The Discounted Rate To Dishonor Our Troops


Further proof that our MSM are nothing but shills for the Democrat and Socialist parties (one and the same?) inside this country:

The New York Times dramatically slashed its normal rates for a full-page advertisement for’s ad questioning the integrity of Gen. David Petraeus, the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq.

Headlined "Cooking the Books for the White House," the ad which ran in Monday’s Times says Petraeus is "a military man constantly at war with the facts" and concluded – even before he testified before Congress – that "General Petraeus is likely to become General Betray Us."

According to Abbe Serphos, director of public relations for the Times, "the open rate for an ad of that size and type is $181,692."

A spokesman for confirmed to The Post that the liberal activist group had paid only $65,000 for the ad – a reduction of more than $116,000 from the stated rate.

A Post reporter who called the Times advertising department yesterday without identifying himself was quoted a price of $167,000 for a full-page black-and-white ad on a Monday.

Gotta admit that even I am surprised with this one.  Why would I be surprised when there is so much evidence of the bias inside our MSM.  But the utter foolishness of this act is just beyond words.

One guy isn’t taking it sitting down tho, Uncle Jimbo from Blackfive filed a FEC complaint today:

So in my first act of political crankitude I filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission regarding the discount MoveOn received. Ya’ see in order to be fair newspapers and TV aren’t allowed to discount political or advocacy ads so they cannot favor one side, well Hmmmmmm. Here is my complaint.

Office of General Counsel
Federal Election Commission
999 E Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20463

Dear Folks,

Sept. 10, 2007 the political advocacy group ran an ad in the NY Times with the headline, Gen. Petraeus or Gen. Betray Us.

This ad  also says "Cooking the books for the White House" making it political communications and subject to FEC regulations. It has been reported that MoveOn paid $65,000 for the ad by

ABC News

and the NY Post

The rate card price of such an ad on the NY Times political advocacy rate card is $181,692.

I sold political advertising for Capital Newspapers in Madison, WI during the 2006 elections. We were informed that there could be absolutely no discounts to the rate card prices for political or advocacy advertising based on federal law. The reason was self-evidently to stop the paper from favoring one viewpoint over another. It seems evident that if the reports are true, the NY Times has favored MoveOn by offering a huge discount to them for political advocacy advertising.

I request an investigation to determine if the law has been broken by the NY Times and/or

And I’m hoping more jump on board. 

Over at ABC they contacted the Times and was told that they are fair with these sorts of things because they ran a conservative ad after 9/11 on the cheap, but that excuse isn’t panning out:

New York Times spokeswoman Catherine Mathis tells me that it’s Times policy to not “disclose the rate that any one advertiser pays for an ad. The rate that is charged for an ad will depend on a variety of factors including how frequently the advertiser advertises with us, the day of the week, is it color, is it black and white, what section it appears, all of those kinds of things.”…

Mathis points out that on September 11, 2007, “we published a full-page advertisement from Freedom’, an organization whose view is opposite of”

Freedom’s Watch spokesman Matt David, however tells me the group was charged “significantly more” than for its ad. The organization says it plans to run a response to the NYT ad in the Times, “and we plan to demand the same ad rate they paid,” David says.

We all know and understand that the NYT’s, the LAT’s and all those in between are run by a bunch of KOS kiddies who think they know everything, but know so little.  They belong to that special club, that "sacred and magical place" of anti-Americanism that bind them together.

The fact that they received the "family discount" from the Times is big, the ad itself is even bigger.  It shows that there is very little split amongst the Democrats.  Doesn’t matter that they unanimously voted him in to run the war.  No, because he says that Iraq is well on its way to being a success he now has to be a partisan shill, a traitor.  They now believe that he perjures himself and knowingly sends our troops to their deaths to ensure that Bush’s policy gets implemented.  All he is a puppet.

That is the message from these nimrods.

They support our troops you see, but think of them as nothing but bloodthirsty robots who deserve no respect.

That is the message of that ad.

And the Times, who publish state secrets without a second thought, who jump onto Wikipedia and type in lies, gave those same folks a wink and a nod and allowed them to dishonor General Petraeus and our fighting men and women….at a discount rate.

Just plain disgusting.


And check out this idiot:

How is it treason for a free press to allow groups of citizens to pay for something they want to advertise? And why is that wrong? And even if they DID give them a good deal, why the hell does that matter?

I’m thinking he rode the short bus to school.

So he thinks there is nothing wrong if the Times gives a discounted rate for a political advertisement while at the same time NOT giving that same rate for the other side of the aisle.

Do you think this guy would think the same if it was the other way around?

Not on your life.

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Way to go Blackfive!

Rudy Giuliani has also sent the Times an ad about all the “willing disbelief” we would have to engage in to believe Hillary Clinton on anything.

If anyone finds a copy of that ad, please drop me a note.

Rudy has asked for the same discount rate. You think he’ll get it?

I just read on Drudge that ABC has got caught ‘again’ for making up entirely phony news stories and are now in the process of investigating everything one of their trusted reporters had anything to do with. Seems a lot of it may be in the Middle East. The NYSlimes should be investigated for the same thing.

I think it’s time for massive retaliation against Clinton Inc. on her “suspension of disbelief” smirking condescension to Petraeus.

I hope Fred gets out of his rocking chair & starts to lumber into action. Rudy is already taking the kid gloves off. She needs a lot of beating about the head & shoulders.

Meanwhile, the nutroots are in their bubble-boy echo-chamber mode on MoveOn and simply want their Pavlovian lock-step solidarity unbroken by realists and non-fantasists—a dying breed in the Dem Party, sadly.

Estrich and other veterans of REAL campaigns disturb the nutroot stoned/slacker torpor or excite their meth-fueled thrashings and gnashing of teeth.

Reality is something the ultra-left Kossack-nutjobs resolutely ignore, and when it rears its head among them, they react by flight or fight.

Rudy just explained to Hannity that the “special rate” has been granted, but that the NYT takes the lower rate with the proviso that it will publish within a certain time-span, not right away. Of course, MoveOn got the family “timing” & it’s ad was published toute de suite ASAP.

If Rudy is clever, he will make a huge stink if the NYT dilly-dallies on the publishing of his discounted ad, pointing out obvious favoritism to MoveOn by its moles in the NYT—the Soros-cide mafia.

“She” above refers to Clinton Inc.

Hope Fred lumbers out of his rocking chair to join the fight. His below-the-radar campaign only works to a certain degree.

Another fine Young Republican leader who would agree with you about the President’s speech: