Hasta La Vista Kim Baby!
Kim Jung Il’s life: a soliloquy in lunacy and madness.
Often the sages admonish
Oh Death, be not so proud
A tender soul’s last wish
The welfare of others be allowed
Death unkind, strikes indiscriminate
History records with only a wretched few
Death comes not soon enough to elate
The drop of his miserable carcass in its tomb
This could well be a scripted scene from a remake of Orwell’s 1984:
This is a more realistic response.
The world awaits the apparent madness of the heir apparent and the ubiquitous and fawning attention by our State Department to insure adequate supplies for the country and an effortless transition of power from one totalitarian despot to another, like when we aided Kim and his transition of ultimate Nepotism.
From the pen of Hitchens, 2005:
One tries to avoid cliché, and I did my best on a visit to this terrifying country in the year 2000, but George Orwell’s 1984was published at about the time that Kim Il Sung set up his system, and it really is as if he got hold of an early copy of the novel and used it as a blueprint. (“Hmmm … good book. Let’s see if we can make it work.”)
Actually, North Korea is rather worse than Orwell’s dystopia. There would be no way, in the capital city of Pyongyang, to wander off and get lost in the slums, let alone to rent an off-the-record love nest in a room over a shop. Everybody in the city has to be at home and in bed by curfew time, when all the lights go off (if they haven’t already failed). A recent nighttime photograph of the Korean peninsula from outer space shows something that no “free-world” propaganda could invent: a blaze of electric light all over the southern half, stopping exactly at the demilitarized zone and becoming an area of darkness in the north.
Kim, Rest In Hell, you evil bastard!
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Visit me on Facebook.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dylantheauthor
It’s incomprehensible to me that since 1995, the U.S. has sent over $1 billion in foreign aid to North Korea, the result of which was to prop up this murdering dictator. Just this week, the U.S. was planning to announce another 240,000 ton food “donation”. And Congress can’t find any place to cut the budget?
I had the privilege to see a lengthy slide show of photos taken by a Soviet photographer back when he was part of an entorage visiting NK while the USSR was one of NK’s allies.
The poverty of the place was unable to be hidden.
One set of photos showed a young starving child, a Soviet gave her a portion of his own food, she began to eat it, then an NK soldier walked over, took it and ate it right in front of the Soviets.
(He was armed, they were not.)
The ex-Soviet photographer said it wasn’t the stark vision of the poverty that stuck with him as much as it was the SOUND of such poverty.
Early in each morning he was awakened by a loud shuffling sound.
He would look out his window to see thousands of NK workers WALKING in a shuffling manner, with their heads facing their feet, making no eye contact with anyone, on their way to their labors.
There are no noises of life, like radio, children’s laughter, people talking, even birds singing.
After dark it gets really quiet.
This photographer got to a border zone and sneaked quite a few snapshots there.
It was painfully obvious that all of the border reinforcements were designed to keep its own people IN.
Obama was already planning to send food aid when NK shot short range missiles forcing Obama to put his plan on hold.
John, it’s sad, but those food shipments probably fed his army and bureaucrats.
How can we, on the verge of financial collapse, prop up this sadistic regime; for without out money/food, they would need to become more responsible or the regime would collapse. There has been speculation that the new monster is even crazier than his father, but with an even more coldblooded resolve.
If he doesn’t like whiskey, sales might go down. Is that the bottom line?
This is even a greater reason for our withdrawal from the United Nations; for while they worry over gaining control over America’s economy with the CO2 tax, they ignore rogue regimes like the Jung Il and let them starve whole populations to pursue a nuclear program. Consequently, a rogue regime run by mad men is nearly ready to send Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles half way around the world, and just what has the UN accomplished, besides enriching its petty thugs running the place. Thugs who want a hand in our pocket and a voice in our government.
Get us out of this criminal enterprise and kick them out of the country.
It has already started: http://news.yahoo.com/n-korea-test-fires-short-range-missile-report-130006284.html
The picture of Kim Jung Il in the first video was probably chosen for public display at this point because it most closely resembles Kim Jung Un, North Korea’s new incarnation of Big Brother.
‘The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people and so long as men die, liberty will never perish.’ – Charlie Chaplin, from The Great Dictator
Unfortunately, it is too soon to be able to be happy for the people of North Korea. One dictator follows another.
Fox News notices that not one person crying had any tears in their eyes and even asked if these could have been staged. I wonder if the propaganda media noticed the no tears.
I saw the videos on these crying North Koreans. I was thinking however perhaps they are crying and wailing tears for Joy that this bastard is finally DEAD….no love loss there or anywhere…. unfortunately…they are not ‘rid’ of their misery by his death… there is another one [or two] coming right up behind him…
His death reminded me of these morons in this video – I am specifically speaking of what the woman had to say about [North Korea] when asked..not to mention the other morons and their Clue-Less montage… with this footage how can you wonder why the United States is going to hell in a hand bag….