It’s The WORMS!
Worm composting could be doing more harm than good to the environment, a leading researcher claimed today.
Composting Association research director Jim Frederickson said: “Worms produce a significant amount of greenhouse gases. Recent research done by German scientists has found that worms produced a third of nitrous oxide gases when used for composting.”
[…]Although Frederickson says that worm composting is a positive thing, he claims that not enough research has been done on worms releasing polluting gases.
[…]“The emissions that come from these worms can actually be 290 times more potent than carbon dioxide and 20 times more potent than methane. In all environmental systems you get good points and bad points.”
This is what it’s come to. We are now talking about worms and composting….all so the flat earth environazi’s can get some more funding to pay for more studies that will get them more funding to prove that we are all gonna die!

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The (now) common earthworm didn’t exist in the new world until the Jamestown colonists introduced them. Let’s dig them all up and send them back to England.
I remember a book by CS Lewis called “That Hideous Strength” in which a group of scientists and elite were going to make the perfect world by killing off most of the human population, flora and fauna.
It seems that scenario is becoming more likely with everything being blamed as causing global warming and others advocating reducing human population through force.
Hmm, worms are causing global warming… so, I guess that’s another reason to go fishing. Drown those little polluters.
Jim C
Deport the worms, drown the worms, tread on the downtrodden, helpless worms. Isn’t it bad enough that global warming is causing cool temperatures and lots of rain in the midwest, forcing earthworms to swim for yards on end to search for a bit of dry land? Now we’re going to blame the weather on the worms too, when we all know perfectly well who releases most of the nitrous oxide in the world. Dentists! That’s who! Sly, white-smiling, sharp instrument wielding dentists.
Al Gore told me.