Hillary Tells Women To Cowboy Up

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Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told American women she is tired of listening to them whine; actually, she said she can't stand them to hear them “whining.” If they had the wherewithal to marry a president, they could finagle jobs like Senator of New York and Secretary of State. Oh, but they insist on making bad choices in life and then whining about those same bad choices.

Hillary knows about bad choices, as Secretary of State it is her responsibility for the security at diplomatic posts like Benghazi. That debacle went to Hell in a hand basket, but you don't hear her complaining. Hell no, it is full speed ahead to the next disaster.

In an interview with Marie Claire, Hillary dumped on American women who make poor choices with career and family, and frankly, she is tired of listening to them complain about having no options.

“I can’t stand whining,” Clinton told Marie Claire. “I can’t stand the kind of paralysis that some people fall into because they’re not happy with the choices they’ve made. You live in a time when there are endless choices. … Money certainly helps, and having that kind of f

inancial privilege goes a long way, but you don’t even have to have money for it. But you have to work on yourself. … Do something!”

In the presidential race, women are turning away from Obama; Hillary figures her interview and opinion will help this trend, but we are left asking whether she is trying to drive women away or bring them back to Obama.

With a huge staff, a woman's work is much easier, but Hillary neglected to mention her staff, she talked about extremely successful women to inspire millions of frustrated women and give them a false sense of hope.

“Some women are not comfortable working at the pace and intensity you have to work at in these jobs. … Other women don’t break a sweat. …They have four or five, six kids. They’re highly organized, they have very supportive networks.”

Hillary stated once again, that she doesn't plan to run for the presidency in 2016; although, after her performance in the Benghazi debacle, her candidacy is an academic point at best, but why is she trying to ruin Obama's election chances?

Disclaimer: Hillary is responsible for the grammar and syntax in her quotes; however, this is a minor problem for the most intelligent woman in the world.

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Skook –>> The Hillary quote you print near the bottom of your post: – seems to be describing Sarah Palin!! – hmmm?

Hillary stated once again, that she doesn’t plan to run for the presidency in 2016; although, after her performance in the Benghazi debacle, her candidacy is an academic point at best, but why is she trying to ruin Obama’s election chances?

Uh, maybe because they pretty much set her up for the position of scapegoat? I’m honestly stumped as to why Bill is still helping Obama.

Bill helped Obama like a snake helped Cleopatra, Ditto.
Did you hear or read what he said?

Bill Clinton:

“Governor Romney’s argument is, we’re not fixed, so fire him and put me in. It is true we’re not fixed. When President Obama looked into the eyes of that man who said in the debate, I had so much hope four years ago and I don’t now, I thought he was going to cry. Because he knows that it’s not fixed.”

Stick a knife in Obama, he’s done if he even thinks Bill or Hill are ”helping” him.
Romney made a joke last night that every time VP Joe Biden speaks the FCC insists on Romney’s voice saying afterwards, “I’m Mitt Romney and I approved this message.”
Seems Mitt might have to say this about Bill or Hill’s statements, too!

UPDATE: A Romney spokesman comments: “We agree with former President Bill Clinton.”

Nan, revenge is best served with humor. LOL!

I do not care for the idea of hearing Hillary’s droning voice for eight years—but it that’s what it takes to keep the Republicans out of office, so be it.

@Liberal1 (Objectivity): Mmmmmmm! As always BOHICA man2 truly wishes he had been in Benghazi to take Amb. Steven’s punishment(?).

@Nan G:

LOL! (Shhhh! The Clinton’s want the party faithful to keep sipping of the Cool-aid without realizing what Bill’s message to independents really is. We wouldn’t want Lib1, Greg or Tom to catch on to the truth would we?)