Place The Blame Where It Belongs

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What!  You mean the terrorists are responsible for bringing those towers down and creating all that dust to be breathed in by rescue workers?  Get outta here:

WASHINGTON – Facing an onslaught from House Democrats over air quality around Ground Zero, former EPA boss Christie Todd Whitman fired back yesterday that "the terrorists that attacked the United States" were to blame – not the government.

In a politically charged and sometimes circus-like congressional hearing into contaminants in downtown Manhattan in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, Whitman blasted lawmakers who accused her of misleading the public that the air was safe – while she was hit with hisses, boos and catcalls from the crowd.

"There are indeed people to blame. They are the terrorists that attacked the United States, not the men and women of all levels of government who worked heroically to protect and defend this country," she said.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler, a Democrat whose district includes the World Trade Center site, claimed the Bush administration "has continued to make false, misleading and inaccurate statements, and refused to take remedial actions, even in the face of overwhelming evidence."

Whitman, who was peppered by Democrats for three hours, decried the allegations as "misinformation, innuendo and downright falsehoods."

Here we go again, now the dust particles are Bush’s fault. 

How about placing the damn blame where it belongs for once?  Not on explosive charges, not on Bush, not on Christie Whitman…, our enemy, is too blame.  No one else.

This is how unions and the Democrats think.  They believe that somehow the EPA should of done tests on collapsed 100 story sky scrapers mixed with flaming jet fuel prior to 9/11.  That way they could of what?  Stopped people from trying to help?  Had thousands of hazmat suits ready just in case the towers came down?

This is about money, about squeezing the taxpayers for every dime they can.  This article already details one fraudulent case:

But some of the cases have turned out to be bogus, including the false tale trumpeted by the Daily News that deceased NYPD Officer Cesar Borja died from a lung ailment contracted after rushing to the smoldering ashes of the Twin Towers.

The New York Times debunked the tale in a lengthy investigative report, which found Borja didn’t arrive at Ground Zero until 3 1/2 months after the attacks – mostly to direct traffic several blocks from the pile.

Still she gets grilled:

Democrats repeatedly cited news clips and press releases from the days after the attacks that show Whitman saying the air in New York was safe. She was quick to reply that those comments were about downtown generally, and she added the caveat, "On the pile is different."

She said her agency repeatedly warned Ground Zero workers and top city officials that rescuers on the rubble of the World Trade Center should wear protective gear.

[…]Whitman also had a testy exchange with rookie Rep. Keith Ellison, a Minnesota Democrat, telling him, "I have been called a liar, even in this room today.

"These were not whims, these were not decisions by a politician. Everything I said was based on what I was hearing from professionals.

"My son was in Building 7, congressman, and I almost lost him," the former New Jersey governor went on.

Notice that the first Muslim Congressman was quick to place the blame on America for the aftermath of 9/11, instead on his fellow Muslims FOR 9/11.

If a dirty bomb goes off from the terrorists will we blame the fallout on the Government also?

I’m just asking.

I have the utmost respect for those who went to help, and if this had happened or does happen in Los Angeles, I will be in the thick of it.  But please place the blame where it belong.

On the enemy.

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I don’t really care for Christi but god do I love those statements… Now I’m pissed I decided not to record it

At least they didn’t blame the Ground Zero sickness on global warming (yet).

Rep. Keith Ellison, a Minnesota Democrat…. and the first MUSLIM in Congress.

Funny how prominent he was in this witchhunt.

“…politically charged and sometimes circus-like congressional hearing…”

You can tell the Democrats are in charge.

I agree with the City Troll; I’ve had my share of disagreements with Whitman over the years but my hat is off to her for standing up for the truth!

All of those workers went in there and worked for days on end clearing that rubble. Don’t **they** have to accept some of the responsibility for not protecting themselves? I mean is wearing a dust mask really too much to ask? If you don’t want to wear a mask then don’t complain about getting sick. Beyond that, the blame lies with the terrorists.

This is the fact checking done by the Dems and not questioned by the author of this article?

Their evidence was news clips and press releases that just so happened to agree with their agenda??

Did that include ‘Star’ and ‘People’ magazine blurbs??

How about citing air quality studies – oh, what am I thinking – this was a democrat run inquisition.

Democrats repeatedly cited news clips and press releases from the days after the attacks that show Whitman saying the air in New York was safe

Its extremely funny that even RINO Republicans are not safe from the rath of the Far left.In most, I admit not all,Christie was on their side of things.The only thing wrong with her was she had the nerve to work for W.

I didn’t mean for my above comment to come off as un-neccesarily harsh on the workers. They were great, and deserve all the credit in the world. They went in and got that pit cleaned up in record time, and gave many families the closure they needed by providing a body or a wedding ring or some such thing to bury. However, they had to know that was a bad situation and that there was some bad stuff in the air. Weren’t they wearing dust masks or gas masks, and if they weren’t, why not?

Jim C