“The Revolution Ate Its Children” Maximilien Francois Robespierre

Since the French Revolution, the idea of Left and Right political persuasions have been key designations for political debate. Of course the French Revolution ended like most revolutions in a virtual bloodbath. Throughout history, revolutions become the spoiled children of greedy desperate men or laced up in a ligature of half baked Marxist ideology.

Obama’s “Nixonian” Moments – Ignores White House Lawyers On Constitutional Authority To Wage War In Libya

So, you’re a liberal who protested against President Bush for being an imperial megalomanic out to control the world and wars against all those oppose him. Now that you’re living with President Obama, who now shows he has even overstepped Nixon’s legacy for imperialism, are you out there protesting?

Weiner Gets A Grip On Reality

Weiner has only been a symptom of a much larger problem; hopefully, he will ride into the sunset and disappear forever. Unfortunately, there is the question of whether his wife, Huma, is an agent for the Muslim Brotherhood, the connections are there with her mother being a member of the “sisterhood”. It is a fact that her family is Fundamentalist islam and deep within the Muslim Brotherhood. Unless Huma is a Fifth Columnist, Fundamentalist Isamists kill their women for speaking to a non-Muslim. The information will undoubtably be coming out in the near future, but the fact that hillary Clinton has an Islamic Fundamentalist as a confidant within her State Department will dwarf the Weinergate story. In the tradition of FDR and the Soviet spies he kept for confidantes, while steadfastly refusing to believe the FBI reports that they were spies, history is repeating itself.

More of why you’re an idiot to believe anything Obama says [Reader Post]

When Barack Obama went to war on Libya he cited the War Powers Act as his justification for doing so.

A few days ago, on March 22, President Barack Obama informed Congress formally about his unilateral decision to assist in the coalition of nations protecting rebel forces and civilians in Libya from attack from Col. Moammar Gadhafi’s loyalist troops.

Consteetushun? Obama don’ need no Consteetushun! [Reader Post]

Boehner gives Obama Friday deadline on Libya

Stepping up a simmering constitutional conflict, House Speaker John A. Boehner warned President Obama on Tuesday that unless he gets authorization from Congress for his military deployment in Libya, he will be in violation of the War Powers Resolution.

Conservatism: What it is and why it is needed? [Reader Post]

Conservatism is by today’s standards closely associated with Edmund Burke’s philosophy. I think it goes beyond that, in that it is more than merely a political doctrine. It is, in my estimation, a way of life, a code of conduct that associates one’s property with one’s liberty. For how can one truly be a free man when his property is not his to do with as he wishes?

Privacy Is Now A Relic Of Our Past

Lord Bute is aiming a blunderbuss at colonial America; a member of Parliament, tells Bute “I give you that man’s money for my use”, the American responds, “I will not be robbed”. To the right, a blindfolded, Britannia is ready to stumble into “The pit prepared for others” behind her, “The English Protestant town of Boston” is in flames. On the left is a monk with a gibbet and a cross, behind him, a Frenchman with sword raised; on a cliff and forming the backdrop to Bute, is the city of Quebec.

Published: April 1. 1775

Weiner Is Feeling The Squeeze From Democrat Feminists

Sexual perverts are never really healed and never trustworthy. Would you trust them around your kids. Weiner is actively trying to preserve his House Seat: his first method was to deny allegations by lying to Congress and the nation, he then claimed that his Twitter account had been hacked, but neglected to call in the FBI who said they could prove the hack within minutes, he later tried to accuse Andrew Breitbart of setting him up in a conspiracy, a charge that could have meant criminal allegations against Breitbart. Now that all his previous attempts to deflect blame for his cyber perversions have failed and new charges involving an underage teenager are emerging, Weiner is now resorting to the Lindsay Lohan defense of counseling and rehab. When all else fails, there is always the last resort of the degenerate, but wait it might just be a ruse, could Weiner be clever enough to say he will get rehab, now that he has been caught, to secure his congressional seat in perpetuity.

Obama Says, We Will Borrow Money From China To Give To Greece

Because of profligate spending and its Socialist policies, Greece is bankrupt. It is now our duty to bail them out, according to Obama, so that they can continue on without taking responsibility for their own actions. Spain, Portugal, and Ireland are all nearing the same economic precipice; are we to assume that Obama plans to put the rest of the world on American Welfare rolls? Someone better tell him, those people can’t vote, but he does believe the Constitution is flawed, maybe with a few changes here and there, we can continue with a Redistribution of American Wealth for the rest of the world, until we are a Third World Country.