Free yourselves! Dump Twitter and Facebook! Here are the alternatives
Facebook recently locked up the account of “Heros of Liberty” only to later backtrack following the uproar, saying it was an “error.” It was one of those “errors” that only …
Facebook recently locked up the account of “Heros of Liberty” only to later backtrack following the uproar, saying it was an “error.” It was one of those “errors” that only …
Two years ago I made a decision to leave Facebook, and it was one of the best decisions I’ve made in recent years. AFter having spent roughly a decade …
Every now and then the stupidity of liberals just gets so excessive that it’s hard to fit it into a single post while analyzing the insanity. This is a …
Please give a warm welcome to Brother Bob: Blogging by the credo of “Making the world a more offensive place, one blog post at a time”, Brother Bob started writing posts around …
Just a heads up, the site will be upgraded to a new theme today or tomorrow. Due to all the graphics in the old theme it took way to long …
On Thursday, the state-directed media went ballistic when Scott Walker was asked his opinion of evolution. Unlike the majority of Americans and the entire liberal media complex, Scott Walker does …
So it appears I totally forgot about the 10 year anniversary of this blog. It all started on Nov 13th, 2004 when I wrote my first post celebrating the death …
I received sad news today. Lise Grenier, better known to everyone at Flopping Aces as ILOVEBEESWARZONE passed away earlier this month. She had been a frequent visitor here for five …
This is a night to remember. Democrats are in disarray. Obamacare is in utter chaos. Drudge reads this way: Refers Users to Uncertified Navigators and Assisters… Launch spawns over …
Perhaps Republicans should abandon their efforts to defund Obamacare. Perhaps the best thing they could do is simply get out of the way. Chad Henderson became the poster boy for …