The Week in Radical Leftism – Yep, More from The Nation!
Welcome back, everybody to the waning days of the Biden*/Harris occupation, Day 1425 to be precise! Sorry for my absence these last two weeks, but Thanksgiving and that pesky IRL …
Welcome back, everybody to the waning days of the Biden*/Harris occupation, Day 1425 to be precise! Sorry for my absence these last two weeks, but Thanksgiving and that pesky IRL …
Your first thought on seeing this posts title is “But Brother Bob, Arnold is from Austria!” And you would be correct, but as Arnold likes to refer to himself, “Born …
Tim Walz’s is a self-described socialist. A virtual Communist. Together with Kamala Harris they make up the most far left ticket in history for the leadeship of this country. They are a danger to democracy.
Welcome back! After my Dave Rubin-inspired August “News Cleanse” I’m back in the saddle! So… anything interesting happen in the traditionally slowest month of the year for the news cycle? …
A few months ago I predicted that omicron would be the variant which could end of the pandemic. Now COVID cases are indeed falling off dramatically. Yet we could …
During the late Middle Ages jousting and sacking and pillaging were the normal activities of the day. 1346 was just a normal year and Europe was involved in another of …
The COVID pandemic is showing signs of slowing down. The UK is going to getting ready to drop nearly all of its COVID restrictions. France and Ireland are expected to …
Just the other day Joe Biden threw in the towel on COVID, effectively surrendering to the virus after having pledged to shut it down in his presidential campaign. Biden’s …
Omicron is causing major disruptions in the economy and among the personal lives of Americans but it’s mostly for nothing. You’re 80% less likely to be hospitalized with omicron compared …
Welcome back to day 276 of the Let’s Go Brandon* Occupation! What insanity have our Lefty pals dialed up this week? Let’s jump right in! 10/12 – Retro-liberals: #WalkAway is …