Every now and then the stupidity of liberals just gets so excessive that it’s hard to fit it into a single post while analyzing the insanity. This is a collection of some of the recent insufferable idiocy of the group known as democrats. I just had to let this out. Some of them you’ve undoubtedly seen, most have been ignored by the left wing media.
Those dumb ass conservative rurals again.
Jerry Brown Blasts ‘Rural Areas’ for Not Liking Gas Tax That Disproportionately Harms Them
California Gov. Jerry Brown (D.) on Sunday blamed rural Californians for not wanting higher taxes to help fight climate change.
Chuck Todd, host of MSNBC’s “Meet the Press,” asked about how California’s new gas tax hurts rural residents who need cars because they don’t have access to public transportation. He cited an article from CityLab, which said the gas tax “punishes people for not having access to transit options,” but Brown bowled right over Todd’s research and blamed rural Californians for not being on board with his agenda.
“You won your gas tax fight, but rural Californians didn’t like it,” Todd said.
“No, they don’t. They don’t like a lot of things. They voted against housing bonds, they voted for the Republican Cox who didn’t even make 40 percent,” Brown said, referring to his reelection’s vote margin.
Ronil who?
Rep. Hakeen Jeffries reiterates support for policies that killed Ronil Singh. democrats have made it abundantly clear that the welfare of illegal aliens is more important that the lives of Americans. The plan is for importing as many infected, illiterate and unskilled illegals as possible, make them legal through sweeping amnesty and grant them the right to vote- for democrats- in effect burying the rest of America.
Virtually no democrat has expressed any sympathy for the family of Ronil Singh, most likely because he was a legal immigrant.
Not one f**king democrat wonders how that animal Gustavo Perez Arriaga came to possess a gun. Not one f**king democrat has said a thing about how California is protecting gangs like the one Arriaga belonged to. Instead, Nancy Pelosi keeps blabbering on about “God’s children.”
House minority leader and fierce abortion rights proponent Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday that everyone has “a moral responsibility to ensure all children of God are treated with compassion and decency.”
You know- like this one.
What’s not clear is the point at which children become “children of God.” In the past she has called late term abortions- the termination of a viable child- “sacred ground.” Pelosi is the very definition of a convenience Catholic. an execrable “Catholic.”
And not one freaking tweet about Singh and his family. I am just about to the point that for every American who is murdered at the hands of an illegal, a democrat politician should be euthanized.
democrats have declared war on Catholics. Believers are “extreme”, you see.
And along that same line, Facebook banned Franklin Graham.
Along the collusion front Mueller is now collecting nude selfies and claiming they’re critical to his investigation.
In the “WTF does this have to do with Russia files” the FBI is now investigating Trump golf club’s employment documents in New Jersey because you know Trump does all the hiring personally for all his properties. What it does tell you is that the left is determined to remove Trump from office at any and all costs.
From the “What the hell makes you think you’re entitled to do this?” folder, watch this moron explode on a Trump supporter
Then there’s this looney tune. I would have made the same er, mistake.
Liberal ass tries to get radio talk show host fired because he dared disagree with her
Feminist Amy Siskind tried to get progressive radio show host David Pakman fired from his adjunct professorship at Boston College after he dared to disagree with her social justice politics on Twitter.
In a tweet last week, Siskind argued that she would not support any white male candidates in the Democratic primary. “I will not support white male candidates in the Dem primary. Unless you slept thru midterms, women were our most successful candidate,” Siskind wrote. “Biggest Dem vote getters in history: Obama ‘08, Hillary ‘16. White male is not where our party is at, and is our LEAST safe option in 2020.”
Pakman tweeted an er, diverse opinion and she went postal:
The day after, Pakman reported that Siskind had called Boston College, where Pakman has previously served as an adjunct faculty member, and asked that he be terminated. Pakman explained that he could not be terminated because adjunct faculty member as rehired every semester and he is not currently teaching.
However, it is not entirely clear why Siskind thought that her disagreement with Pakman justified her call to Boston College.
In a comment to The College Fix, Siskind asked Pakman to apologize for daring to disagree with her. “Mr. Pakman can publicly apologize and explain his misstatements. I understand he has been corrected,” she wrote. “People are watching how he conducts himself.”
It certainly is unclear why damned liberals think they’re entitled to do whatever they want and get whatever they want, although I have to say that watching the left eat itself is a small pleasure.
University of Missouri: tall men asking short women out for a date is sexual harassment
A former vice chancellor at the University of Missouri argued in a deposition that it can be sexual harassment if a tall man asks a short woman out on a date.
According to a report from the St. Louis ABC affiliate, a former vice chancellor at the University of Missouri argued during depositions for a campus sexual assault case that it could be considered sexual assault for a tall male student to ask a short female student out on a date.
Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Cathy Scroggs, who resigned from the university in 2017, argued that the alleged perpetrator had committed harassment simply as a result of his “power over” the female student. The power the alleged perpetrator had, according to Scroggs, came nothing more from his physical size.
Covering the really important stories
CNN runs a segment on how Trump's use of "witch hunt" offends witches pic.twitter.com/PSsk8ZOXkR
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) December 30, 2018
The Washington Posts’s constantly Trump bashing has finally gotten a rebuke from the Wall St. Journal.
The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page offered a feisty Boxing Day pieceon Wednesday lashing into the Washington Post over coverage of President Trump’s Christmastime visit to the troops.
The Journal focused on this piece by the Post’s Philip Rucker and Paul Sonne, citing the opening two paragraphs and accusing it of needlessly working in unrelated Trump scandals into a piece that did not call for it.
“Can anyone reading those opening two sentences wonder why millions of Americans believe Donald Trump when he tells them that he can’t get a fair shake from the press?” the Journal asked. “The point isn’t to feel sorry for Mr. Trump, whose rhetorical attacks on the press have often been contemptible. The point is that such gratuitously negative reporting undermines the credibility of the press without Mr. Trump having to say a word.”
If you follow WaPo and Politico on Twitter, you would see that it’s a non-stop Trump-bashing fest, with “Opinion” and “Analysis” far outnumbering true news stories. The line between news and opinion was blurred long ago.
In a garbage (read that Harvard) poll, it is claimed that 60% want Trump impeached
Nearly 60 percent of U.S. voters surveyed say President Trump should be either impeached and removed from office or formally censured, according to a new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll released exclusively to The Hill.
The poll shows that a majority of voters polled think some kind of action should be taken against Trump, though they are divided on how far lawmakers should go as Democrats prepare to take over the House majority.
Asked whether Trump should be impeached and removed from office for his actions, censured by Congress or whether Congress should take no action, 39 percent of respondents said Trump should be impeached and removed from office.
But they have not a damned idea why. Then again, democrat voters do not think.
Two years into Trump’s Presidency, it’s bone spurs time
A New York City podiatrist may be responsible for helping President Trump eschew military service during the Vietnam War.
The daughters of the now-deceased podiatrist, Dr. Larry Braunstein, told the New York Timesthat their father often recounted the story about how he had given Trump a diagnosis of bone spurs in the heels. The implication, they said, was that the diagnosis was provided as a favor to his father, Fred Trump, who owned the building where his practice was located.
Trump received the diagnosis in 1968, which disqualified him from serving in the military. Prior to that he had also received several educational deferments.
The daughters, Dr. Elysa Braunstein, 56, and Sharon Kessel, 53, confirmed the story, saying that in exchange Fred Trump would swiftly handle any issues in the building.
The daughters, both Democrats, said they are not fans of President Trump.
Ya think?
Things the democrat media ignored
Obama’s ambassador to Syria: Trump’s troop withdrawal decision is ‘essentially correct’
The former U.S. ambassador to Syria has said President Trump was “essentially correct” in removing troops from the country.
Robert Ford, a career diplomat and fluent Arabic speaker served as U.S. ambassador to Algeria under President George W. Bush after being a senior diplomat in Iraq. He was then appointed U.S. ambassador to Syria by President Barack Obama in 2010.
“The president should view the hullabaloo that erupted after he announced the Syrian pullout as an opportunity to take a number of steps to make the most of his essentially correct, but widely unpopular, move,” Ford wrote in an op-ed Thursday for the Washington Post.
Parents Of 8-Year-Old Migrant Who Died Brought Boy For Easier US Entry
The mother of an 8-year-old Guatemalan boy who died in U.S. custody has revealed her family’s reasons for bringing the boy on the dangerous trek to the U.S. border.
In an interview with Reuters, Catarina Alonzo said that her husband took her son with him to the border in the hopes that the child would afford them easier entry into the United States.
Bombshell: New Info Says Khashoggi Was A Foreign Influence Agent
The Washington Post has caused itself a major scandal since it has come to light they and their martyred “reformer” Jamal Khashoggi were publishing anti-Saudi propaganda for Qatar. They tried to bury this in a pre-Christmas Saturday news dump, but that can’t stop the damage this will do to their reputation.
“Text messages between Khashoggi and an executive at Qatar Foundation International show that the executive, Maggie Mitchell Salem, at times shaped the columns he submitted to The Washington Post, proposing topics, drafting material and prodding him to take a harder line against the Saudi government,” the Post wrote December 21.
The Post says they were unaware of this, although Khashoggi’s Qatar connections were well known. They will have to answer for what is either incompetence in connecting these dots or simply not caring as Khashoggi’s attacks on President Trump and the Saudis fit right in with their narrative. The Qatar Foundation denies they were paying him to produce the anti-Saudi material.
Life is easy when you’re married to a billionaire
Rep. Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke (D-TX) believes the country must focus on the well-being of illegal immigrant migrant children “above any other concern.”
“We are very saddened to learn of the death of another child in U.S. custody,” he tweeted on Tuesday after a second migrant child died after crossing the border. “We must focus on the wellbeing of these children above any other concern.”
I keep hearing how American children go to bed hungry and this a-hole wants more. How much of his own money do would you bet he has spent on this concern?
Liberals (other than you, Greg and Rich) are immoral, amoral and insane.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
@Michael: Point is Mikey we dont know how humans accomplished it, we really do not. We may have dug up the tools and did not recognize them or know how they would work.
A few years back I let a young lady in to use the phone her battery has died I showed her to the rotary dial phone I bought at an estate sale, she did’nt know how to make a call. I actually had to show her how to dial. Thats only 1 generations technology. I dare you to find an old rotary dial phone and bring it to your school and see how many kids around 12 to 15 years old know how it is operated.
I’m sure someone who professes to be so highly educated should be able to provide the facts to back up their claims. Instead, you find excuses not to.
Your cognitive disorder seems to be kicking. I never asked you to tell me where you learned American history.
What correct facts are you requiring of me? Did I question your version of American history? No. I simply asked for the names of the material you claimed was from historians, which you continue to fail to provide.
Just provide the names of the books of historians you claim to have gleaned your history from instead of trying to obfuscate.
Pot, meet kettle.
He [Obama]was a Constitutional law professor at a law school for–what? eight years?–
Actually, he was NOT a professor. He was not tenured. Although, after Obama was elected POTUS, the U of Chicago School of Law gave him cover claiming that although Obama was a lecturer, he was considered a professor, a classification no other law school would designate. But then, the U of Chicago is a absolute hot bed of Marxist thought so they were pleased that a socialist was elected to the presidency.
All hat, no cattle.
retire05, in his most recent comment:
retire05, also in his most recent comment:
Glad we cleared that up, eh?
Like I said: I first learned that stuff decades ago. I don’t remember the titles and authors of books I read decades ago. I don’t even remember the names of all my professors, to be honest. If you can’t deal with that, then so it goes.
When teaching the Constitution I mainly used the Constitution; when teaching the surrounding history, I used whichever textbook adoption we were using at the time. The most recent was Holt. I’d supplement that with articles I’d find over the years and passages from things like the Federalist Papers.
It’s not rocket science, man.
And when interpreting that Constitution, did you proffer your own opinion, or did you use the interpretations of “historians?”
Which Holt book and who was the author?
Listen: I understand that this game you’re playing is more fun for you than actually discussing facts and ideas, but I’m finished. If you don’t like my facts, then demolish them with some of your own.
I don’t give a damn that you never finished high school; I’ll deal with you on a facts-only basis. There is literally nothing I could say about my educational background or experience, no proof I could offer, that you wouldn’t shit on, just on general principles, so let’s stop pretending.
We’ll work on the assumption that I left high school after ninth grade, just like you did. We’re equally uneducated, okay? You don’t have to set off your time-wasting countermeasures, and neither do I. From this point on, it will be about citing facts and providing links.
@retire05: This internet imposter isn’t worth it his attitude to facts and links that dont fit his commie tude.
I’m not questioning your “facts”, I’m questioning your claims of “teaching”. It is easy to prove you have been a teacher, but instead, you do the circular dodge.
There you go again. Assuming I did not finish high school is not FACT based, it is an opinion, while you say you will only deal with me “on a facts-only basis.” You just violated your own rule.
Sure there is. Instead, you whine.
You seem to think you are being “shit on”, yet, here you are. You must like being “shit on.”
You base that opinion of my educational level on what “facts-only basis?”
FACT: Holt is a publisher, part of Houghton Mifflin
FACT: Holt is not the author of the books they publish
FACT: Each academic system chooses their own text books
FACT: Each text book contains the authors
FACT: If you are/were a teacher, you would have known this
FACTS, not blathering obfuscation, Michael.
Yeah, kind of shows his ineptitude, huh? He gave “lectures”. He wasn’t a teacher. Like he was the editor of the Harvard Law Review but didn’t publish anything. Like his Presidency, he was an empty suit.
No, there isn’t. I could show you that I am a teacher right now, but you’d say that I just found somebody else and pretended to be that person. There is nothing to prove that I started teaching in 1990. I can’t even imagine what that piece of proof would be. And anyway, as I said, I’m tired of your game, so I’m not playing it any more.
But teachers refer to the textbook adoption by the publisher, or, sometimes, the particular series from that publisher. If you knew anything about teaching, you would have known this.
A: “So what are you guys using this year?”
B: “We just adopted Harcourt.”
A: “Oh, yeah. That one looked good. We went with McMillan.”
B: “Sorry, dude.”
I’d bet a month’s salary that not three teachers in this district of hundreds of teachers could name the authors of the textbook they use. But if you knew anything about teaching, you’d know that this is the way things are. What does it matter who wrote it? It’s the book we’ve been given. It’s that or nothing.
So let’s stop, okay?
@Deplorable Me:
What the heck do you think happens in the college classroom? It’s lectures from beginning to end, for however many years you’re going to school.
@Michael: Yeah, that’s how it’s done now. Facts are avoided in favor of leftist indoctrination. Obama lectured on Alinsky. He taught agitation and disruption, the politics of divisiveness. Lecturing is not teaching; it’s lecturing. That’s why they call it “lecturing” instead of “teaching”.
You think in any of Obama’s “lectures” on the Constitution he covered the problems with using the powers of the federal government as a political weapon for one particular political party? If he did, I wonder what he said…
@Deplorable Me:
I think you might be misunderstanding me. “Lecturing” is essentially all that has ever been done in college classrooms, all the way back to the Middle Ages. Even back in whatever you think of as “the good old days,” it was somebody standing in front of a room of students and talking for a couple of hours while everybody takes notes: lecturing.
A “lecturer” in college does pretty much the same thing as a professor, but they’re just not on a tenure track. In fact, lecturers will often do more teaching than full professors, since professors will turn the teaching tasks for lower-division courses over to a grad student (depending on the school).
Everybody who teaches a college class with actual students in an actual room is lecturing. That’s the college model of instruction, and it always has been.
If the teachers in your district are so inept they don’t even bother to know the material (text books) they should all be fired.
Not knowing what state you are in, I cannot speak to how your primary and secondary educational systems are run. I do know how text books are chosen, and the choices offered, in my state.
Then you’re not a teacher. You’re a parrot of the author of the text book.
And frankly, I doubt your political opinions, and your desire to leave the U.S., is a secret in your community. In my district, your contract would be terminated as you can not be trusted to not jade your “teaching” with such attitudes.
Then I guess that your district would wind up paying me a metric buttload of money as a result of the ensuing lawsuit.
But I’ve agreed to go along with what you’ve been saying: that I’m not a teacher. I’ve even said that I’ll take it further: we’ll say that I didn’t even get past ninth grade. On that basis, do you have anything to say to me on any of the historical or political topics brought up in this thread?
Actually, it would not. Proselytizing your political opinions in a class room full of students (basically a captive audience) would violate your contract and would be grounds for immediate dismissal. And no teacher works in my district without agreeing to the school district contract.
Nope. You can’t fix stupid so I don’t argue with those of the Howard Zinn mindset.
@retire05: Historical event the Chinese have landed a first ever probe on the far side of the moon.
USA should have had a base there by now but there is a snowman shaped rock way out we need pictures of.
@kitt: If we had set up bases on the moon in the 70’s and hadn’t used sound anti-global warming principles to guide us, it would be a barren waste land today.
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