Paul Ryan doesn’t get it
Paul Ryan doesn’t get it. I’m not sure he ever did. Ryan made a speech at the Reagan Library condemning the populist appeal of Donald Trump. And here’s the reality …
Paul Ryan doesn’t get it. I’m not sure he ever did. Ryan made a speech at the Reagan Library condemning the populist appeal of Donald Trump. And here’s the reality …
Congressional Republicans are a mystery. P.J. O’Rourke said it best: The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on …
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it. The media has lost its collective mind. Mass insanity reigns.CBS This Morning opened with their senior journalist Steven Colbert and …
Speaker Paul Ryan is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The self-proclaimed limited government Republican received an “F” on Conservative Review’s Liberty Scorecard. Throughout his legislative career, the so-called free market …
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has been busy selling the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), intended to fast-track the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and related deals, to Americans, along with others like Rubio, …
“I don’t think an apology is owed” -IRS Commissioner John Koskinen Note well the smirk on the face of the IRS Commissioner during this hearing. That smirk was on display …
The NYT’s, that bastion of unbiased reporting…cough, has a story today entitled “Divisions in G.O.P. Are Laid Bare on First Day of Conservative Conference”. The largest annual gathering of Republican …
The Economist has a pretty good article out about the similarities between our economic mess and Europe’s. They get it right on many issues, and completely wrong on others but …
An OWS activist and his pregnant girl friend were arrested on bomb paraphernalia charges. The arrests have brought forth images of Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, the friends …
Didn’t take long for the defenders of the freebie culture to race in defense of one Susan Rice:
CHRIS MATTHEWS: “it does seem that even if a person makes a mistake… they were given the wrong brief, and they offered up the brief….why is there this HOSTILITY to this young public servant who isn’t a politician even, she serves in the foreign affairs capacity….why are they treating her like she’s somebody to punch?”
CONGRESSMAN JAMES CLYBURN: “This young African American woman, I might say”