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Bulls**t Environmental Hysteria

In honor of this bullshit article: Humanity is rapidly turning the seas acid through the same pollution that causes global warming, the world’s governments and top scientists agreed yesterday. The

Tawana Brawley Case To Be Re-Opened?

You think all the money given to the Jena 6 thugs: Have something to do with this?  Twenty years after her allegations of a racially charged rape became a national

Medved On “Redacted”

You have to listen to Michael Medveds review of the new anti-American movie Redacted: Sounds like a winner of a movie to go along with this great one:

The Liberty Dollar Raid

I wrote a few days ago I wrote about the Ron Paul fans and their attempt to pass their own homemade money around the country.  The company, Liberty Dollar in

The Unserious Candidate

Mona Charen writes a beautiful editorial detailing everything wrong with Ron Paul, and there is plenty to work with: (h/t bRight & Early) 1. Ron Paul is inconsistent. Though he

A Victory For The Environment?

If you had not heard, the 9th Circuit has ruled that President Bush’s revised automobile fuel economy standards were not good enough. A federal appeals court here rejected the Bush