Dying amoral liar Harry Reid says Trump has no conscience?
Dying people tend to show remorse and seek and offer forgiveness. Not Harry Reid. He is going out as the amoral liar he proved himself to be. He tore …
Dying people tend to show remorse and seek and offer forgiveness. Not Harry Reid. He is going out as the amoral liar he proved himself to be. He tore …
“What does Russia have on Trump?”, asks Nancy Pelosi. The better question is, what did Putin and Rouhani have on obama? It’s June of 2001. George W. Bush is …
Mitt Romney made a splash in the media recently by attacking Donald Trump, and he was pretty hyped up about it. Mitt Romney Lays Out Scathing Critique of Donald …
Bain Capital. Remember Bain Capital? 2012 ring a bell? Here, let me help: Rolling Stone: Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital Washington Post: The two …
But worse. Much worse. Although Hillary Clinton is widely expected to prevail in the democrat primaries, there is concern for her. She’s not likable. Allies of Hillary Clinton are …
You gotta be freaking kidding me: Mitt Romney has said time and time again that he has no interest in running for president a third time. But, on Sunday morning, …
The NYT’s, that bastion of unbiased reporting…cough, has a story today entitled “Divisions in G.O.P. Are Laid Bare on First Day of Conservative Conference”. The largest annual gathering of Republican …
The old guard….that old guard that gave us McCain and Romney to sacrifice at the altar of Obama, knowing full well they would lose….is at it again pulling out the …
Which candidate was the darling of the Media? Romney spent more on TV ads but got much less I thought we were done with 2012 Election! I guess not so. …
How arrogant must Obama be? This should fill you in:
The Obama administration worked during the election to formally draft rules governing the targeted killing of terrorists by unmanned drones in an effort to aid a possible transition had Mitt Romney won the presidency.