Super Doomsday Open Thread
And away we go Tweets from CurtSee author page
And away we go Tweets from CurtSee author page
As everyone knows, Superbowls come by every day. The science is settled. Pete Carroll is the dumbest man in the universe. Lots of time left, a timeout left, a “beast” …
Ahoy thar mateys! Today be International Talk like a pirate day. This be an open thread. So speak your piece and talk about anythin’ you wish. Just be sure and …
Been awhile since I started up a open thread so here ya go. A happy new year to all the faithful Flopping Aces readers. Here is the view from Taiwan …
‘Tis t’ annual international talk like a pirate day here at Floppin’ Aces- somewhat o’ a tradition, I suppose.
This be an open thread for ye band o’ scurvy scallywags t’ link t’ tales that interest you; and discuss whatever t’ hell ye want. T’ only request be that ye form yer sentences in piratese; or at t’ least, end some sentences in at least one hearty “aaar!”
How do you know if you are a Pirate? You don’t, you just AAARRRRRGH!
Slow news day so here’s a open thread with a primer. Richard Fernandez’s great post: I remember the first time someone drove me around a low-income New York city neighborhood …
So here we are…
Will this country go the way of Europe or will we turn it around. We will find out in a few hours.
The third and final debate is tonight at 9pm EST. A few topics to consider in this open thread is what is missing from tonight’s topics:
So two-thirds of the debate will be about the Greater Middle East. Two-thirds. Schieffer has generously allowed that China and Tomorrowland the entire Pacific Rim should get fifteen minutes. Here are the following areas and topics that apparently won’t be discussed:
Been awhile since we had a open thread up but I figured the news that Reid is a pedophile is a good opportunity to put one up.
Of course we have no evidence he is one but the burden of proof is still on Harry Reid to disprove this claim.
Man, do we ever need more of these type of teachers. Wellesley High teacher David McCullough Jr. commencement speech to the graduating class:
You are not special. You are not exceptional.