The Week in Radical Leftism, 6/25/21

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Welcome back to Day 157 of the President Harris* Occupation! Going straight into our roundup again:

6/21 – Schilling Show Host to Sue Albemarle County General Registrar and Designees Over Election Day Assaults and Voter Suppression Attempts

Finally, the Democats find their Loch Ness Monster of Voter Suppression!

6/16 – Matt Gaetz Just Shared Threatening Texts From… REPORTERS.

6/16 – Tucker Carlson, Buckhead, and Why Our Cities Fail

6/18 – Socialism in education

6/19 – HIPAA? CO Public Health Targeting Unvaccinated People


6/22 – States Banning “Zuck Bucks”—UPDATED

6/23 – Parents at Virginia School Board Meeting Arrested for Protesting Transgenderism and Critical Race Theory

6/24 – Supreme Court Limits Government’s Power to Aid Unions

6/25 – Obama and the Broken Nation He Made Come Of Age

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is winding down his presence on Twitter, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Our public schools exist to educate children, not to solely employ adults. All of our so-called leaders forgot this. 19/21

— Arlington Parents for Education

I wouldn’t take this to the bank.
Remember when people thought the police were in existence to protect the public?
Someone took that to court.
It went all the way to the Supreme Court.
Guess what?
The answer was, “No.”
The police have NO responsibility to protect the public.

Teachers’ employment and benefits might be the main reason public schools exist, in this Court’s eyes, too.
Babysitting while taxpayers are out working so taxes can be collected is another part of schools’ reason to be.
Luring more people into dependency on gov’t might be a bigger reason than teaching the student, also.
If a child does get anything out of their years in the schools, it’s just a side effect.

It appears the main purpose of today’s educational system is to turn children into terrible, hateful, selfish people. Mostly working.

CRT just more Brainwashing by Big Brother and the National Education Association(NEA)Home Schooling parents should have the right to home school their kids

“6/21 – Schilling Show Host to Sue Albemarle County General Registrar and Designees Over Election Day Assaults and Voter Suppression Attempts”

Maybe it was just too difficult to find a mask?

“6/16 – Matt Gaetz Just Shared Threatening Texts From… REPORTERS.”

Hmmm…. so after making threats in order to try and get people to lie about Gaetz, Phlegm was “reprimanded” and told not to do it? Wow… that’s harsh. Can someone remind me again why no sensible person believes anything the left wing propaganda mill issues? I wondered what happened to that “bombshell” (actually, I forgot all about it).

“6/16 – Tucker Carlson, Buckhead, and Why Our Cities Fail”

As exemplified from the story above, ALL of these outrageous problems are the fault of our leftist, liberal, socialist media. If they actually reported facts, scumbag politicians and petty despots could not possibly get away with acts such as putting citizens lives in such danger. But, when incompetence becomes a weapon, expect Democrats to wield it efficiently.

“6/18 – Socialism in education”

If only we could get countries like China to super-stupid their educational systems. Now that the US and Canada are on board, it would level the playing field if our adversaries cooperated.

“6/19 – HIPAA? CO Public Health Targeting Unvaccinated People”

Odd that the very people that told us Trump’s vaccines would be a danger to us all now insist everyone get Trump’s vaccines. I don’t think “following the science” is ignoring that those who have had the virus are better off than the vaccinated, don’t NEED to be vaccinated (it might actually be dangerous) and it is risky to be vaccinating youth.


I simply see almost NOTHING produced today I want to watch and certainly not spend any money on. Old movies and programs is pretty much it.

“6/22 – States Banning “Zuck Bucks”—UPDATED”

Hopefully they aren’t closing the gate TOO LONG after all the cows have gotten out.

“6/23 – Parents at Virginia School Board Meeting Arrested for Protesting Transgenderism and Critical Race Theory”

I am amazed at how the left will trample the majorities rights to cater to the feelings of those who purposely bring hardship upon themselves. Transgenders CHOOSE to bring negative attention upon themselves, but EVERYONE has to suffer through lack of privacy in restrooms or girls competing against boys in sports?

I’ve said before, the left should make up its mind; are Republicans mis-characterizing what CRT says and does or is CRT a figment of Republican’s imagination like ANTIFA and gun-grabbing?

“6/24 – Supreme Court Limits Government’s Power to Aid Unions”

I wonder, in this new liberal world of trampling individual rights, how much money is spent fighting for the obvious in courts? What a waste.

“6/25 – Obama and the Broken Nation He Made Come Of Age”

Obama really likes having someone else’s name on all the radical crap he really wanted to do. When it craters (as it is doing) he can just step away and point at Whispering Grampa Grope. But, if anything ever actually bears fruit, he will climb over the tops of everyone to take credit.

If the left actually believes this garbage, that all white people are inherently racist, how do they explain groveling at the feat of Schumer, Schiff, Gore, Kerry, idiot Biden, Pelosi, et al?

Well, look at the decision in the OAN suit against Maddow; their defense was “She’s just a leftist liar and everyone knows it. Don’t take it so seriously.” and the judge bought it. Apparently, it’s not slander if no one in their right mind would believe the person slandering.