Lord Bute is aiming a blunderbuss at colonial America; a member of Parliament, tells Bute “I give you that man’s money for my use”, the American responds, “I will not be robbed”. To the right, a blindfolded, Britannia is ready to stumble into “The pit prepared for others” behind her, “The English Protestant town of Boston” is in flames. On the left is a monk with a gibbet and a cross, behind him, a Frenchman with sword raised; on a cliff and forming the backdrop to Bute, is the city of Quebec.
Published: April 1. 1775
Most of us write Emails at our fastest typing speeds. We never assume our writing of little notes will be put under the microscope for the scrutiny of the world, including the halfwit name callers we see commenting on Liberal blogs. After this latest invasion of Sarah Palin’s emails, that idea of writing personal informal notes is a dangerous myth. Use your short cuts and cute abbreviations at your own peril, the Liberal Media now owns and controls everything you write.
They are having problems finding fault or corruption within Sarah Palin’s Emails, but they can subjectively condemn them as being the product of an eighth grader’s intellect.
I am the recipient of Emails from many educated people, some with doctorates. The notes all have at least one flaw. These cyber friends write their personal notes and make grammatical errors, misspellings, word omissions, and various other mistakes; how could these bright minds make these mistakes? It is very simple, they assume these are personal and private conversations with a friend and confidant; indeed, they are not meant to be examined like the Federalist Papers. They are considered confidential notes similar to a trusted conversation that may be whispered from the other side of the word, but now, we know the Liberal Progressives have demanded that such conversations can be made public and dissected at their whim.
Are we entitled to our privacy, can we expect to keep our personal communications from the scrutiny of this, want to be totalitarian regime, and those of the future. Should we now write every Email as if we were writing a formal letter to a college dean. Are we to assume that our personal correspondence can be used against us by totalitarian regimes of the future: letters can be burned and disappear forever, but a simple Email written at 60 words per minute will long survive your funeral.
Take care my friends, its possible the Thought Police may soon be evaluating your every message of the past and the future.
Obama and the Progressive Socialists have their own survival to consider and they are becoming desperate. Is it possible that they might want to investigate all Emails that are disdainful of their governance.
It’s true, most of us will never warrant an invasion of our privacy, but if you rise in the political world to achieve fame or fortune, rest assured you will come under scrutiny. However, this scrutiny is a double bitted ax. You can trust that many Democrat politicians are extremely worried that their previous personal communications can now be examined by the media and the public, virtually at will.
It is hilarious when unintended consequences bite you in the hind end. In case they think they can delete all the self-incriminating Emails, they might as well not waste the effort, they are preserved better than any historical document in the national archives, grammatical errors and all.
There are many who would relish digging into the personal lives of politicians to catch them taking bribes and cheating on their wives, but it is infinitely better to catch them in the act, than to destroy personal liberties. Of course giving alleged criminals like Rangel a pass because of his sanctimonious indignation at being accused of crimes that we lesser souls could expect to do prison time for and then slapping his hand is an indication we can no longer trust the House to pursue its own investigations. We are left wondering if he knew too much about the corruption among the other House members to be prosecuted with true justice. Maxine Waters is another case that arouses suspicion among the public.
Freedom is not a political issue, the pendulum should be a double edged sword. I probably detest corruption more than the average American and I don’t care from which side of the aisle a criminal or pervert sits on, corruption is corruption, but we must maintain our freedoms. To encroach on our freedom to find every criminal in government would be counter productive and destroy our government and its freedom. We will never catch all the criminals, but it is far better to have a few get away than to compromise our liberties.
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Â Visit me on Facebook.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dylantheauthor
Oh the tales I hope someone will tell when ole barry is gone. the most secret man in the world. it’s really funy when you think about it. who is he?
You and I know BOTH sides are to blame as far as our rights collectively being thrown out the window. However I have notice the left apparently has no problem with doing it a heck of a lot quicker than the right does and all in the name of the greater good of society, which makes me want to puke.
In Indiana I believe their supreme nit wits decided that we have no right to search and seizure warrants any more, we now have to have permits to protest, cannot read a bible in schools, have to register our fire arms in various cities or states, sanctioned reverse discrimination, get stopped and questioned as to why we are going to where ever we are going and get arrested and held for 24 hours when we refuse to let so-called peace officers search our vehicles, have to pay property taxes for school systems that has thumbed its nose to our core beliefs, and we cannot resist what we know to be unlawful arrests for bogus claims because the system knows we cannot afford to fight them in court. Privacy is not the only thing getting showed the door.
What say you?
O come on Skookum. Do U reely think that UR emails & notes could be used by the left? OMG I hope that thees threds never C the lite of day.
Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Great post as usual Skookum.
Mune, there is only a difference in technique. I call your technique the shotgun technique. You have mentioned an erosion of a multitude of our freedoms. You will shock the reader and awaken a consciousness, but a shotgun from a distance can cause damage, but is rarely fatal. My technique is more of a well placed rifle shot. It is meant to make the reader extremely uncomfortable while he thinks about his own exposure and what the invasion of Ms Palin’s personal life will mean for them in the future. A well placed rifle round will always do more damage at a distance and it is usually fatal.
Stick around Mune, there are lots of ideas to toss around until we retake our freedoms and our Constitution, we need all the creative thinkers we can muster.
Antics comic relief is always welcome. Comedy is always tragedy and we can now see the tragedy in the light of day, it isn’t pretty.
Do I think my emails could be used by an authoritarian or totalitarian government to persecute me? Hell Yes!
They could read a few of my articles and know where I stand, it’s no secret.
If we reach that point and it might not be that far away, I might as well gather up a few horses and head for the mountains. That is my home and the Obamanation will play Hell finding me in my backyard. It’s for sure, I wont be getting on any of Obama’s or Bill Ayer’s Freedom Trains. Those guys that could survive and hunt me wont, and the rest of them will die like flies.
Skookum I love you fellow! Hell I would let you have my C-rations anytime! For what decency I have left I will reserve what I could say about the morals of our Government and the Diplomatic section. I just wonder how they justify waking up in the wrong bed often.
The 4th Amendment went out the door even before the Patriot Act in the Clinton Administration. Privacy? Now days it means the Government does not have to tell you a thing! I am not scared or paranoid however just like we learned in Israel you need to live by a two second rule…meaning if it takes you more than two seconds to defend yourself you will become a victim! Life is really not much different sad to say. All of us who have had enough primers popped our way know that if you are too worried about dying you will most likely get someone killed or even yourself! We need to focus on getting the mission accomplished!!!! We need to demand that those who we put in office fight the fight or go home permanently!!! I was taken prisoner once, but I will never be taken prisoner again! I will not die alone if my rights are violated! No weapon no matter how advanced is not more powerful than resolve of the person who knows the price of freedom!
@Skookum: Thanks Skook. I just couldn’t resist. And I agree with you that our Gubbermint would use any and everything against us.
That is why this next election is by far the most important in our lifetime.
I can c the shainse, !!!
ur POST iz veri tellin, dang u, U KNO OW TO TELL IT
THANG ANTICSROCKS will gife those bashtiks an ir fuel
In referring to “the halfwit name callers we see commenting on Liberal blogs” it sounds to me as you’re criticizing others for ‘calling names’ by calling them names. Sounds like hypocrisy to me–but ultra-conservatives, so fond of calling Liberals hypocrites, seldom look at their own.
Hey libtard 1, you might have some credibility if you ever followed up your swoop and poop stupidty with another post on the same thread. However, you know you’d be embarrassed if you did. That’s why you always run away. Even you know how full of it you are.
@Liberal1 (objectivity): Why did you come here to begin with? You throw out a blanket statement totally dis-connected from the subject of this posting. When you enter this way you are entering just like a thief enter into the house of a person without being invited in! I personally have been accused of name calling but when I write Liberals are Socialistic Communist, however this is not name calling it is a matter of definition. If you pick up a animal and it looks like a dog, and it wags its tail like a dog, and it eats the same food as a dog, and even barks like a dog….Chances are it is a dog! What is really Hypocritical is that the liberals call their party the “Democrats” when the whole of their thrust and intention of their party is non other than a socialistic communist format. You would think a party that calls itself “Democrats” that they would be a group occupied with the matter of Democracy however they are so very far from it ! In short very Hypocritical! Clean out your own pants first and then start looking in other peoples pants! Change your name to the American socialistic party and then maybe you will be getting in the right lane to arrive at something. Oh, and by the way I don’t think much more of the Republicans either.
You should look up what Alan Simpson said about Obama this morning, dee.
You might recall Senator Simpson (retired) was one of 10 (5 Republicans, 5 Democrats) Obama tasked to give him a report on how to cut the budget.
Today Simpson came out admitting Obama NEVER had a comment or a question about anything they sent him.
Simpson implied that Obama never even had read one word of any of it!
It was hot TV!
Thanks Skook! Let me know when you head for the mountains. You likely will have company.
Does the phrase, “half wit name callers” cut a little too close to the bone. There s a reason it hurts. It is an accurate description of the average commentary on Liberal Blogs. We have all been to the Liberal sites and have read the serial name calling by your loyal Liberals, who wage a game of who can be the cutest and most clever name caller. Unfortunately, this is their only contribution and must be embarrassing for Liberal pundits who write to such a pathetic bunch of intellectual lightweights and it’s true, you must adjust your writing for the reading ability of your readers. Consequently, the Liberal blogs are condemned to mediocrity by their own readers.
Most of our Liberal Friends who read this blog have a measure of intelligence and can offer constructive criticism or counter points for debate. then there are others like Liberal 1 who can offer no more than a handful of manure and usually don’t qualify for a response.
We can appreciate the fact that you desire to improve your debating skills; especially, after becoming bored with the inane senseless commentary at Liberal blogs, but you will need to improve upon your debating skills considerably to be considered as a worthy adversary. If you can’t come up with intriguing commentary, don’t despair, continue to read and try forming cognitive dissonance in your mind. The ability to actually understand the opposing argument will help you beyond measure. Eventually there is hope for those willing to struggle to overcome their environment.
Skook, debating involves more than one post on the same thread. It doesn’t want to debate because it can’t. That is why we get the drive by posts.
It’s like having someone in a passing car yell an expletive/slur at a pedestrian. That is Liberal #2’s modus operandi.
While the press trashes Palin, and her writing style, here is a blast from the past (last year):
“Tuesday night’s speech from the Oval Office of the White House was written to a 9.8 grade level, said Paul J.J. Payack, president of Global Language Monitor. The Austin, Tx. based company analyzes and catalogues trends in word usage and word choice and their impact on culture.
Theough the president used slightly less than four sentences per paragraph, his 19.8 words per sentence “added some difficulty for his target audience,” Payack said. At a micro level, the average word in the speech contained 4.5 letters, a bit longer than is typical for the former constitutional law professor, Payack said.
Obama’s nearly 10th grade level rating was the highest of any of his major speeches and well above Grade 7.4 of his 2008 “Yes, we can” victory speech, which many consider his best effort, says Payack.”
So while we are told that Obama is the smartest president evah, his speeches are somewhere around 7th grade level, ranking lower than Palin’s writings.
That said, while the Democrats screamed and shouted over the Patriot Act, telling Americans that they were all going to have their phone calls monitored by an overstepping, agressive administration (Bush) we now learn that the Obama Justice Department can pilpher through your trash without a warrant if you are suspected of something (anything). Yet, the MFM is oddly silent on this overreach by the DoJ under Obama. It would seem that the violation of your privacy meets with approval from the talking heads that masquerade as journalists in the MFM. And let us not forget that Obamacare gives the federal government (the IRS specifically) to pilpher through your bank records to see if you can afford health care and if you can, deduct the cost of socialist health care from your checking account without your permission.
There is no doubt that politicians should be given the same right to privacy as any other citizen, but people like Maxine Waters, and Shiela Jackson Lee with her hundreds of Muslim donors who don’t live in her district, should be investigated by a Congress that tends to close ranks (see, Rangel) when one of them is found to be corrupt. But don’t ever think that under this administration you will be granted the same courtesy as one of their own. Hell, that Ron Paul or Don’t Tread On Me bumper sticker just might get your trash dug through.
So while we are told that Obama is the smartest president evah, his speeches are somewhere around 7th grade level, ranking lower than Palin’s writings.
Your comment reminded me of a friend I had who didn’t have her first baby until after becoming a PhD in English.
She could wow you just listening to her talk on the phone…..before she had the children, that is.
After she became a mom her speaking style dropped down to ….well….how you have to talk to communicate with children.
Only after her own children grew did her conversational style rise back up.
Now, that might have something to do with Sarah Palin and her emails.
But Obama has speechwriters!
He reads whatever he is given.
If it is 7th or 8th or 9th grade level is not dependent on him.
You really have to look at Obama’s off-the-cuff remarks to get a real Sarah/Obama comparison.
Liberal1, where is your [OBJECTIVITY] IN YOUR COMMENT,?
Skook, your article reminds me of a recent exchange between us on Steve Jobs and Apples, and unfortunately news coming from the company today about its patent filing related to manipulation of video and image capture, is of very grave concern. Sadly, its very much consistent with the “Jobs” character and mindset.
If the company in fact ever makes this technology functional, Someone, possibly the government, will also be able to get a hold of it, and it will be one of the final nails in the coffin of personal freedom.
Yes, being able to block the filming of an event is a dubious move, but it is the possibilities that are frightening. Perhaps the police will now have these disablers in their squad cars, perhaps celebrities will have one on their person when they go out boozing and whoring. Perhaps the new resurrected ACORN will have one in each new office. It could be a very popular app for criminal types.
@ilovebeeswarzone: Beezy, you never fail to bring a smile to my face! 😀
@Liberal1 (objectivity): And what do we “ultra conservatives” have to hold up as a bastion of liberal “objectivity?”
I am sure you have never resorted to:
* name calling
* dissembling
* trying to change the subject when you begin to lose the debate
* doing “drive by” postings, without coming back to defend remarks you make
Gosh we are sooo awed by your holier-than-thou attitude, dude.
anticsrocks, I just love that language, bye
Skookum! I hear what you are saying. And agree for the most part with all that you wrote in your post. Which as always makes me think which is a good thing, most of the time. I also deplore the corruption in our government and have for many years, since my late 20’s. I agree with your hunch about Rangel, that he must have some really good dirt on his fellow politicians, or he would have been histroy. But then again I sometimes think that our leaders have no honor and decency left at all. So they will sacrifice one of their own like Wiener when the conditions suit them too. Weiner was a liability to them. I think that if it was not relection time for the annointed one that he would have been given diffferent marching orders from his party. Instead he was told to take one for the team this time around. I just can’t imagine his mentor Bill Clinton telling him to resign. But as for our own privacy I am torn both ways. What they did with Palin was lower than a snakes belly. But now that the “new weapon” has been introduced into the battle, you can bet your bottom dollar that we will see more and more of this kind of behavior on both sides. I am not saying that makes it right. But whats done is done. And yes I thought the same thing, we all laughed when the email thing hit, and said, “there are some extremely nervous polticians/presidents right about now.” It would not surprise me at all to see our great and wise leaders impose a law that would protect themselevs from such an invasion of privacy. For national security sake of course! But the rest of us little people would be subject to such a law of course. In the end any tool that could be used to catch the scallywags in office would be voted down. Kinda like trying to get the politicians to vote and pass term limits! Whos that laughing! Good post SkooKum