The Week in Radical Leftism – Yep, More from the Economist!
Welcome back to Day 1404 of the now waning days of the Biden*/Coupmala occupation! Sorry for no post last week, but that pesky real life got in the way of …
Welcome back to Day 1404 of the now waning days of the Biden*/Coupmala occupation! Sorry for no post last week, but that pesky real life got in the way of …
There has been a load of harrumphing and indignation from the left over something Donald Trump said a few days ago when he said that he would not run to …
Joe Biden has two masters- Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the Chinese Communist Party. Zelenskyy makes demands and Biden cannot accommodate them fast enough no matter the cost to this country. How …
President Trump is fighting to win an election with an energy that is unlike anything we’ve ever seen. He will very likely gain support from over twenty percent of the African-America vote, and probably as much as thirty five percent of the Latino vote. Those will be historical numbers for a Republican leader.
Well into his second year in the Oval Office, President Trump has, by any objective measure of pro-freedom and applied common sense, accomplished more that most Presidents in memory. That is, “more” with respect to moving America positively forward as a successful Nation, rather than allowing it to recede into stagnant oblivion, rushing over the cliff of socialism and into the abyss of communism.
Saturday July 11th 2015 marked the twentieth anniversary of the massacre of Bosnian Muslims by Bosnian Serbs in the town of Srebrenica. Â The opportunity to indulge in an orgy …
Drones over sovereign countries killing innocents Going to war without Congressional approval. Assassinating American citizens. And now Gitmo to remain open for business. The State Department on Monday reassigned Daniel …
Well isn’t this wonderful:
Washington ready to negotiate with Mullah Omar
Right on the heels of this terrible news:
So Obama enters a war against a foe who had no intention of attacking us, where no vital U.S. interests were in jeopardy, and then after the 60 days are up he illegally keeps us in that war lying to us about our intentions (since when do tanks and convoys fly?) but it’s all a-ok because the dictator is dead?
It can’t come as a big surprise to find that multiple Libyan munitions stockpiles have been looted, and shoulder fired heat seeking missiles, such as the SA-7b Grail, are unaccounted …