“Let them eat surimi!” [Reader Post]

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It’s all so weird. It’s all so unseemly. Multi-millionaires begging for $3 and selling themselves off in raffles.

The email Michelle Obama sent to me:

This holiday has felt a bit like one last long, deep breath before we plunge into 2012.

This time next year, I don’t want us to have any regrets. I want to be able to say we rose to the task, and got it done. We’ve all got some work to do right now.

Over the next 11 months we’ve got an organization to grow, voters to register, and people to get fired up.

I hope you’ll close out this year by donating $3 or more now to help make sure we’re ready for the next one:


Thank you so much, and happy new year,


P.S. — Also, when you donate today, you are automatically entered for a chance to be one of three supporters to have dinner with Barack and me.

She vacations in Hawaii each year at a cost of $4 million, takes her own jets to vacation destinations all at taxpayer expense, wears $500 Lanvin sneakers to help the poor, $2000 Mexican tablecloths on vacation, and she wants us to to rise to the task and send her $3 so she won’t have any regrets.

Barack sent me this email:

It’s not all that often that Michelle and I get to host a casual meal with friends.

That’s one of the reasons we’re both excited about the upcoming dinner with three supporters and your guests.

It’s the first one we’ve ever done like this together, and we’d love to have you and whoever you choose to join us.

Chip in $3 or whatever you can today — and you’ll automatically be entered to be one of our dinner guests.

I enjoy these dinners not just because they’re a way to connect with supporters across the country.

They also say a lot about what kind of campaign we’re running.

We don’t take a dime from D.C. lobbyists or special-interest PACs — never have and never will. Instead, we believe in the kind of politics that gives everyone a seat at the table — so we’re literally offering these seats at dinner to folks who are willing to step forward and be a part of it.

There are just a few days left to add your name for a chance to be one of our guests at the next dinner, and help build this campaign before 2012 finally arrives.

Make a donation of $3 or whatever you can today — and automatically enter to be there:




As soon as he was done saddling us with a trillion dollar failed stimulus, Barack Obama sucked down a meal of $100 per serving Wagyu beef.

When he got to Hawaii, Obama headed right for Morimoto’s. There are countless sushi restaurants in Hawaii but few as tony as Morimoto’s, where the Oyster Foie Gras runs $22 per piece.

Then he ate at Alan Wong’s, another exclusive locale, and it’s estimated that he spent at least $260, or 13 weeks’ worth of middle class tax cuts.

The Obama’s, who deny themselves nothing in the face of a poor economy (“Middle Class Warriors” as Keith Koffler describes them), the Obama’s, who eat the best food at the best at the best restaurants at our expense, invite YOU to send $3 so you can share a “casual meal” with them.

Waygu beef and martinis for them, beer and pizza for their supporters.

That’s as good a metaphor for this Presidency as it gets.

A couple of days ago Mitt Romney compared Barack Obama to Marie Antoinette:

“When the president’s characterization of our economy was, ‘It could be worse,’ it reminded me of Marie Antoinette: ‘Let them eat cake,’ ” Romney told The Huffington Post in an interview Thursday.

With the Obamas dining on the finest food, enjoying the best vacations, not letting Presidentin’ get in the way of his 91 rounds of golf, Romney’s got a point.

It’s good to be Queen.

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@rockybutte: Dude, I remember the sixties as well. I remember fighting for my country while liberal wachos like you paraded around in you pajamas and demonstrated about anything and everything under the sun. Of course you where un willing to anything meaningful except demonstrate your ignorance to the real world. And now your flower power children continue this nonsense with the OWS movement and wanting everything for free and not willing to work for it. I am a racist as well and hate your kind because your lazy and unwilling to live in the real world. Grow up!!

Common sense #52 says “I am a racist”. Rockybutte says he is a racist. Honesty at F.A.
Racism exists and can’t be swept under the mat.

you say you are racist, yes you are a liberal along the democrats spouting names
like let them go to hell, or the TEA PARTY IS MADE OF TERRORISTS, ya that is not good for racist to say it,
where does the racist card come from, well everybody know now, not from here, and it will be fix on NOVEMBER 2012, NO MORE CLASS WARFARE, NO MORE HATEMONGERS IN THE WHITE HOUSE, it will be fix once and for all; YOU should have mentioned that WORDSMITH was relating to GOVERNMENT PARTY NOT INDIVIDUALS CIVILIANS, shame on you


As my dean at the College (now university) of Saint Thomas would put it “that is a lot of pedantic rant full of lumps”. Perhaps getting a bit more down to earth away from the leafy confines of Chestnut Hill if we resided in a “racist” community; such as, pitching tent in Roxbury or black neighborhood project Dorchester. Better still, get a set of keys to a Valerie Jarrett tenement flat where Barry O’BingoGame did his stint as “community organizer”. This week’s Chicago (born and lived there) count is 15 shot on the southside just a Par-4 away from the High-IQ digs of Hyde Park. Academe is something along the lines of the Globe Theater where all the students had been to Denmark or walked Arden Field. (hint: Shakespeare had never been to Copenhagan or Greese) For me, after living is several areas east of the Mississippi it is Harlem my favorite, everything you have heard or read about Harlem are racist main street media Oprah Winfrey-Al Sharpton lies.

@rockybutte #51:

You advise me to forget the “sixties”.

Here’s what wordsmith typed in Comment #38:

The 60s were over four decades ago. Quit living in the past. If you can’t see the difference between then and now,

Care to re-comprehend?

Some commented that liberals are racist because liberals opposed Cain, Clarence Thomas and Alan West. Liberals opposed those men because they’re conservative. I oppose Alan Keyes and Michael Steele, too. In fact, I oppose all conservatives.

And yet if conservatives oppose President Obama, it must be because we are racists, right? Not because we actually are opposed to his policies?

When Bill and Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and many other liberal Democrats are villified fairly or unfairly, is that out of racism? Why should Obama be treated with a kid glove pass? Because he’s black? Pffft! He’s being treated equally, with the same fervent political partisan rancor that everyone on his side of the political aisle gets treated with.

I realize that it serves your purpose to brand liberals as racists.

No, it serves your side to constantly slander the Republican Party as the party of racists.

Neither side is pure on race and it has nothing to do with political leanings. There are racists in both camps. But you remain stuck in time, fighting battles from the 60s that have been mostly won, and romanticizing notions that Democrats were the sole good guys and distorting the political record. My blockquote listing the Republican record and Democrat shortfalls on race issues doesn’t tell the full story either. It is partisan. But you fail to see the partisan slant in the picture you choose to paint. Wake up.

As I have mentioned before, I am a racist. Everyone is a racist to a degree. What we should be doing is helping each other become aware of our racial blind spots.

You’re welcome!

So you acknowledge the blind spot I am trying to point out to you now?

Please stop spewing hate of Latinos and Muslims, Flopping Acers. It doesn’t become you.

I agree, where it applies. When will you acknowledge that most conservatives such as myself do not hate Latinos and Muslims? That your side spins the issues and makes it about race.

I won’t bother you again.

You don’t bother me, rockybutte.

I enjoy those like yourself willing to read what conservatives have to say, even when you might be failing to grasp what we are saying.

I guess I keep holding out hopes that one day you might at least understand the conservative point of view without spinning it through your liberal-lens filter in order to make sense of it to fit your distorted worldview of the conservative mind.