Time, the magazine dedicated to the Progressive Socialist movement, yet still professing to be a legitimate news source, has left Herman Cain out of the list of possible Republican contenders for the nomination. This omission has occurred twice: May 23 (page #35) and June 6 (page #16). It is obvious that Time, a representative voice for the Ultra Leftist movement that is so close to declaring themselves as Marxists, is omitting Cain for certain reasons. Reasons that go beyond bigotry and racism. They are scared to death of an intelligent Black man with the traditional values that Americans are searching for; a man who has actually accomplished meaningful achievements, a man who is not ashamed of his past, a man who can think on his feet, an articulate man who doesn’t need a teleprompter to keep from sounding like a moron, a man with integrity.
Cain competed in the first presidential debate on May 5 and commanded the floor; he officially declared himself on May 21. An excuse that they weren’t aware that he was running would be a bald faced lie, not that the propaganda bureaus are above telling lies, they just try to avoid lying when it is obvious to everyone that they are lying.
Time has devoted a page to amateur handicapping for the past two weeks, Mark Halperin has taken on the role of oddsmaker with odds that would make him a laughingstock among professional gamblers, but he doesn’t care if he appears to be a fool with 1,000 to one odds with Republican candidates, he has a mission. It is to impress upon the typical cerebrally deficient reader of Time, that Obama is invincible. This reenforcement of the Obama Myth will help keep those who are beginning to have doubts from straying to candidates who supposedly have no hope of winning, but Cain is that commodity that is hard to dismiss. He is infinitely more qualified than Obama and he isn’t dragging the Marxist baggage that is causing America to question Obama’s leadership into seemingly predictable debt and failure.
If you read Time, and hopefully you don’t, you would assume Republicans are racists. They appear to only consider White people; however the truth is far more incidious, for the Progressives are literally pimping Obama as their badge of fairness and compassion. The simple minded and those who thrive as parasites willingly accept this pablum and thus they are to be denied the image of a Black Man who actually competes and wins in the real world as opposed to a Community Agitator who accomplishes nothing and produces nothing. A tradition he has carried on through his presidency.
Yes, it is fair and logical to assume the Progressive Socialists are scared of Herman Cain; their fear is well founded, because Cain doesn’t need women fainting on camera cue or a sympathetic press singing false praises, he is the real deal that will destroy Obama in debate. A confrontation that America, at least the Non-Marxist segments of America are waiting breathlessly to watch.
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Â Visit me on Facebook.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dylantheauthor
Tom, I collapsed from exhaustion after dinner. I see you have met one of our more spirited debaters. JV’s instincts for confrontation have been honed in situations that you and I dream about in night mares.
The Liberal/Progressive tag was used by me to designate indecision on my part, since I haven’t read of your exact political position. I normally think of the Progressive as a more advanced Liberal, who is hiding his true Socialist nature under the guise of Progressivism, because at this time it is more politically expedient.
Obviously, you have almost nothing negative to say about Mr Cain other than he is a Conservative; that was what I was hoping to hear. The first time I heard him speak, I had no idea of his political affiliation, but I found myself wishing he would run for office.
As you may gather, I have almost no interest in sports unless I or someone from my family is competing; consequently, a man’s sports affiliations are unimportant to me and certainly would not affect my consideration of whether to vote for him.
Your original commentary, pointed out the fact that the NYT had Mr. Cain on the front page and that neutralized my assertion that Liberals or at least their press corps were afraid of Cain and were trying to marginalize him. I maintain that the omission was a tactical error that has extremely wealthy Liberals in my temporary work location asking Why? That amounts to a grievous error on the part of Liberals, for Mr Cain has suddenly received an inordinate amount of attention that normally would have cost hundreds of thousands, but with no guarantee of positive results. This has backfired and now Cain is in front of the literate public and people are impressed with what they are seeing. I am hoping he stands up to public scrutiny, because I admire the man and his accomplishments.
In regards to genetics and politics, I find that opposites attract and the gene pool is being continually mixed up like the water in an old-time washing machine. I wasn’t politically active from the days of Goldwater to the Age of Obama; however, I considered myself a Conservative politically, morally, and economically. I inadvertently married a Liberal for a couple of decades and believe me that there is a schism concerning the allocation of money. My children are evenly split on the political scale: two Conservatives and two Liberals. Arguing politics with the Liberals has provided the only confrontation in our lives so I refrain from political discussion in their presence. I once had an informal theory that political position was influenced by genetics and conferred with several learned men. They told me I was in danger of being considered delusional and I abandoned my soiree into the field of genetics.
Of course there are individuals who swap sides as easily as a horse swaps leads; thus, therein exists a direct contradiction to the theory of genetics as an influencing factor.
Politics must have the confrontation of ideas or the system becomes stale. Obama’s assumption of absolute power was a major part of his decline in popularity. He would have benefitted if he would have played the role of statesman rather than assuming he was granted dictatorial powers
Smorgasbord, we noticed the jump in Canadian GDP. Thank you, we appreciate all the help we can receive.
@Skookum:Skook, I think there is a genetic component to political affiliation although there are also components that are learned. Most of the liberals I have met lack the ability to observe a situation or series of facts and determine what they mean without attaching their emotions. I do believe that there is also a learned component that reinforces the liberal/progressive ideology.
During my epistemology studies, I actually read the biography of Bertram Russell. He was a liberal from way back. He was actually jailed for anti-war demonstrations in England during WWI! He then performed as a guest professor to all of the hot beds of liberalism in the US through the 60s and 70s. (Berkley, University of Chicago and several of the Ivy League Colleges.) I believe he was responsible for the anti-war demonstrations in the 60s by his lecturing at these universities.
The other issue that infects nearly all liberals is the post modern philosophy of which I have commented on numerous previous posts. Post Modernism moves us from individualism to collectivism. (Spreading the wealth around! Health care for all even though they do not want to pay for it!) Post modernism basically professes that individuals are not responsible for their actions. Only society is responsible and society must take care of the individual. A Rapists was determined to be not responsible for raping a young girl recently in Australia. The new society the poor Muslim boy found himself in caused him to do it! He got a very reduced sentence!.
The genetic portion of liberalism issue is that the genetic makeup of liberals allows them to be seduced by the easy or emotional way. My family always told me that life is hard and if something is too easy, it is likely to be very flawed. Maybe that was taught, but the ability to accept that I believe is genetic.
@Skookum: Skook, do you think that the increase in the GDP had anything to do with the country throwing out the socialists and liberals in the last election?
@Randy: Randy, Hell I will walk point with you any day! In Hebrew we have a saying ” The eyes of a wise man are in his head!’ This means he learns and then looks within himself first and then how he affects others! Even when a liberal apologies, it is only for you to lower your guard so they can take another swing at you! Great observations you made! Liberals have very short memories and always make collective observations! We do not live in a one solution world! One of the thoughts that Liberals run with a totally brain dead function is the thought that you can make peace in the world by just disarming everyone! Does that mean we eliminate pencils, pens, screwdrivers, hammers, rocks, water, and ice…plus a million other things? Because in the hands of an experienced terrorist all of these can be weapons!
The emotional part is what really pisses me off! They will cry over a stray dog dead in the road, but when the news speaks of several fallen soldiers…they will say “well they should not have been there!” Logic and emotions do not run together in nature…..If they choose to utilize logic they would be conservatives, but since they choose to us emotions they even miss any understanding of what to be emotional about!
Randy & JV, the emotional aspect is a key component. When viewing crime, the Liberal considers motivation more important than the crime itself; thus the legitimacy for the Bleeding Heart Syndrome used so often to describe Liberals.
If it is safe, I stop to pull dead dogs off the road and lay a towel over them before they are ground up into hamburger. I place a towel over them ( I always carry towels for my work) and hope that the owner finds them and buries them. When I hear of our soldiers getting hit I feel guilt for not being with them in some capacity.
I don’t think that is being overly emotional, but Liberals become extremely mad very quickly in a debate and I like to tell them that when I become that mad, bones are about to crack and blood is about to fly. It seems so silly to me to show that kind of emotion over debate.
Randy, I think the Canadians have seen the difference in the perpetual welfare state and the dynamics of a Conservative government that is moving to exploit the extreme market of the energy sector.
I love to tell my Liberal customers that Alberta, Calgary, and Edmonton are the most dynamic economies in the world with full employment. They invariably ask why and I tell them that they have a robust energy program and they are not afraid to exploit their energy resources.
My customers get this blank stare and you can see them swallow hard.
The Canadians have elected a Conservative government because they like a dynamic economy with money flowing, let’s hope their government doesn’t drop the ball.
SMORGASBORD, I bet they didn’t know that side of your expertise,
they should have been impress I’m sure,
@Skookum: #52
You are welcome. Glad I did my part to help keep our Canadian neighbor a free country.
Just add my name to the list of another TEA party racist who will vote for Herman Cain.