Weiner Is Feeling The Squeeze From Democrat Feminists

Sexual perverts are never really healed and never trustworthy. Would you trust them around your kids. Weiner is actively trying to preserve his House Seat: his first method was to deny allegations by lying to Congress and the nation, he then claimed that his Twitter account had been hacked, but neglected to call in the FBI who said they could prove the hack within minutes, he later tried to accuse Andrew Breitbart of setting him up in a conspiracy, a charge that could have meant criminal allegations against Breitbart. Now that all his previous attempts to deflect blame for his cyber perversions have failed and new charges involving an underage teenager are emerging, Weiner is now resorting to the Lindsay Lohan defense of counseling and rehab. When all else fails, there is always the last resort of the degenerate, but wait it might just be a ruse, could Weiner be clever enough to say he will get rehab, now that he has been caught, to secure his congressional seat in perpetuity.

Obama’s Second Four Year Plan

People have more faith in dynamic economies that are entrepreneurial in nature and business friendly: this type of environment promotes economic growth and expansion. Thus such a business focused country appears healthy to the rest of the world or more importantly to those who invest in currencies.

Socialist countries have never inspired international investment because of a record of dismal performances in the past. Previously, despite weak and ineffectual leadership from some of our presidents and legislatures, the US has been considered the most dynamic economy in the world, since WW I.

The Obamanation has intentionally destroyed that image. It has been the intention of this administration to weaken the industrial base and economic vitality of the US so that we will no longer be considered an economic or military super power in the world.

Obama Says, We Will Borrow Money From China To Give To Greece

Because of profligate spending and its Socialist policies, Greece is bankrupt. It is now our duty to bail them out, according to Obama, so that they can continue on without taking responsibility for their own actions. Spain, Portugal, and Ireland are all nearing the same economic precipice; are we to assume that Obama plans to put the rest of the world on American Welfare rolls? Someone better tell him, those people can’t vote, but he does believe the Constitution is flawed, maybe with a few changes here and there, we can continue with a Redistribution of American Wealth for the rest of the world, until we are a Third World Country.

The Obama Theater Of The Absurd

Let’s suppose there was someone who was so stupid, that he would borrow money from a neighborhood leg breaker and then give the money away to everyone in the neighborhood, including the leg breaker. Would you recommend that person be institutionalized? Welcome to Obama’s Theater Of The Absurd.

Intelligence And Mis-Information as told by J. V. Hoffman

It is painful to say, but so many of us don’t understand the difference between ‘Intelligence’ and ‘Mis-Information’. This article will illustrate several factors that escape our consciousness of thought; unfortunately, most of us are victims of mis-information. I served in counterterrorism and counterintelligence for 27 years. Most people think because they have served in the military or in the government they actually have a true grasp of what is actually happening; nothing could be further from the truth!

Whatever It Takes: Once Again

I was at a loss for something appropriate to write for this special day. I know many sad stories that will go to the grave with me. Don’t misread that line. I am not a hero, but many heroes came to me to talk. I mainly listened. I am an excellent listener. Hopefully, I helped some of them by listening and offering a few lame words of encouragement.

I am offering you this previously published story to avoid reaching deeper. It is a story that is painful enough for me. I hope, by reading these few lines, you will appreciate our brave servicemen and women a little more. I wish I could do more than saying thanks and shaking hands, but that seems to be the best that I can manage for now.

Is Big Brother In Our Immediate Future

In 1949 George Orwell wrote 1984, a political prophecy that portrayed a Progressive Party’s ultimate achievement of its totalitarian goals in a Utopian State of complete oligarchy. This chilling account of a Utopian Dream that evolved into a Dystopia was titled, 1984. So frightening was the premise of the novel that the number 1984 became a part of our language, along with the nebulous figure of “Big Brother.”

Many who read the book breathed a sigh of relief when the year came1984 came and passed without the realization of the dreaded situations described in the book. Perhaps Orwell’s only flaw with 1984 was to predict the Progressive political ascendancy a few decades prematurely. The Chinese and Russian oligarchies were in full bloom by the late 1940s; it was within reason to assume the Totalitarian Progressive control of the United States and England in 35 years.

Obama’s Latest Assault On The First Amendment

Obama is desperate, public opinion is turning against him and he is running out of time. These little machines and the internet are allowing the public to think without direction from the propaganda bureaus and to voice their opinions with others. Obama’s world of state controlled media is disintegrating, the truth is ravaging his media empire like a steak knife ripping through a ripe tomato.