The Week in Radical Leftism – Yep, More from the Economist!
Welcome back to Day 1404 of the now waning days of the Biden*/Coupmala occupation! Sorry for no post last week, but that pesky real life got in the way of …
Welcome back to Day 1404 of the now waning days of the Biden*/Coupmala occupation! Sorry for no post last week, but that pesky real life got in the way of …
Once again Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie proved themselves to be the left wing slime buckets I regard them to be. This morning they hosted Sarah Palin on the Today …
“I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism.” –President Obama America. The indispensable nation. The …
From the “Mountain out of a Molehill” files comes the story of how outraged the left is over the picture of Trig Palin standing on the family dog. “OUTRAGEOUS!” scream …
No liberally-biased media, of course. I guess the concern over violence against women from those on the left doesn’t happen when you’re a Palin. [youtube][/youtube] Noah Rothman at Hot Air: …
“Republic*nt” That’s how liberals view women, especially Hollyweird liberals. “True Blood”, the perversely sex-soaked bacchanalia masquerading as a vampire show on HBO that Caligula could have written, tried to lure …
Yup, that’s Russian tanks invading Ukraine. A country we promised to defend in case this sort of thing happened…signed by the Democrats favorite Bill Clinton: Bill Clinton, John Major, Boris …
There are numerous CONSERVATIVE web sites to which we can turn for the truth, the unedited story. Such web sites as Flopping Aces do a tremendous job of disseminating our …
Governor Sarah Palin, on Saturday, November 9, 2013, compared the ever increasing national debt to slavery. Palin said: Our free stuff today is being paid for by taking money from …
The NYT’s, that bastion of unbiased reporting…cough, has a story today entitled “Divisions in G.O.P. Are Laid Bare on First Day of Conservative Conference”. The largest annual gathering of Republican …