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The Discounted Rate To Dishonor Our Troops

Further proof that our MSM are nothing but shills for the Democrat and Socialist parties (one and the same?) inside this country: The New York Times dramatically slashed its normal

Let the Cries of Defeatism Continue

The Twin Cities Conservative spied this article in CBSNews.com, and my first reaction was such that I was positive I would read endless news reports, press releases, etc. from the

The Hsu Woodstock Museum

Hat tip to Mike for finding this article printed a few months ago: The grassroots free-market group Americans for Prosperity (AFP) today released a list of Senate earmarks slated to

Another Democrat Thrown In Jail

So will this be all over the news as proof that the Democrat party are a bunch of losers and hypocrites? Part 1: YouTube Video And Part 2 YouTube Video

Comment Feed

I’ve put up a comment feed on the sidebar above the "email me" link.  For those of you trying to keep up with your conversations it might be a good

I question her judgment…and lack thereof

Interesting to take a look at the foreign policy advisors Obama and Clinton are aligning themselves with.  Perplexing that Hillary Clinton would add to her team Sandy Berger, who resigned