An American Spring?!

If you think May Day is a spring festival for dancing around some pole while throwing flowers and hoping to see a fantastic creature like a unicorn, you’re in the wrong century and probably the wrong dimension.

I dunno…some of these protests look like they came straight out of “the wrong dimension…and even involve unicorns:

The Incompetent Obama – His Economic Policies Will Be Our Undoing

Illinois offers us a perfect example of what happens when you institute liberal policies, as Obama has done to the entire country:

After trying to tax Illinois to governmental solvency and economic dynamism, Pat Quinn, a Democrat who has been governor since 2009, now says “our rendezvous with reality has arrived.” Actually, Illinois is still reality-averse, so Americans may soon learn the importance of the freedom to fail in a system of competitive federalism.

Obama Can’t Run On His Record….So Why Not Run Behind Reagan

“”If you don’t have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from….You make a big election about small things,” ” – Barack Obama 08/28/08

Obama uttered these words just a few short years ago. It was supposedly a charge against politics as usual.

Now, he is following the politics as usual playbook to a tee.

How much is your country really worth to you? [Reader Post]

The pending nomination of Mitt Romney demonstrates that conservatives cannot depend on the GOP to light a fire under the American people about the dangers of the leftist agenda and profligate spending. The danger posed by your mother in law or your best friend are nothing compared to the Taliban or Al Qaeda and the other real dangers our men and women in uniform face every day. How much are you willing to do to make sure that their sacrifice is not in vain? Are you willing to do what it takes to help send the Democrats home?

President Obama – The Original Occupy Wall Streeter? [Reader Post]

Now that the Occupy Wall Street movement is dying down and shifting from creating mass group therapy sessions and breeding grounds for crime to its main goal of getting President Obama re-elected, it dawned on me that the president shares a very disturbing trait with the occupiers. And no, it’s not a love for playing hackey sack while avoiding personal hygiene.

Polls Show People Want Lower Tax Rates & Believe Insurance Mandate Is Unconstitutional

Couple interesting polls out to share. The first is this one from The Hill in which they asked likely voters what they believed would be a good tax rate for the rich.

Three-quarters of likely voters believe the nation’s top earners should pay lower, not higher, tax rates, according to a new poll for The Hill.

Obama’s policies are killing the middle class [Reader Post]

Barack Obama is entirely predisposed to claiming that he inherited a an economic mess, and it in truth, he did. He did assert that he could fix the economy in three years and implied that he perhaps ought to be limited to one term if he did not deliver.

Back then he said he should be held accountable but today wants to be accountable for absolutely nothing save for killing Bin Laden.

Tears Of Joy

Kim Jung Il’s life: a soliloquy in lunacy and madness.

Often the sages admonish
Oh Death, be not so proud
A tender soul’s last wish
The welfare of others be allowed

Death unkind, strikes indiscriminate
History records with only a wretched few
Death comes not soon enough to elate
The drop of his miserable carcass in its tomb