The Clooney Left….



So…another Learjet Liberal at the Venice Film Festival opens his crusty pie-hole:

Clooney – who said he made "Syriana" and "Good Night, and Good Luck", out of anger that he was labeled a traitor for questioning the decision to go to war – told reporters he thinks change is coming.

Why would he care what others may or may not say or think about his opinions? So, like a whining snot, because of actual or perceived accusations of him being "a traitor", he goes and makes anti-American films? Oookay…. that’ll put his critics in their places!

Grow some thicker skin, you pampered, pompous putz.

I rarely hear significant conservative voices label those they criticize as "anti-American" and "traitor". In some cases, I do think it’s appropriate to question their patriotism (what else would you call the actions of Jane Fonda, sitting on a North Viet Cong anti-aircraft gun used to shoot down American planes? Willful ignorance?). However, why is it, that in so many cases when it’s their judgment that is being called into question, anti-war liberals have the knee-jerk reaction of feeling like it is their patriotism which is under attack?

Maybe, because deep down inside, there is some truth gnawing at them there, and they know it.

He said he believes Americans are now in the process of fixing the mistakes of the last few years.

Fixing things, "that’s what Americans have been really good at," he said.

Yup….we’re still fixing the mistakes and misteps of the Carter Administration and the Clinton Administration. Meanwhile, Hollywood know-nothing learjet liberals like Clooney want to install an Obama, Edwards, or the 2nd coming of Clinton into the Oval Office.

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Guess you missed the reporter who asked Clooney why he did commercials for nestle, a multinational corporation that is killing third world babies by promoting baby formula…

Clooney’s a “baby killer?” When did he join up?