The Cost of Joe Biden

This Memorial Day Weekend, it seems like every news outlet from YouTube to the New York Times is talking about President Trump’s rally in the Bronx. No Republican has won

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More from the Anti-American Film Festival

And the fun from the Venice Film Festival continues…. Here’s Paul Haggis on his film, "In the Valley of Elah" (based upon a Playboy article, "Death and Dishonor", by Mark

The Clooney Left….

  So…another Learjet Liberal at the Venice Film Festival opens his crusty pie-hole: Clooney – who said he made "Syriana" and "Good Night, and Good Luck", out of anger that

Larry Craig and Hypocrisy

Larry Craig resigned today and the lefties are throwing around the term hypocrite from one coast to the other while forgetting a few of their very own hypocrites: (via Wizbang)