This Memorial Day, Remember The Fallen, Like This Farm Boy From North Carolina

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by John A. Lucas

As a combat veteran, I always feel a bit awkward when someone wishes me “Happy Memorial Day.” Oftentimes, I do not correct them because I know they mean well. The misplaced gratitude stems from a misunderstanding of what Memorial Day is all about.

The purpose of Memorial Day is to remember and honor our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who have been killed in action serving this country and its people. It is a time for somber reflection, not joy.

One of the things that I would ask you to reflect upon this Memorial Day is the sacrifice made by those whom we honor. I don’t mean just to take a few minutes to acknowledge that they died too young, then return to your grilling, water skiing, partying, or whatever. Dig deeper.

Here is a suggestion that everyone can do: Set aside 30 minutes to visit the Wall of Faces. It includes photos and memorials of all those killed in Vietnam. Pick a date — perhaps your birthday, wedding anniversary, or college graduation. Then look at the men who died on that date throughout the years of the Vietnam War.

See their photos. Read the comments by family, friends, and comrades. Then reflect on the things they forfeited. Almost all of them would now be in their 70s or 80s. They missed out on 50 to 60 years worth of joy and laughter, sorrow and tears, everything that makes up a life.

You may find that you want to spend more than a half hour there. You may even find yourself going back for subsequent visits on later days. I hope so.

Here is a short sketch about one such soldier whose name is carved on the Wall.

Garney Burleson was a farm boy from North Carolina. He is not famous. You will not read about him anywhere other than here. He was a member of the elite aero-rifle platoon of B Troop, 1/9 Cavalry, of the famed 1st Cavalry Division, also known as the “Bravo Blues.”

Garney was killed in action on January 28, 1971, in Binh Tuy Province, Vietnam. He was only 20 years old.

Garney is buried in the cemetery of a small country church outside of Asheville, N.C. No immediate family members are left to remember him today. No parents. No siblings. He never had any children.

At the time of his death, Garney had been in Vietnam for about three months. He was already serving under his second platoon leader, his first having been medically evacuated after being wounded.

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It is an insult to them all that today, the left wants to destroy all those brave men and women fought for and what this nation has stood for. Remember those who sacrificed for this country and, to honor them, do all we can to KEEP this nation the nation they sacrificed for, not some woke socialist failure.

The left has contempt for any remembrance of those who have given the last measure so those of us can enjoy our God given natural rights. Our rights come from God, government is charged with protecting them, not abusing or taking away. That is tyranny, that is the left.

The Wall of Faces is the coolest website ever, TY brothers!

Just remember we had Eight Years under Draft Dodger Rapist and Traitor back in the 1990s named Bill Clinton