Democrats “New Deal”….Raise Taxes, Gain More Power, & Deify Obama

Obama and company are all over the airwaves calling for tax hikes on the rich because a few billion will fix everything, which is complete baloney:

I’m simply staggered at the number of things that raising taxes on the rich is now supposed to fix. A partial list: Our crumbling roads, our cracked bridges, our decaying electrical grid, our failing schools, our bankrupt entitlements, our reliance on fossil fuels, and our over-extended public pensions.

Does Obama Feminism Define Women As Intellectually Inferior?

The president may not have enough time to attend to the security of his diplomatic delegations or meet with the Prime Minister of Israel who flew here specifically to request a conference, but he has time to weigh in on a feud between Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey, the judges of American Idol.

While some of you might consider this to be a waste of time for such an important man with a limited schedule, but to certain women he appears to be thoughtful and compassionate father image willing to pass on sage advice to women who need direction.

Thanks, Obama, For The Writing Topics [Reader Post]

I am very grateful to President Barack Hussein Hubris “kill list” Obama for providing a virtually endless source of topics about which to write. It’s like “shooting fish in a barrel.” For example, let’s examine this very small sub-set of topics:

Does Integrity And Honesty Matter In The Senate?

Does it make sense to elect a compromised candidate to the Senate?

Elizabeth Warren the Marxist sounding law professor of Harvard is running for the Senate, but the Senate is probably running from her. Positions of power offer many opportunities for corruption and it is extremely hard for an honest man to resist the temptation. Bringing in a corrupt lawyer who already is compromised in terms of honesty and integrity is a forlorn hope at reestablishing the reputation of the Senate. Will the Senate be jaded enough to accept a new member who has already displayed a lack of integrity, but is willing to break the law at will.

Voter’s Remorse, Comedic Tragedy

How many Americans are willing to look into the mirror and ask whether they should be on medication for being so gullible four years ago.

The real tragedies of life consume us in an inarticulate manner; at least, we feel that way, after feeling so stupid for walking into an obvious trap so blindly, to be hurt so crudely, by mindless acts so devoid of meaning, by people so utterly lacking in style, grace, and substance. Their vulgarity and credulity consumes us as if they are a brute force of overpowering barbarity; but in the final analysis, it is we who gave them this pretense of competent leadership by which they trapped us so securely. With dramatic effect we rage to express our indignation and outrage; sadly, the dry humor of this sad comedy mocks us; for we are the players or actors of this sublime tragic comedy and we have written our own script.

Tyranny Of The Mob

Romney committed a major gaffe when he figured 47% of our people are on the dole and will never vote for him. Indeed, I think he has made a major mistake; a mistake that hardly registers in comparison to the ongoing gong show of the Obama administration.

However, when we consider the number of working Socialists, Communists, union drones, academics, sycophantic college students, and celebrity voters; we have a demographic far larger than Obama needs for a majority.

“Price – Quality – Delivery” and Reality [Reader Post]

Jim Yardley wrote a brilliant article on August 18, 2012, for “another” conservative web site. His article was entitled “You Can Pick Only Two.” His article was so good that I had to throw my 2¢ worth in. Jim did a great job explaining just how the “Price – Quality – Delivery” paradigm works in the real world.

“Curiouser And Curiouser”, Cried Alice

“Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English).

The most Left-wing, government supported media outlet in Britain, The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has refused to have a statue of George Orwell erected at its new facility in London.

Their reason: Orwell is “too Left-Wing”.