“Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English).
The most Left-wing, government supported media outlet in Britain, The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has refused to have a statue of George Orwell erected at its new facility in London.
Their reason: Orwell is “too Left-Wing”.
The question of Orwell being “too Left-wing” defies logic; but you could say, why should we care, indeed this question seems to defy logic as well. However, to understand your enemy, it is imperative to know his weaknesses and strengths; make no mistake, International Socialism is one of our enemies and they intend to destroy us. These vignettes from contemporary life allow us to see the into the psyche of the malignant Socialist and appraise his weakness of character.
To those who have read 1984 and Animal Farm, it is curious that a Socialist propaganda bureau would say that Orwell was too Left-wing, but remember the BBC is a propaganda bureau for the international Socialist revolution and the truth is only important, when it contributes to the message; yet there is more to the story.
Orwell was a card carrying Socialist: however, he was not an ideologue and he was not stupid. He knew of and understood the Socialist experiments and failures of National Socialism in Nazi Germany, and of the other types of Socialism in Italy, Spain, France, China, and Russia. They all tried Socialism and they all failed miserably. He knew of the heartlessness and cruelty of totalitarian regimes and of their indifference to genocide. In particular he criticized the Soviet experiment and its leaders most harshly in Animal Farm. In fact the utter brutality and stupidity of the Soviet regime was the point of the novel.
Still, it seems a little odd for one of Britain’s most famous authors of the 20th Century, who is considered the father of political journalism, a Socialist, and a former journalist for the BBC to be rejected by the BBC. What misdemeanor did he commit to be rejected by his brethren. Perhaps we should remember that the Socialist or Communist movement is international and the Soviet experiment, as brutal and pathetic as it has been, is one of the longest lasting and most successful experiments in Communism.
The followers of Marx, like the sycophants of Obama, have nothing to boast of that can be used as a measure or indication of success, but there is the relative success of Russia. The thinkers of the revolution choose to ignore the genocide, purges, murders, and starvation, and look instead on the longevity of the Russian experiment and its relative successes. Pointing out the failures of the leaders and of the movement itself casts negative aspersions on the revolution. Ideologues within the movement are unaware of the contradictions and are more than willing to play their roles as Useful Idiots, without ever questioning the authenticity or motives of the party line. They pride themselves on thinking whatever they are instructed to think, but it is indeed the thinkers that seethe in anger at the thought of one of their own stepping beyond the perimeter of Orwellian “Groupthink”, this is the true reason for the rejection of Orwell by some of the most influential Socialists in the world. Acting like the pigs led by Napoleon (Stalin) in the novel Animal Farm, they can’t stand deviation from prescribed thoughts or behavior.

Orwell’s opinion of the revolution in Russia:
“In my opinion, nothing has contributed so much to the corruption of the original idea of socialism as the belief that Russia is a socialist country and that every act of its rulers must be excused, if not imitated. And so for the last ten years, I have been convinced that the destruction of the Soviet myth was essential if we wanted a revival of the socialist movement.”
In Orwell’s novel, Mr Jones the owner of Manor Farm, portrays Nicholas II, the last Tsar of Russia and Mrs Jones is his wife Alexandra. Mr Piklington, owner of Foxwood, is a composite of the political leaders of Britain. Mr. Fredrick, owner of Pinchfield portrays Hitler. He is said to have flogged an old horse to death and starved his cows and killed a dog by throwing it into the furnace, overt references to the Jews and euthanasia. Mr. Whymper was a solicitor and arranged trade between Animal Farm and the outside world. In reality, he is an opportunist capitalist trading with the animals or Soviets.
Napoleon the pig represents Stalin and Old Major portrays Lenin. Major dies and his skull is put on display, much like the remains of Lenin. Snowball represents Trotsky who was purged from Russia and public consciousness and eventually assassinated by Stalin’s henchmen in Mexico. Squealer portrays the Russian media and their mission of disseminating propaganda for the state, much like our own MSM propaganda. Major also represents Karl Marx in a composite role of personalities in his former role as a show pig.
The horses represented by Boxer and Clover the mare were the not-to-bright workers who are the “Useful Idiots” of today and of the 20th Century; they believed everything the pigs told them and passed on the information to others as the gospel. Boxer’s personal motto was “I will work harder”.
Mollie was a mare that had been a show horse. She portrays lower members of the aristocracy and those who remained loyal to the Tsar, the White Russians. She goes along with the revolution initially, but begins to miss the fine treatment, fine ribbons (clothing), grain cake and sugar treats she received from humans; she deserts the revolution to go to one of the neighboring farms in Willingdon.
The dogs are the dogs of war in the book and portray the military police. Pinscher is mentioned as being at a meeting and is never mentioned again; the reader is left to assume he is a victim of one of the purges. Jesse and Bluebell are the mothers of pups that are stolen and raised by the pigs as secret police, who become the personal bodyguards of Napoleon. All three dogs mentioned by name in the book are said to be dead in the epilogue.
The birds play a curious group, they are nervous over the main directive of “Animalism”, “Four Legs Good Two Legs Bad” in real life they were the farmers, clergy, and other non-labor groups, in Obamanation, they are the non-union workers. In the days of Stalin, the proletariat referred to urban workers, farmers and workers in the country felt left out of program. Napoleon complicates their situation by telling them they must surrender all their eggs to the revolution. They revolt and smash some of their eggs. Napoleon reacts by starving them like Stalin did with the peasants in the Ukraine, until many of the birds die of starvation. Eventually the birds are convinced that since their wings are for propulsion the can be considered legs rather than arms.
Moses was a raven and he represented the Russian Orthodox Church. He kept telling everyone about the “Sugar Candy Mountain” where all the animals lived together in peace and harmony after they died. Moses didn’t work, initially he was allowed to stay and was given a ration of daily beer, but the days of Moses were numbered.
The dim-witted pigeons were sent out to spread the word of “Animalism” (Communism) to the rest of the world.
The craziness of Stalin’s Five Year Plans were represented, as well as the cruelty of the purges, in detail that readers still find horrifying.
Orwell was a Socialist, but he was honest and a realist, this causes a problem in the surreal world of Liberalism, Progressivism, Socialism, or Communism or whatever the catchword of the day is among those who walk the tightrope of dishonesty in order to portray themselves as acceptable to the rest of the world. Orwell freely admitted the Russians, Nazis, French, Italians, Spanish and many others failed in their Socialist experiments. He was a political journalist with a creative mind; a real danger to the Napoleon of his novel and the Napoleons of Socialism throughout the world. Yes, he is an irritant to the less-creative Socialist Political Journalist/propagandist of today.
The BBC president Thompson gave the typical Left-wing deflection and obfuscation at the suggestion of erecting a statue of Orwell in front of the new BBC head office building to Baroness Joan Bakewell, a sponsor of the project,
“Oh no, Joan, we can’t possibly. It’s far too Left-wing an idea.”

The ruthless pigs of Animal Farm live on and to those who expect Socialism to be without minor flaws, they say, “Oh no, Joan, we can’t possibly. It’s far too Left-wing an idea.”
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Visit me on Facebook.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dylantheauthor
This is what all revisionist socialists do with inconvenient truths…….
Too many young people getting exposed to a lovely statue of the long-dead Orwell might lead to a few picking up and actually reading his works.
Then where would the BBC be?
Yes, indeed Nan, it is far easier to airbrush and ignore than deal with the truth.
It’s a hallmark of the modern left to accuse their opponents of their own malignant character traits. Leftists want to control every aspect of your life, yet they accuse Republicans of being authoritarians. The democrats in America were the party of the KKK and Jim Crow, but they accuse the Republicans – who freed the slaves – of being racists. This BBC thing is yet another example of psychological projection exhibited by the left.
JC, there is method in their madness. It is harder to pin them down when they stage mock indignation and finger point at others with accusations that reflect their own flaws and failings. It is also maddening to defend yourself against false and baseless accusations.
I think the literate public is beginning to see through the lies and the hyperbole. Thus it is important to keep grinding out the Conservative message.
Methinks they protesteth too much. You hooked that one right, Skook.
These extremists fear the potential backlash that would come from being called what they are.
They’d rather pretend to fly just short of that mindless fanaticism, lest they lose some of those supporters who float in the realm of center-left-politically-correct-euphoric-pretense-of-paradise-for-all-but-resent-your-neighbour-sanctimonious ditherers.
And those geniuses have nothing on that crew in the W.H. and its PR machine at the NYT.
JR, I can understand the appeal of Socialism, but like Orwell (where the comparison ends) I know that huan nature precludes the practical application of a Utopian society. There are these few shortcomings in the human psyche power, control, money, and sex. The more the guys in control can grasp, the more they lust for, except for Teddy Kennedy.
@Skookum: #6,
Ahhh yes, Teddy, the self-righteous keeper of the Camelot Flame lit by Time/Life, who was so masterfully protected by the MSM after despicably killing Mary Jo Kopechne in ’69. His actions were nothing short of ‘murder’ and yet, he went on his merry way and remained in Washington. . . . . Mind blowing!
You’re right he didn’t fit in the list, “. . . . power, control, money, and sex” – the list didn’t say “murder.” 🙂
Orwell’s masterpieces, like Machiavelli’s “Prince” (which Christie inadvertently quoted at the Republican Convention) are just as relevant to the State Capitalism which exists in this country as any Socialism.
It’s disappointing that the “useful idiots” on the right don’t see this.
@Liberal1 (objectivity):
How cute! Lib1 attempts a shot at us conservatives referencing Lenin’s “useful idiots” term in describing us as we relate to the Establishment GOP.
Your problem, Lib1, is that you mistakenly see a difference between the Establishment GOP and the Progressive left(rulers of the Democratic party) which just isn’t there. And, at the same time, you attempt an inclusion of everything “right” within that Establishment GOP, such as the TEA party, or the libertarian wing. And then most of the time you describe it as “ultra” or “extreme” conservatism.
The fact is, the establishment GOP are populated by progressives, whose version of “conservatism”, while not being conservative at all, is only slightly less left than the Democratic party’s version of progressive tendencies.
And the true conservatives around the country see this. Hence the formation of the TEA party. Hence the Ron Paul experience.
And BTW, here’s a hint; The State isn’t the hero in Orwell’s masterpiece.
@Liberal1 (objectivity): OK, Liberal1(objectivity), you’re on center stage. Skook’s article was replete with specific examles. Now it’s your turn to be specific rather than offer some general drivel as you did in your comment.
And I must say that johngalt hit the nail on the head in comment # 9 when he said:
That last post went extremely bad. This screen editor is not compatible with this device… a kindle…
Apologia for the text, not the intent of the opine.
Briefly because this device can not edit so well here. I read this Carrol piece about Alice to my wife in an emergency room. Read the entire text out loud. Others heard this. Later a fine young neurologists explained to me the relation of the story to the cluster migranes he treated me for in the past.
My wife liked the rabbit.
It is possible that the insane understand that only the sane question their thought process.
It is the question posed to the thought process of the normal thinking that give them the only natural advantage.
The most terryfing thing is the fact that the bata$$ crazy lunatics are unaware of their madness…
And manipulate the sane into insanity.
My brother was diagnosed with ”Alice in wonderland syndrome,” when he had migrains several times a day.
He went to an opthamologist when his regular eye doctor was away on vacation and was shown to need a whole new kind of glasses prescription.
Once he got those new glasses his headaches stopped.
And now John… I shall give away my copy of atlas to my niece and root through a million hard copies and sort out the Orwell works.
On a holiday weekend.
I will need a new wife by Sunday.
So he it… I am sick of Ayn.
I like your 13 een
the insane don’t know they are, and try to manipulate the sane into their insanity ,
would you think that happen among couple, more than we think.
In 1919,she, not too attractive or bright, shot Lenin.