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- Now we literally have a Constitutional crisis – a judicial coup: “” Feb 9, 02:33on
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Is Michael saying the assassination attempt was a Trump campaign false flag?
Michael is simply pulling the same conspiracy-theory shtick you people pull all day, every day. How do you like it?
Tell me, Groomer, when has anyone on the right said that Biden is Hitler? Or said that Biden is a threat to democracy? Or lied about Biden like Biden has lied about Trump? Who has claimed that Biden is a dictator? Biden has disparaged 1/2 of American voters making anyone who voted for President Trump basically terrorists starting with calling them a “basket of deplorables.”
And yet, you on the left demand the respect you do not deserve.
“Basket of deplorables” was Clinton.
Are you kidding? That’s the leitmotif of MAGAs at this site, even if they sometimes use other terms to express it.
“Basket of deplorables” was Clinton.
No shit, Sherlock. She was the first to denegrat conservatives. How sad that you can’t admit Biden continued what crooked Hillary Clinton started.
“Who has claimed that Biden is a dictator?”
Are you kidding? That’s the leitmotif of MAGAs at this site, even if they sometimes use other terms to express it.
Oh, now your claim is that conservatives said the same thing but used “other terms?” How lame are you? When did Trump EVER refer to those who voted for Biden as “extremeists?” You are pathetic and evil.
Clinton also set in motion the Russian collusion hoax and coup. It is completely different to call someone a dictator simply because he is more popular than you want him to be and calling someone a dictator that uses propaganda, imprisons political dissidents, censors free speech and tries to imprison and/or bankrupt his political opposition.
“IT IS A FACT that the only people acting as President that have violated the Constitution and acted like Putin or Stalin or Hitler or Kim has been Obama and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden… NOT Trump.” SOURCE
“While I don’t mean to insult Jews by comparing Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden to Hitler, his physical and personality traits right now parallel Hitler’s in April, 1945.” SOURCE
“I’ve read that Hitler didn’t issue written orders for many of his top priorities, like the ‘Final Solution’. His lackeys knew what Hitler wanted and they acted in his interests without orders. This is how Obama operated and, no doubt, since Obama is running this comedy of errors, the same holds true with Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. But, with Hitler, he made public comments on what he wanted accomplished and expounded on those topics in private. No doubt, Obama and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden have done he same.” SOURCE
“Remember how, on June 6th, 1944, Hitler’s generals were afraid to wake him up to get permission to deploy armor to the D-Day landings? Unhinged Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden flies into a rage whenever he is inconvenienced with unpleasant news. Same thing, same personality.” SOURCE
“Only Democrats have been behaving like Putin, Stalin, Hitler or Kim. ONLY DEMOCRATS.” SOURCE
“Biden’s looking less like President and more like a Dictator and Dictators prefer to disarm their People Hitler, Stalin Castro and Mao did” SOURCE
STALIN (same idea, different term):
“‘Uncle Joe’ is proud of our liberals! Stalinism lives!” SOURCE
“Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a gay stupid version of Stalin.” SOURCE
The source of your “false flag” bullshit:
No, I don’t read the Conservative Review.
I just supplied myriad quotes demonstrating that you were wrong up above. No response?
Making excuses or otherwise trying to justify the attempted assassination of Trump is the same thing as cheering it, just more gutless.
Groomer, admit it. You are just another violent, hateful, lying radical left winger.
Oozy Cooze, why don’t you admit that you were absolutely wrong up above?
Groomer, you have disdain for conservatives/Republicans, you have disdain for anyone who believes in God, you have disdain for those who don’t agree with your left wing beliefs.
You are a radical left winger who is being radicalized by those like Randi Winegarten and David Goldberg. You are someone who should never be allowed near children. You have not one damn thing to contribute to society but hatred.
So, no, I’m not wrong about you. You just hate it that I had you pegged from the git-go.
I don’t really care what you think about me.
The thing you were wrong about was saying that nobody on the Right compared Biden to Hitler. I provided several quotes just from this site showing that you are absolutely incorrect.
Good, and keep your ass in California. Don’t complain when your taxes go up another 25% because Grusome can’t manage that state. Stay there with your misery. California deserves you.
And those who you quote were on national TV when?
I’m sorry, I had trouble hearing you over the sound of you trying to move the goalposts.
You never said anything about national TV. You referred to “anyone on the right.”
Now please don’t try to tell me that you people are not on the Right.
You also wrote “Biden has disparaged 1/2 of American voters making anyone who voted for President Trump basically terrorists starting with calling them a ‘basket of deplorables.'” When pointed out that it was Clinton who said that, you wrote, “No shit, Sherlock,” as if I was the one who got it wrong.
You’re getting all kinds of stuff wrong, which is totally on brand for you. You can’t be bothered to look up anything at all, and you think that loudly challenging those with whom you disagree will disguise that fact. It doesn’t.
Cheer up, Groomer. If your sorry ass state passes AB1955, you will be able to warp the minds of children and groom them with parental permission until the cows come home.
Anyone with an ounce of decency should leave California ASAP.
I hope people do leave. California’s an amazing place to live, and if people go somewhere else, it will just mean fewer people to get in the way as I enjoy myself here.
I myself have made comparisons between Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and Hitler and the Nazis. Also with Stalin and Kim. But those are VALID comparisons. Employing censorship, propaganda, political terror and violence, putting dissidents in prison, trying to imprison (or, now, KILL) his opponents. Those are valid and demonstrated comparisons.
But the left calls Trump Hitler because they don’t like him. Period. Trump had demonstrated NONE of that behavior. But just calling Trump Hitler isn’t enough for the left; they have to declare he is an existential threat to the nation, that he wants to create concentration camps, that he wants to assassinate his opponents (all leftist behavior, by the way). Trump doesn’t use rhetoric like “take him out”, “eliminate him”, “put him in the bullseye” or says “he has to be stopped no matter what”. There is, indeed, a vast difference.
The fact that their are people like yourself that make excuses for an assassination also demonstrates the vast difference between right and left today. I am waiting to see the left take their calls for “lowering the temperature” seriously and follow their own advice. I have my doubts.
Hi felluhs. Do you still accept submissions? Can’t help but like your style! I’ve posted with you before, but not since I went up for 2 months for J6 last year. And I also haven’t written anything publicly since a lawyer for the widow of Ofc Jeffrey Smith at the Capitol put a target on my back with the accusation that I somehow magically assaulted this police officer in a way that video and body cam somehow could not record. All best.
Sure, we take guest submissions. No guarantee to put it up but you can email it