of her naivety, …
I could have sworn I heard you say that preventing genocide wasn’t enough for US military presence. Today Barack Obama held a joint press conference with Singapore Prime Minister Lee …
Why are democrats so upset about an allegedly political hearing into a baldly political lie? Much was made of Kevin McCarthy’s apparent admission that the Benghazi hearings were entirely …
The Obama Administration’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood revolutionaries in the Middle East, beginning with deposing Mubarak in Egypt then spreading destabilization to Tunisia, Libya and Syria, ignited an out-of-control …
Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama referred to ISIS as “jayvee” (“junior varsity”) in January 2014. Then in September 2014, he said about ISIS in Syria: “We don’t have a strategy …
Who created ISIS? Was it Jeb Bush’s brother? (Shout out to Rob Lowe- Thank you!). Can it be traced back to CIA overthrow in 1953 of Mossadeq? Jimmy Carter’s lack …
He’s been called aloof. He’s been called detached. He’s been said to dither. They were all correct. Now you can add paralyzed to that list. His worst nightmare (and ours, …
In Disney’s delightful movie “Up” there is a dog named Doug who, with the help of a special collar, can speak. Doug has an inclination toward a short attention span …