Daniel Penny is another victim of the legal sh*thole Alvin Bragg has created in New York City
Daniel Penny is another victim of the Alvin Bragg legal cesspool in New York City
Daniel Penny is another victim of the Alvin Bragg legal cesspool in New York City
Notice any differences between the two men seen above? The man of the left is Darryl De Sousa. The man on the right is Hunter Biden. De Sousa was …
It’s deja vu all over again. A man is dead in the subway system of New York City and the responses were all too predictable. Jordan Neely, a sometimes …
That hissing sound you hear is the sound of Alvin Bragg’s case against Donald Trump deflating. Bragg is the controversial Manhattan DA who is on the verge of indicting Donald …
I feel a sense of deja vu. A little more than a month ago I wrote The signs were there. They’re almost always there. No one was paying attention. Now …
Ilhan Omar is a cancer in the House of Representatives. Of that there is no doubt. She is an anti-Semitic hypocrite and a liar. She came to this country …
Congratulations to Black Lives Matter and the white liberals who enable them. You now have a concrete and distinctive achievement. Thanks to your efforts, a lot more people died …
Oh, when will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn? Short answer? Never. Well, that didn’t take long. It’s said that a second marriage is the triumph of …
Sunday will bring us a particularly interesting sporting event- the F**k the Police Bowl, also known as the Super Bowl. There will reportedly be a football game played but it’s …
Did you know that highways are racist? That’s the claim made by Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. US transport secretary Pete Buttigieg said highway designs in the country were “racist,” and …