Irony & John Edwards

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Typical sad behavior on the part of Democrats once again when it comes to Ann Coulter.  Here she is in a interview the other day, watch from about the 50 second mark to about the minute and a half mark:

Get that?  She was stating the same exact point she made some months back with the fag comment.  The press gives a pass to liberals like Maher who make outlandish and disgusting statements but will move heaven and earth to get a story out on a conservative saying the same thing.

AC – So about the same time Bill Maher said, by the way I did not call John Edwards the F word, I said I couldn’t talk about him because you go into rehab for using that word. 

UNK – You say you were joking

AC – Yeah, I wouldn’t insult gays by comparing them to John Edwards, that would be mean.  But about the same time Bill Maher was not joking and saying he wished Dick Cheney had been killed in a terrorist attack, so I’ve learned my lesson if I’m going to say anything about John Edwards in the future I’ll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot.

So out of that we get this:

Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards said Wednesday that conservative author Ann Coulter’s attacks are hurtful as his campaign used her remarks in an appeal for money.

Edwards made his first comments to The Associated Press in response to Coulter’s suggestion that she wished he would be "killed in a terrorist assassination plot." His campaign cited her remarks in two e-mails to supporters for donations, with the fundraising deadline on Saturday.

And this:

Ms. Edwards Asks Coulter to Stop Attacks Elizabeth Edwards pleaded Tuesday with Ann Coulter to "stop the personal attacks," a day after the conservative commentator said she wished Edwards’ husband, Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, had been killed by terrorists.

"The things she has said over the years, not just about John but about other candidates, lowers the political dialogue [sic] at precisely the time we need to raise it," Edwards said by phone on MSNBC’s "Hardball" program, where Coulter was a guest.

Which has just proven Ann’s point once again.  Do we hear any comment about Bill Maher and Olbynutcase lowering the political dialogue?  Nope.  Instead we get John Edwards, whose wife writes at KOS, decrying the "hateful" rhetoric.  Here is Hot Air’s splice job on Edwards interview today in which Allah took out the references to Ann, which makes it that much more delicious to watch:

The man who hires hateful rhetoric incarnate to run his blog, the man who is loved and praised by almost every KOS idiot alive, and the man whose own wife writes at KOS has the gall to be a bit upset about "hateful" rhetoric.

Ah the irony.

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what do you expect out of the camp of a stuffed shirt with a squirrel on his head. I mean cmon this clown used his own wifes cancer to try and get a bumb in the polls.

PS Coulter is on Glenn Beck you might be able to catch the rerunn later tonight.

Excellent, excellent post Curt!!!!!! Seeing the entire interview with Ann helped me understand the whole context of what she had said. You did a great job of bringing context to the whole scenario and pointing out how hypocritical Elizabeth is for her attacks on Ann.

This is a joke right? We know Edwards and his wife are stupid (they’ve proven it time after time), but his entire high paid staff. Where do you find this many bumbling idiots? Did they work for Nifong before joining Edwards, that would explain their lack of ability to reason or read.

Amazing isn’t it? And now Hot Air has a video of that idiot Shep on Fox reporting the same kind of idiocy…..

Ann Coulter does go a little close to the edge sometime. Maybe no one told her that the rules for speech, like conduct and ethics are entirely different for conservatives than for liberals.

Let’s remember something…irony aside, he’s right.


Yep, I think he’s comments are correct (he just doesn’t have the balls to do what he says). Hateful, emotional, nutjob political rhetoric (whether it’s “Bush Lied”, or WTC7, or fake moon landings) is presented with the intent of shifting the discussion from rational to emotional. It’s the same as the difference between a car commercial with no words, just text detailing cost and features of a car vs a car commercial with babes, cool tunes aimed at an age demographic, and maybe some flashy imagery. Emotion sells better than rational assessment.

He’s also right in that people who make such emotional, irrational commentary need to be confronted. Lacking that, we get things like the latest Global Warming gig where if it rains, people blame it on Global Warming, and if it doesn’t rain, people blame it on Global warming. Why? Because some wacko made a movie comparing industry and technology with NAZIs, and because an end on the political spectrum desperately needs a core issue to distract from Iraq (an issue which they are losing on yet again). If the nutjobs’ emotional rhetoric isn’t confronted and posed next to rational discussion, then the nutjob rhetoric goes unchecked and accepted by a population that is too busy to look up boring rational facts, and is too often too apathetic to care. We buy the emotion so much easier. Me, I like the mileage my new Pontiac G5 gets, but the flashy metallic blue color is pretty hot too. I didn’t buy it for the color, but people do. There are too many people who will buy sizzle rather than look at the steak or the mileage or the facts.

Irony aside, the man’s comments are right. He just doesn’t have the balls to face those elements of his support who are nutjobs.

Harry Reid echoes this as well:

In fact, it’s a serious problem for the entire Democratic Party. They have sold sizzle for so long that now they have no steak. Their promises have been revealed as empty despite having been elected, and that’s why support for the Democratic Congress has dropped to below Dick Cheney’s. They can either face the emotional rhetoric and explain the rational, cold, hard, ignored facts, or they can continue to hypocritically (see also Edwards’ and Reid’s irony) fuel the far left by giving legitimacy to the wacko BDS conspiracy theorists.

Oh, I agree he is right, but he along with his wife are liars. There is absolutely no way they could misconstrue Ann’s remarks but they purposely took that route anyway to become the victim. Ann was making that same exact point, the left go off the deep end daily but are never called on it….let a conservative do it and BAM, raked over the coals.

Exactly Curt. I emailed the WP writers who parroted his talking points without putting hers in context. Amazing. The bias of reporting on a conservative making a faux death threat vs NOT reporting a liberal making a faux death threat is blatant and inexcusable.