by Jeff Childers
You won’t find this anywhere in corporate media, but the most remarkable interview ran Tuesday in Chinese news outlet Xinhua. I chuckled, wryly, as I read the interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, since it is literally impossible to imagine our country’s ostensible president delivering intelligent, aware, and persuasive remarks like this without devolving into nonsense words, hair sniffing, or pugilistic threats.
I’ll quote a few points of interest, but for comprehensive readers, here is the full text of Xinhua’s interview with Putin.
Warning: the U.S. government has determined that anything Putin says is automatically disinformation and might crack your delicate brain like an egg. So only read this next segment if you want to try to understand for yourself how our geopolitical enemies like Russia, China, and the BRICS nations think.
Back in the day, Kennedy’s National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy once explained his State Department mentors bragged that “in the final analysis, the United States was the locomotive at the head of mankind, and the rest of the world was the caboose.” That confident swagger tracked a pre-Reagan “City on a Hill” philosophy, a philosophy born of America’s undeniable role in shining the headlight of freedom into the darkest corners of the globe.
But over time, especially lately, the non-Western world has grown increasingly skeptical whether the American conductor is staying sober, or is throwing some kind of party up there and about to get us all killed. Here’s how Putin described Russia’s overarching concerns, cleverly invoking inherently American values of human equality and even, hilariously, diversity.
In Putin’s view, America and Europe have privileged themselves at the expense of the developing world, and now the ‘developing world’ wants out, to make their own international system, as equals:
“Earth is the cradle of humanity, our common home, and we are all equal as its inhabitants. Most people on the planet share this view. However, the countries of the so-called ‘golden billion’ do not seem to think so. US-led Western elites refuse to respect civilizational and cultural diversity and reject centuries-old traditional values. Seeking to retain their global dominance, they have usurped the right to tell other nations with whom they may or must not make friends and cooperate, and deny them their right to choose their own development models. They disregard other countries’ sovereign interests. They seek to secure their well-being at the cost of other states, using neo-colonial methods.
Neither Russia nor its partners are happy with this situation. We have actively contributed to launching multilateral associations and mechanisms independent from the West, which build on the principles of equality, justice, transparency, and respect for mutual interests.”
Also cleverly, Putin isn’t calling for a completely new system. Putin just wants the United Nations to live up to its charter. He’s sick of hearing Biden’s diplomats talking about the so-called “rules-based international order,” which seems different from this United Nations project on which everybody has been laboring for decades. Putin just wants international rules that apply the same to everybody.
It’s almost like Putin was talking about a two-tiered justice system:
“The main problem we are dealing with is states whose ruling circles seek to substitute the world order based on international law with an ‘order based on certain rules,’ which they keep talking about but which no one has ever seen, no one has agreed to, and which, apparently, tend to change depending on the current political situation and interests of those who invent these rules.
We reject Western attempts to impose an order based on lies and hypocrisy, on some mythical rules of no one knows whose making. With the UN’s central coordinating role, we advocate for the primacy of international law, equal, indivisible, comprehensive and sustainable security at both the global and regional level.”
Finally, Putin reiterated that Russia has been and continues to be ready to negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine, but nobody in the West wants to negotiate with them. To the Russians, it seems like every time they turn around it’s sanctions, sanctions, and more sanctions:
“Russia stands ready for negotiations. We have never refused to negotiate. But Western elites are stubbornly working to ‘punish’ Russia, isolate and weaken it, supplying the Kiev authorities with money and arms. They have imposed almost 16,000 unilateral illegitimate sanctions against our country. They are threatening to dismember our country. They are illegally trying to appropriate our foreign assets. They are turning a blind eye to the resurgence of Nazism and to Ukraine-sponsored terrorist attacks in our territory.
We seek a comprehensive, sustainable and just settlement of this conflict through peaceful means. We are open to a dialogue on Ukraine, but such negotiations must consider the interests of all countries involved in the conflict, including ours. They must also involve a real discussion about future global stability, and provide reliable security guarantees both for Russia’s opponents and, naturally, for Russia.”
While you can quibble about Putin eliding Russia’s part in the conflict, you must admit it’s maddening that no one in the West — certainly none of Biden, Blinken, or Nod — ever mentions a negotiated end to the Ukraine war. It’s almost like all the Western leaders made a secret pact never to suggest diplomacy.
The result is they look like cowards; stinking of fear, they ceaselessly worry they’re outmatched and outwitted by the Russians, and agonise that if they negotiate with Putin, he’ll somehow wind up getting the better deal. Talking won’t work! So fighting is the only option. But they’re even too scared to fight the Russians directly. So it’s the old game, ‘how about you and him fight?’
Let’s just give the Ukrainians some more missiles and let THEM fight the Russians.
Maybe things were different fifty years ago, while the third world remained largely uneducated and unconnected to the Internet, without AI chatbots, and the rest of the world lay stifled by autocratic excess and Iron Curtain censorship. The passengers didn’t know where they wanted to go back then.
But now, we can’t expect the passengers back in the caboose to just keep quiet and not ask questions. Countries like Russia and China are surpassing the United States in some ways, and they understandably want to help look over the map.
Nobody knows who made the self-evident but widely-cited point: “We don’t make peace with our friends. We make peace with our enemies.” It’s past time to make peace with Russia. There must be something else the military-industrial complex could profitably do in the meantime. Feel free to offer your suggestions.
Another of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s great foreign policy “successes”; creating the alliance between China, Russia and Iran.
Putin was riding Horses and Moter Cycles while the Obamas were riding Stupid Bicycles
Donnie Toe Pads is no match for the Moscow Homunculus.
A portrait of himself on the wall… Probably the same artist that painted Tony Soprano with a horse…
Remember the injured hand? He took a nosedive.
I read a crazed fan squeezed his hand so hard SS had to knock her loose, why would only his hand be bruised?
Listen to these fools:
People Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden want to vote for him say that Jews should be exterminated. Which do you think is worse?
Is Putin still alive? I thought you said he was on death’s door. Have you ever been right about anything?
Trump losing by a landslide in 2020?
Thanks for reinforcing my point.
Did Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden lie when he said inflation was at 9% when he took office?
It spiked at 9 percent in June 2022. It’s currently 3.4%.
Maybe it’s just wishful thinking—like Trump’s repeated claim that he has a HUGE lead in the polls, or that he’d begun to pay down the national debt.
Oh Greg even Biden knows, he gets the finger from kids. They chant FJB and jihad or genocide Joe, why do you think they want no audience at the debate?
That’s because Trumpist parents are screwing up their children by pouring politics into their defenseless little brains.
Try again, Commie Bastard Greggie:
MxM News: Joe Biden’s inflation crisis continues with prices up 19.9% since ’21, CPI report
As the inflation crisis under President Joe Biden’s administration continues, the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) report reveals a 19.9% increase in prices since January 2021. This surge in prices has resulted in an annual cost of $12,892 to the average household.
Key Details:
Aw, cmon, man! Don’t you know, it’s all a massive conspiracy by every retailer and supplier in the country to simultaneously gouge the consumer and not Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden stupid, destructive, socialist policies?
Huge corporations have gouged American consumers under cover of inflation. You really haven’t figured that out? You probably haven’t noticed the prevalence of deceptive grocery store packaging, either.
It’s interesting that corporate interests recently attempted to undermine the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, but pro-Trump social media didn’t even cover it. If it isn’t reported by your social media echo chamber, it never happened.
Knock it off with that gouge argument that this regime spews. It’s nonsense. Obvious question is if true why didn’t corporations do it while Trump was President? Didn’t they want to make big profits then? Just a reminder here’s the economic genius’s Biden relys on.
It’s Not ‘Inflation’ — We’re Just Getting Ripped Off. Here’s Proof – Corporate profits accounted for more than half of recent price increases. To stamp out inflation once and for all, we need to crack down on price gouging.
Probably you haven’t noticed packaging modifications to reduce product net weight either—reducing the thickness of cereal boxes while maintaining the same height and width for shelf appearance, for example. It’s called “shrinkflation”.
So again why now and not with Trump?
BTW your article wants taxes raised, that will take more money from average people. Yeah that will cure inflation . NOT! It’s just another left wing grievance site not proof.
No, stupid. It’s INFLATION. Instead of raising the price, they give you less product. It’s INFLATION and it’s Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s fault. HE destroyed a thriving economy that only needed him and the rest of his socialists to get out of the way, but they can’t resist the opportunity to put another $6 trillion in flow that they can steal from. And, we get NOTHING from the trillions and trillions of debt the Democrats run up.
So according to you all businesses big and small, all corporations both big and small got together in a huge cabal of collusion to raise prices and or shrink packages at the same time. That tin foil hat of yours is just too tight.
BTW my insurance both car and home went up this year. And not by a tiny amount. No shrinkflation there. My friend’s and neighbors saw the same thing.
It’s the government driving the inflation bus.
gregs ever supply of bullshit on inflation does not reach the smell test. His belief that corporations are to blame for out of control inflation demonstrates his economic illiteracy.
It started with biden’s attack on energy independence and escalated with deficit and debt spending.
Uh huh. Sure. So, why does Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden provide them with that cover? I’ve noticed that due to inflation, the contents of some packages gets reduced so the price isn’t raised. It’s still inflation and it’s still Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s fault.
That is total bullshit.
Inflation has been global.
Yes the world trying to fund Ukraine with debt and increased interest rates.
Fuel prices with insane green policies.
Ukraine has no path to victory.
In America, inflation is due to Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s stupid policies.
And deficit spending.
Trump ran up $8 Trillion in new debt over only four years.
Trump ran up a couple of trillion, having to rebuild the damage Obama had done, mostly to the military. Democrats ran up the rest.
Biden is adding 80k per second now. How much higher will he go? No complaints from you.
Blinken hopes you won’t find out that Ukrainian officials got rich using our tax dollars to invest in fake companies…
Try again, Commie Greggie:
MxM News: Joe Biden’s inflation crisis continues with prices up 19.9% since ’21, CPI report
As the inflation crisis under President Joe Biden’s administration continues, the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) report reveals a 19.9% increase in prices since January 2021. This surge in prices has resulted in an annual cost of $12,892 to the average household.
Key Details:
Inflation is back!
With a vengance.
Unless you’re on the dole, then joe takes care of everything.
03/06/24 – Trump supporters target black voters with faked AI images –
So, your premise is that black voters are so stupid (why, they don’t even know what a computer is) that if they see a picture of Trump with some black folks, all blacks will just automatically vote for him?
Those trips to the bodega and the Chick-fil-A, were those AI, too?
That’s obviously the premise of those creating and posting the fake images.
Yeah… it spiked after Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s policies and Pelosi’s massive wasteful, pork-filled spending were in effect.
About that question… did he lie when he said inflation was 9% when he took office?
“Uh…uh…whut now?”
It’s about time somebody talked back to Georgia’s disruptive bleach-blond bimbo.
Aren’t you concerned about merrick garlands contempt charges? The last time an AG was held in contempt was eric holder over the gun running scandal in mexico
Nope. Not in the least.
Translation, greg knows this is a big deal and it makes the entire biden regime look tyrannical. Why no comments to defend. We all know why. This one is a big deal.
They look tyrannical because they ARE tyrannical.
Of course not. You leftists shit on the Constitution and rule of law. Did Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden lie when he said inflation was at 9% when he took office?
The leftist twats were outraged that MTG exposed their involvement in the lawfare.
The Poles show different you Moron
The media jumps on Putin is not the enemy and blows it into love for Putin the most ridiculous jump of lunacy ever.
Greg is your typical cut and dried liberal a total sucker for the left, dumb enough to believe anything
Your a total Sucker if your stupid enough to believe anything you get from A-Mess-NBC the Lying Peacock News