Republicans Are Winning the Voter Registration Battle in Battleground States

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By Austin Alonzo

Republicans are closing the gap on voter registrations in key swing states. Political observers say it could be a sign the party will perform well in November.

The gap between registered voters in the Democratic Party and Republican Party shrank significantly in Pennsylvania, Nevada, and North Carolina, according to voter registration statistics collected in April.

Taking the combined voter totals in the three states, Republicans have eroded the Democratic registration advantage by more than 54 percent between 2019 and 2024.

In Arizona, a fourth critical state, Republicans extended their lead in registered voters by more than 71 percent during the same period.

The four states are among the most prized possessions in presidential politics. Collectively, they represent 52 electoral votes. In 2020, Joe Biden carried all except North Carolina. In 2016, Donald Trump took everything but Nevada.

The registration trends don’t necessarily mean Republicans will sweep the states, but they’re a sign that the GOP will be able to more easily target and turn out its voters in those states than it did in 2020.

“On balance, you’d certainly rather have more registrations in your direction than the other direction,” Daniel Hopkins, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Ronald O. Perelman Center for Political Science and Economics, told The Epoch Times.


The largest numerical shift occurred in the Keystone State where the Democrat lead has shrunk by some 400,000 votes since May 2019.

In May 2019, more than 4 million were registered as Democrats, and about 3.2 million were registered Republicans, according to voter registration data collected by the Pennsylvania Department of State.

By the end of April, almost 3.9 million Pennsylvanians were registered as Democrats, while nearly 3.5 million were registered as Republicans.

During the same period, the total number of registered voters increased to more than 8.7 million from nearly 8.5 million. The electorate registered with the Libertarian Party or “other parties,” as the state identifies them, remained relatively stable at 1.2 million during the same period.

Along with the rematch between President Biden and former President Trump, Pennsylvania voters will consider a Senate race crucial to the balance of power in Washington. Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) will square off against Republican businessman Dave McCormick.

Mr. Hopkins said the seismic change in voter registration could be linked to a growing number of what he called “ancestral Democrats” in rural Pennsylvania either falling off the rolls or registering with another party. These moderate voters are just as likely to vote Democratic as Republican, he predicts.

Nevertheless, Mr. Hopkins said the statistics indicate the state’s voters are moving toward the right and there is more parity in the electorate than in previous cycles. This aligns with the Republican Party’s growing appeal with white, high-school-educated voters, he said.

Pennsylvania GOP chairman Lawrence Tabas said erasing the voter registration deficit is a “top priority” in the state.

Mr. Tabas said volunteers are knocking on doors and making phone calls in efforts to register more Republican voters.

“So far this year, all 67 counties have registered more Republican voters than any other party,” Mr. Tabas said in a statement provided to The Epoch Times.

“These numbers, coupled with our mail-in ballot increases, are sure to help set up Republican victories in all regions of the Commonwealth this November.”

Representatives of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party didn’t respond to a request for comment from The Epoch Times.

North Carolina

The biggest percentage change occurred in the Tarheel State and the most significant statistic is that unaffiliated voters now exceed those of either major party.

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Scott Presler, who used to go into dem slum areas and clean up neighborhoods, became a voter-registering machine before he got very ill last year.
Now he is better and officially registering people for the GOP.
His system is very successful.

It doesn’t matter if the Democrats are allowed to commit election fraud on a level they need to win. How did the advantage work out in Arizona when the ballots were rigged not to scan?

Republicans are undoubtedly registering illegal aliens for the purpose of massive voter fraud.

Show your proof. Democrats ARE registering illegal immigrants to vote, among their other usual methods of election fraud.

Maybe you should show yours first, since Trump has been claiming MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD! without a shred of frickin’ evidence for over three years now.

BTW, there have been 3,563 reposts of Trump’s HUGE Bronx rally photo—which, it turns out, is actually a photo of a 2008 Obama crowd. That little figure to the left in the white shirt isn’t actually your cult leader.

They’re laughing in India. Even the monkeys are laughing.

Fact Check: Viral photo of Trump rally is actually from Obama’s 2008 campaign – India Today Fact Check found that the viral photo is from Barack Obama’s 2008 rally in St. Louis, Missouri.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

I wonder why MSNBC didn’t seek out and find those three or four crazies that are always at every event? Couldn’t find any?

Maybe you should show yours first,

Run, cowardly widdle wabbit, run.

Elmer Fudd is in the tank for Trump? It figures.

You are all the way down to Elmer Fudd for imaginary villains? Pathetic.

80% of House Republicans Release Plan Targeting Medicare, Social Security, and the Affordable Care Act, Raising Costs, and Cutting Taxes for the Wealthy
80% of House Republicans released a Budget that:
Cuts Medicare and Social Security while putting health care at risk for millions

  1. Calls for over $1.5 trillion in cuts to Social Security, including an increase in the retirement age to 69 and cutting disability benefits.
  2. Raises Medicare costs for seniors by taking away Medicare’s authority to negotiate prescription drug costs, repealing $35 insulin, and the $2,000 out-of-pocket cap in the Inflation Reduction Act
  3. Transitions Medicare to a premium support system that CBO has found would raise premiums for many seniors.
  4. Cuts Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program by $4.5 trillion over ten years, taking coverage away from millions of people, eroding care for seniors, children, and people with disabilities, and taking us back to the days where people could be denied care for pre-existing conditions and charged more for health insurance simply for being a woman.  

Rigs the economy for the wealthy and large corporations against middle class families

  1. Passes $5.5 trillion in tax cuts skewed to the wealthy and large corporations, including permanently extending tax cuts in the Trump tax law, repealing the minimum tax on billion-dollar corporations the President signed into law, eliminating the estate tax for the wealthiest Americans, providing a massive tax cut for billionaire investors, and making it easier for the wealthy and large corporations to get away with cheating on their taxes.
  2. Kills jobs and investment in communities throughout the country – including Red States – by eliminating the clean energy tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act.
  3. Makes it easier for companies and banks to rip consumers off with unfair and hidden junk fees by eliminating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
  4. Raises housing costs by cutting funding for rental assistance, cutting funding for programs that help build housing, and raising mortgage costs for first-time homebuyers.

03/20/24 – Republicans Propose Budget That Will Raise Health Care Costs and Rip Coverage Away from Millions of Americans
The GOP’s proposed budget would:

“…Kill the Inflation Reduction Act’s Drug Pricing Savings. The RSC budget proposal would fully repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, which is saving Americans thousands of dollars on health care by holding big pharmaceutical companies accountable and bringing down the cost of prescription drugs, making health care plans more affordable with premium tax credit subsidies, and capping the price of insulin at $35 per month for Medicare Part D beneficiaries. Here are just a few of the impacts this disastrous plan would have on American health care:

  • GONE: Insulin co-pays will no longer be capped at $35 per month for 4 million Americans on Medicare who use insulin.
  • GONE: 52 million Medicare beneficiaries will no longer be able to receive the shingles vaccination and other recommended vaccinations free of cost.
  • GONE: Seniors on Medicare will no longer be protected from drug company price hikes through inflation rebates.
  • GONE: Medicare will be banned from negotiating drug prices. Nearly 9 million people take the first ten drugs that were selected for Medicare negotiation, which account for 20 percent of the annual Medicare Part D spending. Negotiated prices will take effect in 2026.
  • GONE400,000 low-income seniors will no longer receive more help affording prescription drugs through the Medicare Part D Extra Help program.
  • GONE: Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries will no longer have access to recommended vaccinations free of cost.
  • GONE: Seniors with the highest brand-name drug costs will no longer have their out-of-pocket costs capped at $3,250 for the year and $2,000 in 2025, which would save nearly 19 million Americans an average of $400 each year

Strike Premium Tax Credits, Raising Premiums By Thousands of Dollars. The RSC budget proposal would rescind temporary enhancements to premium tax credits originally enacted in the American Rescue Plan and extended by the Inflation Reduction Act until 2025. These enhanced tax credits have reduced ACA Marketplace enrollees’ premiums by an average of $800 per year.

  • GONE: Premium tax credits that make premiums affordable for 80 percent of people who purchase health care on the Marketplace, saving millions of Americans an average $527.
  • GONE: Annual health insurance premiums will increase by an average $7,676 for a family of four making $125,000 a year if premium tax credit enhancements are rescinded.

Expand Junk Plans. The RSC proposal would codify rules put forth by the Trump administration that expanded health insurance plans known as association health plans (AHPs). These plans are not required to cover the essential health benefits put in place by the Affordable Care Act and are allowed to charge people more based on their age, health status, and gender. AHPs have a long history of fraud and unpaid claims and provide weaker cost and protection coverage. The proposal also applauds efforts by the Trump administration to expand short-term limited-duration plans, which engage in predatory marketing practices, fail to protect people with pre-existing conditions, and put patients at risk of bankruptcy when they get sick. The Trump administration’s decision to expand access to these plans exposed consumers to scams and reduced transparency about coverage limits and hidden fees. 
Rip Away the ACA’s Protections For Pre-Existing Conditions. The RSC proposal would remove many protections for the over 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions made possible through the Affordable Care Act, and would allow insurers to deny coverage, except for people who have had continuous coverage through an employer or the individual market.
Threaten Coverage For People With High-Risk Medical Conditions, Leaving Millions of Americans At The Mercy of State Coverage Pools. The RSC proposal would funnel people with high-risk medical conditions into state-run coverage pools, leaving states with the final say on how insurers can determine premiums based on health risks. These high risk coverage pools often impose high premiums and deductibles, with premiums as much as 200 percent higher than average and deductibles substantially greater than allowed under the ACA – all at a higher cost to American taxpayers. Numerous studies have shown that high risk coverage pools often provide worse care, with many having exclusions for pre-existing conditions, limited benefits, lifetime and annual limits on coveragewaiting periods, and often result in delayed or forgone care.
Loosen Restrictions For Hospitals Providing Worse Care At Higher Costs For Patients. The RSC proposal would eliminate the ban on physician-owned hospitals, which provide limited or no emergency services, cherry-pick the most potentially profitable patients, and incur significantly higher costs on the Medicare program. According to the HHS, up to one-third of these hospitals may violate Medicare requirements by relying on publicly funded services to stabilize patients while still charging the patients exorbitantly.
Jeopardize Medicaid Coverage For Millions Through Block Grants. MAGA Republicans want to radically restructure Medicaid by changing it into five block grants. Block grants would shift costs to states and inevitably result in deep cuts to Medicaid programs by capping the amount of federal Medicaid funding states receive. As CBPP found in 2017, a block grant would force states to make deep cuts to their Medicaid programs to compensate for the federal funding cut”

From “the White House”. Yeah, you can believe 100% of that, for sure.

Why are Democrats registering illegal immigrants to vote?

Released by the biden regime. No link just propaganda from the WH. Meh

Comrade Greggie, do you have such a pathetic life that you spend all your time researching left wing sites for the trash you post here?

Should we trust the Biden White House? Let me see, didn’t Biden say he NEVER discussed Hunter’s business with him? Oooops. Seems like Joe was more than just Hunter’s daddy who was clueless. And remember, Biden told us that Hunter NEVER took money from the Chinese.

You’re a total idiot.

The tolerant left.

You Democrats simply HATE it when those slaves get a running start and get away, don’t you?

No, he gets fed propaganda and disinformation to spread. He doesn’t care if it comes from the Russians, he just follows orders.

Got anything from anyone credible? Gee… I’d sure like to know what Raging Madcow has to say about it!!

Bidenomics Has America Singing The Memorial Day Barbeque Blues As Costs Soar [VIDEOS]

Funny how you never post from anyone credible. Always members of the Ministry of Propaganda.

All you have to sell is fear. Same old democrat playbook that been used and worn out.
Our national debt is increasing by 80k per second under Joe Biden. You say nothing.

Last edited 8 months ago by Mully

And not only is Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and the Democrats increasing the debt by leaps and bounds, but the country and people have absolutely nothing to show for it. Just a bunch of waste and woke bullshit.

I’ve shown it, repeatedly. Now, let’s see yours. Of course, you are lying. What else can you do?

I saw the rally live. The crowd was huge, greater than 10,000 happy, cheering blacks, Asians, Hispanics and whites. All cheering a better America. Yeah, the entire world is laughing… at that weak, incompetent, corrupt, treasonous pedophile liar, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden.

Remember this from 2020? ‘Digital blackface’: Twitter takes down fake accounts claiming to be Black Trump supporters

…Several fake Twitter accounts posing as Black supporters of President Donald Trump have been popping up recently, gaining tremendous traction and then disappearing.

It’s being called “digital black face,” and Twitter has already taken down a network of those fake accounts.

A Twitter spokesperson told CNN the accounts violated rules against platform manipulation and spam. Those rules ban users from tweeting to “artificially amplify or suppress information.”

At the forefront to spot fake accounts is a Clemson University professor who studies disinformation.

“These messages picked up a real astounding number of retweets very quickly,” digital researcher Darren Linvil said.

Linvil started seeing an unusual spike in Twitter traffic recently of Black Republicans supporting Trump.

“Clearly fake accounts using a lot of common language and common messaging,” he said.

The accounts are stealing the images of real Black Americans from news stories and other places on the web and using those pictures on the fake profiles…

Haitian Man Who Came to US on Biden’s ‘Parole Program’ Indicted For Raping Disabled Child in Massachusetts


Several fake Twitter accounts

Meaning more than one.

network of those fake accounts

Several now means “network?”

Just admit that those “black faces” that were at that Bronx park were not Democrats with Shinola on their faces. Be honest, for once, and admit that Biden is losing minorities in massive numbers.

All people need is to see the truth and have the courage to accept it. That second part is the most challenging for leftists.

The cult conversation experience…

Top financial experts have said inflation is settled and biden has lost. There will not be a reduction sufficient enough to factor into the election.
Should biden campaign on reducing inflation from 9%, his words, to todays print?

Well, Greg says they aren’t, so this must be wrong.