So it appears I totally forgot about the 10 year anniversary of this blog. It all started on Nov 13th, 2004 when I wrote my first post celebrating the death of the terrorist Arafat (and the election of George Bush).
Since then there has been 8,000+ posts and 266,000+ comments. It’s come a long way since the early days and most of that has to do with the readers (lurkers and commenters alike) and the authors like Wordsmith (who came on board early on in the history of Flopping Aces), Chris Galloway (RIP dear friend), Skookum, Vince, Aye, Dr. John, James Raider, Scott, Mataharley, Skye, and yes, even Mike. Once the blog became bigger we would get many submissions from guest authors that were also instrumental in helping grow Flopping Aces.
The blog itself has changed over the years…In 2004 it was started on blogspot with a cheesy picture of 5 aces.
In 2005 I had a new site made which looked like this:
And by 2008 we had transitioned to this:
Until finally in January of 2011 we moved over to the latest you see now.
Hard to believe its been a decade…here’s to many more.

See author page
Amazing the wonderful things one stumbles across when searching for information. Flopping Aces was one of those.
How, by the way, was the name “Flopping Aces” arrived at?
Congrats, Curt!
A number of blogs have come and gone. Congrats, Curt, for being a mainstay in the conservative blogosphere!
In 2004, I listened to talk radio. I was nervous about the possibility of a John Kerry presidency. Living in a blue state, everything just seemed so bleak against George W. Bush. Hugh Hewitt gave me some sanity with his optimism going into the election. I also first learned about poliblogs and milblogs from him. Then there was 60 Minutes and Rathergate, exposed in the blogosphere and covered quite a bit by Hewitt’s radio program. So I started checking out blogs, linked by Hewitt. I discovered CJ at A Soldier’s Perspective. Extremely important at the time when I felt we weren’t getting all the news we needed to hear from the mainstream. The voices of milbloggers filled in a void. I discovered “Ex-Donkey Blog”, which made me think, “Hey. This is pretty good, entertaining stuff from an “ordinary guy”. He was kind of a “South Park Republican”. Being inspired by that and reading up on how easy it was to start a blog at Hugh Hewitt’s site, I decided to start my own, just to have a place to vent my thoughts and express myself (June of 2005). Almost right away- within the hour- someone left a comment on my first post. I have no idea how he found me. But I visited his blog. There, I met Mike’s America. I started visiting more blogs. I discovered Flopping Aces, which linked me to some great information. I think I left a comment; and Curt followed me back to my own blog and I suppose checked out some of my writings to see what I was about. I was quite surprised and honored when Curt asked if I’d be interested in being an author at FA. Flopping Aces was one of those mid-tier blogs that was sometimes linked by the big guys- Hewitt, Malkin, etc. Curt even got some mainstream attention with the whole Jamil Hussein thing. I remember FA getting a mention on cable news by some guest.
Mike became an ally in arguing with liberals on different blogs we visited. Somewhere along the way, I had stumbled across Skye’s blog. I think it was in regards to Battlestar Galactica. From there, she and Mike became acquainted. And Ex-Donkey Blog honored Skye and I with an invite to guest blog while he was on vacation. Then it felt great to have Mike and Skye as co-authors at FA.
I’m somewhat on blogging life support these days. But I would hate to just completely quit blogging, cold-turkey. I love FA and hope it continues to offer a forum for thoughts and commentary on the world of politics.
Happy FA Birthday to all the authors and readers here!
Scott’s video:
My own video (I think I posted it when I first came to FA) which is dated now (original account got suspended, so this is a re-upload), but amused me greatly 7 years ago:
Back then, I didn’t have access to all the ways to rip video clips and edit that we have available to us now. Looking back on it now, it’s crude and rude and not very well-put together; but it is what it is. I think half the news clips I used in the video were from downloads at CrooksandLiars.
Here’s hoping for at least a decade more.
At the time I started the blog I was on a huge poker kick and I really didn’t expect the blog to get any traffic, just a place to rant a bit so I just pulled a poker term out of the air and the rest is history.
I remember those days well. Loved those video’s also. Like yourself I’ve slowed down a bit also but everytime I think I’m done with blogging something comes along that I gotta rant about.
Just wish Bees was here to see this anniversary.
Happy Birthday Flopping Aces!!
Have always enjoyed everyone’s writings and insight, there are a lot of passionate folks here who truly love their country who want the best for our country and for everyone…I have learned a lot here…thank you.
Congrats Curt and thanks for keeping the place open for all of us. This is one of the handful of conservative blogs that I visit almost every day, many others I just get to on occasion.
I don’t comment on many of the pieces here even though I read most of them, I figure if I can’t add something remotely intelligent to the conversation then I probably should keep it to myself.
Once again thanks for keeping the place alive, I know it has to be a lot of work and at times a huge hassle.
Happy B-day FA! Kudos to Curt and all the other contributing authors and to ‘Randy’ for directing me here. This is the only blog site I go to and I visit it every day.
Excellent job Curt, keep up the good honest work! Oh yeah, thanks buddy, should you find yourself in SW Oklahoma, beers and BBQ are my treat.
Happy 10th FA and here’s to 10 more. I really enjoy the website.
Cheers Curt!
Congratulations! The first decade is the hardest, they say!
Ten years, my goodness, I figure I’ve been aboard about half those years. It’s been an honor and a pleasure to write with these wits and characters.
I often thought we were making a difference; unfortunately, our leadership has failed us. After six years of corruption and incompetence, we have won, but our leaders refuse to claim the field. We made a valiant effort, from our little parapet, and we should be proud. We were lions, who had burros for leaders. I am proud of all of you, you bards in training. We may have lost, but we have forever made a mark and may America remember our efforts and the efforts of many more who stood up for the Constitution and Liberty, for these desperate attempts to define liberty and freedom will yet make a difference to people who hunger for freedom and for whom the yoke of Marxism is a burden too ignoble to accept.
For some of us, the fight has only just begun, and for us, there can only be victory. Lawlessness, riots, and oppression will not deter us: it serves to make us more resolute. Eventually, we will find the leaders to deliver us from tyranny, then and only then, will the rage that boils deep within the soul be calmed.
I look forward to the battles ahead, but we should never trust in weaklings, ever again.
I can see why you made it 10 years, and will make it many more. Businesses that have a 10 year birthday hand out free stuff. What free stuff will you hand out? I’m not a liberal who EXPECTS free stuff, but I still like to get free stuff. LOL
Happy B.D. Flopping Aces. (I kind of miss the old Wild, Wild West look.) I’ve been a busy puppy lately, and while I usually try to read most of the subjects (when I have the time), and I’ll continue to send in the odd submission (as I get around to it). I know every now and then some of us will get in arguments. That’s something that can’t be avoided in any political blog, and sometimes it gets pretty heated. Yet, most will smooth their ruffled feathers and act socialble on other discussions. Roughly the same time Flopping Aces appeared, I was mediating a Delphi forum on the philosophy of the founders and issues of constitutionality. It never really took off, (I expect because so few seem really interested in revolutionary era history and constitutionality in today’s American,) but it gave me an appreciation for what moderators have to put up with. I also had my fair share of trolls (whom I still have little respect for,) who would pop in to flame or light bags of manure on fire. Curt is a much more tolerant and forgiving operator than I, considering how much he’ll let the trolls get away with. (Something the resident trolls should be very thankful for.) Frankely, I’d have permenantly banned Greg, This One and RJW long ago.
Here’s to another ten years of Flopping Aces! I hope this nation can weather, shake-off and survive the progressive transformation agenda of both major parties that long.
Congratulations! Your work is much appreciated.
It sounds so corny; (then again some part of the definition of corny is that it represents an overused and presently overlooked truth) but, Flopping Aces gives me some comfort that I’m not the deluded one.
@Curt: Well, this hasn’t flopped and is definitely aces.
Congrats Curt!
I remember Mike’s America, Skye, Aye, and Mata. I still come here almost everyday to see the take on the latest news.
I found you while I was in Iraq. You accurately portrayed the Shia-Sunni issues in Baghdad while all of the left wing media took “CPT Jamel’s reports” as gospel. Jamel was Al Qaeda. Curt had it right! Happy Birthday!
I’ve been thinking about updating the site again, it’s been three years.
Anyone have any fresh ideas for artwork for Flopping Aces?
Yeah. that series of posts was definitely the high mark for the blog. Got a ton of attention.
Congratulations Curt and a Happy Tenth to F.A.
Prevailing for 10 years in this age of the Internet is a tremendous accomplishment which speaks to Curt’s perseverance. As Bobachek noted above, “. . . a lot of work and at times a huge hassle.” We appreciate the effort, and we’re grateful for it.
Thank you for providing us a platform for writing, ranting, thinking, exploring, and sharing. Also thank you for allowing such latitude in our posts and in our comments.
BTW, I second Ditto’s support of the Wild West “Look.” I loved it when I first visited F.A. many years ago, and it helped to pull me in, signifying something off the beaten track from the rest of the blogosphere.
And thanks Curt, for allowing us to each do our bit in the battle against ignorance and in the combat of “progressive” socialism which is creeping across the landscape like a toxic blob encouraged by the gutless and mindless MSM.
@Bill: #18
Very well said. I love it!
@Curt: #21
A split-rail fence would look good around the stories you “corrall”.
The “Most Wanted” could be made with a “WANTED” poster background.
Congratulations on making the 10, Curt.
I’ve read on and off through the 10 years, enjoying the lively banter, back and forth, in the comments. Much to your credit, you did not delete the comments by liberal readers (Steve – remember him, Greg – today’s Steve, Larry etc.), even those that were quite irritating. Those comments made us better in conservative thought by improving on and fleshing out the points we were, and are, making.
Here’s to another 10! (May be?)
Ok 1 day and 1 dollar short – Happy Birthday Guys!