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Deja Vu?

Bob at Confederate Yankee has discovered that the AP is up to it’s old tricks.  This time it was in a report about 20 beheaded bodies found 14 miles southeast

More Show Trials From The Democrats

And somehow the Democrats didn’t see this coming? President Bush, moving toward a constitutional showdown with Congress, asserted executive privilege Thursday and rejected lawmakers’ demands for documents that could shed

Immigration Bill Going Nowhere

I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised.  I was lukewarm about the immigration bill to begin with and hoped that amendments could be added which would make it a bill

Irony & John Edwards

Typical sad behavior on the part of Democrats once again when it comes to Ann Coulter.  Here she is in a interview the other day, watch from about the 50

Those Iranian Riots

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock or watching the MSM you have to know by now that there were riots going on in Iran because of this: Iranians smashed

Tony Blair’s Goodbye

A very touching moment today as Tony Blair officially steps down as Prime Minister, he gave a short but eloquent speech on the noble profession of politics and was then

Place The Blame Where It Belongs

What!  You mean the terrorists are responsible for bringing those towers down and creating all that dust to be breathed in by rescue workers?  Get outta here: WASHINGTON – Facing

The Push Into Baquba – Iraq

Will wonders never cease?  Here is Michael Gordon writing in the New York Times with a piece on Iraq and the latest push into Baquba: The enemy was a phantom

The Worms & Global Warming

It’s The WORMS!  Worm composting could be doing more harm than good to the environment, a leading researcher claimed today. Composting Association research director Jim Frederickson said: “Worms produce a