Amexit: obama hands Trump justification to leave the UN
The obama regime is capping off its record of foreign policy incompetence with a betrayal of a strong ally and the only democracy in the Middle East. obama opened …
The obama regime is capping off its record of foreign policy incompetence with a betrayal of a strong ally and the only democracy in the Middle East. obama opened …
Today, no one seems to be paying attention to another Globalist-Obama American Freedom shrinking program. In breech of America’s constitution, Obama is handing off America’s control of the Internet. The MSM is asleep at the switch on this capitulation. A capitulation no-one is imposing on him — so why the rush? And yet, serial capitulator Obama will make this his final major act. It’s your freedom. You should care. We should all care. Why?
Identity is an essential part of being human and is made up of your race, your nation and your culture. It is entirely natural to feel proud about your identity …
Former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morrell has been making his rounds in the media, promoting his new book. Earlier this week, he appeared on Hardball with Chris Matthews; and the …
John Kerry once referred to the nations who George Bush built into Coalition partners for Operation Iraqi Freedom as the “Coalition of the coerced and the bribed” and “window dressing”. …
The mainstream media is doing it best this weekend to extract the National disaster of Obamacare from the headlines. The crowbar it has been provided is the announcement by the Obama/Jarrett team of a deal with Iran. The MSM’s representations about the deal are about as useful as the Administration’s, “you can keep your doctor.”
The Obama regime is the greatest danger to our Constitutional freedoms Americans have ever faced. Let us work our way through how our Constitution will be lost. Against the wishes …
Is the Security Council meeting on this news? North Korea has told its key ally, China, that it is prepared to stage one or even two more nuclear tests this …
We, the media complex of Obama, swear to put the president’s welfare foremost on our agenda. If this means we must sacrifice our honor and integrity, it is but a small price to pay, to insure the best image for the party and the Liberal/Progressive goals of the future.
The Benghazi episode has become an awkward situation for our leader; consequently, it has become imperative, for the state directed media to lead interference, until this inconvenient bump in the road disappears from the public’s consciousness. The Obama bootlickers have sworn allegiance to the Myth of Obama and it has never been more obvious to the semi-literate objective public.
Maybe Elizabeth Warren can get 1/32 of it (Yeah, I know- Cherokee, not Sioux) and Ward Churchill…well…nevermind: