Tony Blair’s Goodbye

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A very touching moment today as Tony Blair officially steps down as Prime Minister, he gave a short but eloquent speech on the noble profession of politics and was then awarded a standing ovation.  Something I don’t think has been done all that much in Parliament. 

Now we say goodbye to a man who has stood tall beside us during some very difficult times…’s a sad day.

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he fought a useless war in iraq followed GBush like a retarded puppy.
responsible for twisting the privacy to less then zero.

Stood tall, true. But he has been sitting for a long time, just like his mentor the President. Both have gone soft on terror. You can be sure that whatever good Blair did do, he will more than enough time to undo it while at his new job.

Soft on the WOT….yeah. Completely disagree with the both of you for two different reasons of course. The lefty above you is a given…just silly and ignorant.

As for your comment Jay, giving the ok for the surge, not backing down against the dems when it comes to withdrawal…hardly soft. Actually the opposite.

I’m surprised by your support for Tony Blair, Curt. Sure, he’s been a key US ally in Iraq and Afganistan, but he’s also been a leading voice in favour of a two-state solution in Israel/Palestine, has frequently pushed George Bush to agree to carbon limits in response to climate change (in which he is a passionate believer) and before Mr Bush’s election as president, Tony Blair’s “political soulmate” was Bill Clinton, with whom he still maintain’s a close friendship. In fact, I think he asked Clinton to speak at his party’s conference last year.

I agree that regarding the current terrorist situation Blair has been pretty steadfast, even when it made him unpopular at home, but on most other issues he’s pretty left-wing.

No where did I write that I supported him, I stated he has stood tall with us in some difficult times. I love the fact that he faced down our enemies along side us but hate his socialized politics. Doesn’t mean I don’t respect him for being there for us, unlike Chirac.

I support Blair’s staunch support in the global war on terror, yet have not forgot about his socialist roots. He is the British version of Joe Lieberman.


He is the only socialist with a pair – I believe this is the real root of liberal european’s hatred for Tony.


I agree that Mr Blair stood tall by the USA in very difficult times, indeed. My wish is that our out-of-touch REPUBLICAN SENATORS like the Honorable Trent LOTT and the Honorable Lindsey GRAHAM, would stand tall and protect America’s future by saying no to Illegal Immigration and get their pompous heads out of their huge asses!

While I wouldn’t agree with much of Blair’s domestic policy I don’t live in the U.K. so I don’t care.

Tony’s been a good friend of the United States and he made the very “special relationship” which Winston Churchill founded work for us both.

Sure Jay, there are a lot of us who wish we could be doing MORE, not less in fighting this war across the board at every level.

But sadly, that’s not possible in this political climate.

I’ll miss Tony. And I put up a classic song, “I’ve grown accustomed to his face:”