Lost In The Pointless Forest, Without A Point Of View

In a cartoonish caricature of himself, columnist Paul Krugman, of the NYT, has written a rambling and unfocused apology for the incoherence of the Occupy Wall Street comedy, in a lame attempt to steal the energy of the mindless mob. Borrowing the first two lines from a popular 1967 song, by Stills of Buffalo Springfield, Krugman begins his clownish attempt of a unifying message for the mob by clumsily injecting his personal prejudices in a vague but obvious method, thereby parroting a nonexistent voice of leadership to the rebellion without direction, by offering some helpful if flaccid finger prointing.

NASA Can Predict Temperature 200 Years Into The Future, But Where To Park Bus Sized Satellite?

NASA scientists are hoping a bus sized satellite will disintegrate on reentry and people won’t be run down by their dead climate satellite that they presumably used to contribute to the Anthropomorphic Global Warming hysteria. It will land today, but by using the same mathematical skills they employed in the Left’s political ploy to weaken the US and redistribute its’ wealth among developing countries like China, they don’t have a clue as to where to reserve a parking space for their dead orbiting climate change bus.

NASA gained valuable insight and a sense of relief into the parking issue on Thursday, when they decided the bus sized satellite would miss the Western Hemisphere, saving them the hassles of litigation in an LA or NY civil law court. The prospect of a confrontation in a Liberal court that has no tort reform must be frightening to the wizards at NASA.

Like The Man In A Silo

Friend —

Today I asked for a joint session of Congress where I will lay out a clear plan to get Americans back to work.

Next week, I will deliver the details of the plan and call on lawmakers to pass it. Whether they will do the job they were elected to do is ultimately up to them.

But both you and I can pressure them to do the right thing. We can send the message that the American people are playing by the rules and meeting their responsibilities—and it’s time for our leaders in Congress to meet theirs. And we must hold them accountable if they don’t.

So I’m asking you to stand with me in calling on Congress to step up and take action on jobs:

Captain America, The Press Must Not Give Equal Access To TEA Party Philosophy

Senator John Kerry, “Captain America” Democrat from MA, has validated the Liberal Media’s one sided coverage of political debate. On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Friday insisted that the media has a moral obligation not to give equal time or credence to TEA Party philosophy.

With a blatant call for tyranny, Captain America, AKA John Kerry seems oblivious of his call for suspension of fundamental liberties.

Wild Socks With Big Feet

It’s true I have snow on the roof year round, but the sap stays up year round. The young girls in diners and coffee shops smile and call me sir: oh, how I miss the days when they’d smile and wink. Yes, I am a senior citizen and I try to accept the sentence of life without parole with as much grace and dignity as possible. Despite my advanced years and a raven haired young beauty for a girl friend, I still admire the feminine form; just because you are on a diet doesn’t mean you can’t read the menu.

Honesty and Integrity, Up Close and Personal

The outfitter told me I’d be taking out an older hunter, to be careful not to over do the hunting and to keep a close watch over him in case he needed to come in early. Whenever there was an unusual hunter, I was chosen to be his or her guide. I didn’t mind, it was a compliment actually; however, rather than thinking of myself as special, I figured I was more likely to remember and follow instructions than the other guides.

There were a bunch of young hunters in their thirties and forties, they were dressed in the latest from the big outdoor shops and they were excited about going on the hunt. They already had several days worth of whiskers, to have “the look” out in the mountains. Personally, the whiskers drive me nuts, but if whiskers made their hunt more enjoyable, then grow some damn whiskers.

“The Revolution Ate Its Children” Maximilien Francois Robespierre

Since the French Revolution, the idea of Left and Right political persuasions have been key designations for political debate. Of course the French Revolution ended like most revolutions in a virtual bloodbath. Throughout history, revolutions become the spoiled children of greedy desperate men or laced up in a ligature of half baked Marxist ideology.