Wild Socks With Big Feet

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It’s true I have snow on the roof year round, but the sap stays up year round. The young girls in diners and coffee shops smile and call me sir: oh, how I miss the days when they’d smile and wink. Yes, I am a senior citizen and I try to accept the sentence of life without parole with as much grace and dignity as possible. Despite my advanced years and a raven haired young beauty for a girl friend, I still admire the feminine form; just because you are on a diet doesn’t mean you can’t read the menu.

A few days ago, I was at the Apple Store taking lessons for formatting the text of my books, they are much further along the trail of electronic publishing; however, it is a high treacherous trail with mud and ice above wild rivers and not meant for the feeble or faint hearted.

When you buy a Mac, you have the option of buying a year’s worth of lessons, as many as you have time for on almost anything that the Mac is programmed for. After the first year you can renew for another year it is a great program that has helped me immensely. It only costs a hundred dollars and you can use the program in any Apple store if you are traveling. I don’t do promotions for companies; but this is a great program.

After a lesson, while working in one of the cities known for a Gay lifestyle, I walked into a coffee shop across the street to test my new computer skills while they were still fresh in the brain pan. I was finishing a cup of the strong dark brew I prefer, the kind that will float a horseshoe. I was deep in concentration and exercising my keyboard, when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a pair of loud colored long socks walking through the door to my right. The young horse girls like to wear the long gaily colored socks under their long English boots and I like the way they look, it’s a man thing. My eyes began to drift upward slowly to take in the whole package, thinking it might be someone I work for. The size of the feet and knees told me that it was a big girl. My eyes continued their upward migration and there were muscular thighs that looked powerful. The thighs continued to a mauve miniskirt that was scandalously short. At this point, I looked up to see that my young girl was indeed a man in his mid-thirties that looked as though he could have been a former college football player.

Needless to say, I was astounded and bewildered. I had never seen anything so provocative in my travels, but it is a reasonable part of modern American life to accept these unusual people as just another person. I tried not to stare, but the “guy” might have been a handsome man: as a woman, he lacked femininity. In my brain of brains, well known for surmising a multitude of possibilities and conflicts; I wondered how I would respond if this man approached me with a sparkle in his eye.

Of course, I’d let him know in no uncertain terms, that he and I traveled on opposite sides of the fence, but what if he was persistent and didn’t take a hint. That is a question that will be coming up in the future and has already contributed to the death of a high school boy in Southern California. The trial has started in Chatsworth, CA.

An Avoidable Tragedy

A 14-year old Ventura County boy, Brandon McInerney, shot an openly gay student, Larry King, twice in the head at point blank range. The injured student was brain dead and taken off life support a few days later to harvest the organs for transplant donation.

There is no question of guilt; the shooting took place in a classroom with multiple witnesses. McInerney is being charged as an adult with premeditated murder with the enhancements of using a firearm and a crime of hate.

Classmates of the two boys related that King had just recently started wearing make up and jewelry: he had stepped out of the closet and proclaimed his gayness openly.

The other students have also admitted that several boys, including McInerney, had a verbal confrontation about King’s sexual orientation the day before the shooting.

King was a foster child, with psychological problems.

McIrney had no previous criminal activity and was considered a good student.

If convicted, McInerney could face 50 years to life. The hate crime enhancement adds another one to three years to his sentence.

King was cross dressing and being flamboyant his attire was disturbing the students at E.O. Green Junior High in Oxnard.

Joy Epstein an openly lesbian assistant principal, maintained that it was within the school’s dress code for King to wear eye makeup, high heel boots, and earrings. By law, the school can’t differentiate on which gender is entitled to dress in this manner. Epstein testified:

They said we had to protect his civil rights and his equal rights; we could not discriminate between a boy and a girl wearing those items to school.

Epstein consulted with an administrator at the Hueneme Elementary School District after King started coming to school in late January 2008 in women’s accessories. Epstein was told that, by law, as long as the 15-year-old student wore the school’s uniform, he was entitled to embellish as he pleased.

Ventura County Senior Dist. Atty. Maeve Fox maintains that McInerney was motivated and influenced by “White Power” ideology, a group that considers homosexuality as an abomination. Apparently, McIrnerney’s friends were involved with this group.

McInerney’s attorneys admit he pulled the trigger, but that King provoked the response by harassing McIrnerney with sexual overtures, for example: interrupting a basketball game and asking McIrnerny to be his Valentine(an action that caused McIrnerney’s friends to ask him if he and King were going to make gay babies together) and by King telling McIrnerney that he knows he wants him in a crowded hallway.

School officials are being portrayed as promoting King’s sexual identity and actions. Dawn Boldrin, a teacher gave King a prom dress and offered tips for applying make up, she testified on Monday that shaded not ask permission from the parents before giving him the dress.

“It seemed that the foster care he was in was not condoning it, per se, but at least was allowing him to finally do as he wanted to do,” Boldrin told the court.

Martha Romero, a science teacher, testified that she saw several boys restraining McIrnerney who appeared agitated, the day before the shooting: she found out later, McIrnerney was upset because, as they passed in the hall, King said:

“I love you, baby!”

The next morning, McIrnerney sat behind King in computer lab and shot him twice in the back of the head.

The dynamics of this case are liable to have far reaching effects. The “White Power” exposure will be an influencing factor, but are we assumed to be consumed by an ideology because of our friend’s beliefs?

The behavior of school officials and their eagerness to promote the Gay Agenda has apparently contributed to King’s death.

Are Gays allowed to harass others sexually, without repercussions, because of a privileged position in society.

Are schools qualified and prepared to deal with the complications that will arise when they encourage Gay students to be flamboyant.

The passions of a male adolescent are complicated. He is trying to define himself as a man and cope with desire for females, while learning acceptable means of expressing desire for females. The unwanted attention of gays serves to complicate the process and can cause serious reactions from the straight male trying to understand his masculinity.

Without a doubt, McIrnerney pulled the trigger, but he had lots of people helping him hold that weapon. The system failed these two young men and put them in direct confrontation to promote a political agenda; their lives are over, but we can learn from the situation and not repeat these same mistakes.

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Smorg and I are friends and have been for a long time. Friends do not always agree so no problem. It is obvious that we agree on the end results of respect for others legal decisions whether the cause be nurture or nature. We should all share in the freedom that the American experiment offers us whether or not we agree on the issues. Appreciate your concern but . . . we are good friends and probably agree on most issues and even if we did not, I like the way he writes and thinks.

This, IMHO, is the biggest difference between those who follow the liberal philosophy and those who follow the conservative philosophy. I can remember years before when this was not always the case. The then liberals would not hesitate to discuss, argue, disagree and then shake hands and remain friends. I have not met one of those in the last decade. Anger and hate seems to be the prevailing norm among modern day liberals.

It’s Anger and Hate who directs him now!
They make him attack those he opposes.
Pure liberty he simply won’t allow.
He won’t back off even as he decomposes.

If he continues the course he chose,
He’ll end up in a place worse than jail.
As he pushes the limit, he’ll transpose
Into the reality of his fate called – hell.

Chill, hi, I like the way you explain it too,
I think that if someone seek a position of high office,
they should be check to find if they took a over amount of drugs when they where teen and older,
because I strongly believe that it can alter their judgment in their future so to be unstable
and unable to cope in having to make a wise decision when it is of the most importance,
demanded, therefor would not be fit to be on top leadership position, even more on the position
to lead AMERICA.

tis a good poem, put that in your book too.


They move along life’s rough terrain
Moving down not up the forever stairs
As Skookum wrote to explain
How liberals live to put on airs
With cerebrums many or not even one
Empty ships getting spun

Gathering round the captain’s quarters
Sitting silently, mesmerized by the game
No mutiny here as they’re all supporters
Like moths getting burned by the flame

So what is it about the liberal way we can learn
That causes ships to spin and moths to burn?



Amidst the never ending liberal mist
Scenes of hate will always persist
Unveiling the next hate-filled delight
And then presented as if it were right

Hate and smears for all to see
Hell bent, it has to be
The anger quickly appearing, a rapid rise
Sheer ugly venom before one’s eyes

From the liberal mist, a ship in sight
Racist words rapidly take flight
Slanderous lies supersede common sense
In brains encumbered by pure nonsense

As these lies continue their rapid rise
Rabid hatred abandons its disguise
Truth is evil, sink the ship, their view
Because she is she and speaks what’s true

In a sea of truth, the ship still rides tall
Against their arrows, watching liberals bawl
This sea of truth places her at ease
Laughing out loud at the liberal sleaze

They angrily spin her to prove their view
Absolutely nothing they write is ever true
Their hate is laid out for all to see
From hell they come, anger in the tenth degree

When presented with the truthful light
They gnash their teeth in liberal spite
A scene of anger appears to persist
Amidst the never ending liberal mist

we’re having a party
here, chasing the nuttys
where are the poppys
to enlight the guiltys
who want to get a treaty ,
no, we don’t want to play,
their game are too dirty.

CHILL yes that take talent, and you have it,


Do you do a lot of cowboy poetry subsidized by Dirty Harry Reid? Just joking. Given your background, though, I think that is a good question. I love to read Robert Service (polite poetry society rejects him completely) and his ballads of Alaska. I have even tried to copy his style just for my own benefit.

Once, while stationed in Alaska (Fairbanks), I visited the Malamute Saloon outside the town. It was an experience I will never forget.

The floor was covered with peanut husks, the lights were dim and it was Alaska 1901 for sure. On the dimly lit stage, an old Alaskan miner recited the poem and . . . wow, even went out and got me a malamute dog not long afterward. Actually Chena was given to us by a colleague who had six puppies around six months old and they were getting to much for him and his wife to handle. Chena was six-generation lead dog.,pure bread for sledding. She was a freighter of unbelievable strength and love. Never fear the most powerful dog on the planet with fur that feels and looks like solid wool.

So are you a Robert Service-type poet? I hope so.

Great lines for all involved.

Thanks for a great Thai Monday Morning.


Kind of like:

Mommas don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys,
Let them be lawyers and doctors and such

For the academics, the cowboy was and is a myth. A part of American folk lore that is more dreamed than lived. The “real cowboys” only lasted for about 15 years between the Civil War and the coming of the railroads. What the academics don’t understand and never understand is that for most men of our age, the cowboy concept defines America; its hopes, its dreams and its truthfulness to the human spirit.

Alaska was a strange and wonderful experience for me. A place where one could live on one’s own wits and capability. Man against the wilderness. No academics trying to analyze the inner meaning of existence. Only life and death based on raw courage, living off the land with no one to answer to but self. Now, I never did any of those things but I met a lot of people who were doing them daily, so I did them vicariously. I occasionally went hunting and fishing with some of my colleagues and we lived the life even if a bit make-believe. The wilderness was real and the dangers were real and a mistake could have cost us our lives, but still surreal and make-believe.

Yep, it has always been Robert Service for me since living and breathing the air of Alaska. I am, BTW, still officially a resident of Alaska. Says so right here on my military documentation.

On a distant peak among white clouds
My heart has a place among the evergreen trees
Viewing the mountains and leaving the crowds
Each step I take seeks the cold spring breeze

Dusk settling quietly as I reach my destination
The spring weather continues to be brisk and clear
I look up at the mountain peaks in adoration
A beautiful sight this evening both far and near

Admiring the view that stretches in the distance
And the many peaks dazzling like jewels
Imbedded within the winter’s snow in brilliance
Surrounded by the green trees near frozen pools

Sadly it is but a wonderful dream from years gone by
But I will one day again view the great Alaskan sky