We could have ended the pandemic and mask mandates long ago



A few months ago I predicted that omicron would be the variant which could end of the pandemic. Now COVID cases are indeed falling off dramatically. Yet we could have ended this pandemic long ago. Over the last two years we have learned some interesting details about COVID.

  • It doesn’t appear to affect people below 4 feet, i.e., people sitting, as in restaurants.
  • COVID doesn’t affect celebrities at narcissistic award ceremonies.
  • It doesn’t affect AOC when she wears glam.
  • COVID doesn’t affect politicians when they’re in the Capitol.
  • COVID will stop affecting kids on school buses in New Jersey on March 7.
  • COVID stopped in Illinois on Feb. 28.
  • Joe Biden needs a mask when walking alone but not when taking to reporters or when coughing

More states are ditching mask mandates. New Yorkers, having been frightened to death by Fauci’s lies and suffering for Cuomo’s mismanagement of the pandemic, prefer to continue wearing masks despite most masks being largely ineffective. LA is creeping toward the end of the mask mandate.

Putting children’s priorities behind their own, the teachers’ union wants kids to remain masked forever. Here’s another prediction: we’re going to see a generation of kids who become severely ill as they mature. Kids are supposed to eat dirt, play in the mud and get colds. That’s how a child’s immune system develops resistance. Kids should not be wearing masks (unless there is a comorbidity). If teachers are afraid, let them wear masks. Unions demanding that masks be worn by kids are admitting masks don’t work.

democrats have long been pleading with us all to “follow the science.” That leads to the most important fact COVID has taught us.

Science is malleable. It can be worked into the desired shape with the proper political hammers.

On February 24 Biden’s polling sent a desperate letter to democrat leaders.


The message was “we’re going to get killed in the next election unless you declare a win and move on.”

The very next day:

CDC loosens COVID-19 indoor mask guidance, including for schools

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) moved Friday to loosen federal mask-wearing guidance for counties deemed to be at “low” or “medium” risk – including in schools.

Most Americans will no longer be advised to wear masks in indoor public settings and the agency announced a change to the metric it uses in recommending the face coverings – shifting from looking at COVID-19 cases counts to a more comprehensive view about a community’s risk from the virus. Roughly 70% of Americans live in low- or medium-risk counties.

And, again as I predicted, Biden took credit for ending the pandemic by plagiarizing Ron DeSantis and a whole lot of other people:

 It’s time for America to stop letting the coronavirus “dictate how we live.”

And just like that COVID went away.

We could have ended this pandemic a long time ago. All we had to do was move up the midterm elections.



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Our children and grandchildren will not use the words “Covid” and “pandemic” in the same sentence.

Mask, lockdowns or vaccines did not save one

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You’re an idiot. But that has already been established. You establish it yourself with the idiotic things you say.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

biden is a dictator. Embrace the suck

You’re an idiot. But that has already been established. You establish it yourself with the idiotic things you say.

Comrade Greggie screams as he sees his reflection in the mirror.

Talk about mirrors…

You’re like a monkey in a cage, waiting for someone to come by so you can throw shit through the bars.

It’s sad, Comrade Greggie, at how inept you are at providing an intelligent retort.

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

You know, your reflexive attacks are just a means to drive a wedge between people, to prevent any intelligent discussion, and—God forbid—any agreement concerning common issues and common threats. You view any indications of a move toward national unity as a threat.

This thread, for example, is here because it promotes division.

There should be complete agreement about what Putin is, and what Putin is doing. He poses a serious threat to the United States and to the entire free world.

There should be unified support for the President’s efforts to help Ukraine resist him. In saner times, the nation unified against external threats.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

I’ve known people who got really sick from COVID and a high school classmate that just three months ago was at our 50th high school reunion that recently died of the virus. But, it hasn’t been widespread and most I know who have had it had mild cases. My friend that died had an organ transplant a while back and was on anti-rejection drugs.

Even my 86 and 88 year old parents-in-laws both had it and both had mild cases; my father-in-law has a grocery list of comorbidities.

This could have ended long ago, especially if the left wasn’t denouncing therapeutics in favor of vaccines that became less and less effective. This was prolonged for effect, to control and, ideally, to last until the 2022 election for a reenactment of the fraud of 2020; there could always be a resurgence.

For, Democrats have to make a choice: reverse themselves on COVID mandates, shutdowns and restrictions and take their chances in a voting-in-person election or reprieve the COVID fears, take the hit in approvals but fabricate a great excuse for election fraud.

I live in a city outside of Dallas. It is not run by Democrat zealots that get personal satisfaction out of forcing citizens to wear useless masks while they themselves don’t abide. Our COVID epidemic ended about a year ago. I leave it to those from the oppressed regions to express the outrage. I’m growing immune to the hypocrisy of the left.

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JUST IN: US Senate Passes Resolution to End Covid-19 National State of Emergency

it is no longer necessary to have in place a National health emergency.

Republicans need to run ads pounding home the fact of which party divided the country, ruined careers, ruined businesses, destroyed the economy, and deprived the nation’s youth of a normal childhood growing up with mandates that they themselves didn’t follow. The choices are clear: if you want to be a serf or a subject, vote demokrat. If you want to be a citizen with rights and freedoms, vote Republican.

They need to make it clear that Democrats enacted their mandates knowing all along that the threat to public health was no longer a crisis. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have imported 2.4 million illegal immigrants with a 20% infection rate and, without testing, without masks, without vaccinations, spread them all over the country.

The real proof it was never a crisis is when they were constantly caught running around violating their own mandates. Typical of the left. Rules for thee but not for me. Another true sign of the totalitarian mindset they all possess. They are the number one threat to this country

“Just like that” being two effin’ years of enormous economic disruption and 955 thousand American deaths…

Well greggie the village idiot, as time goes on, the truth about most everything is being revealed. The COVID death toll was greatly overrated by politically oriented scammers. After relooking at data concerning the difference of those who died of COVID and those who died with COVID, it appears that COVID deaths were about by about one fifth of reported deaths. Masks were proved to be ineffective and social distancing was only .2% effective. You were wrong about everything and now, we are supposed to believe you ahve a majic ball that gives you insight into what is happening in Ukraine? You only repeat the Biden lies. You do not even deserve to work up to being the vilage idiot!..

The number of excess US deaths for the pandemic period exceeds the official COVID death count. The 955 thousand number is most likely low.

Actually greggie, you again made up your own facts. The number of deaths in the US were consistent with the statistics of previous years. There were no major increases that would make the past 2 years outliers. Your statistics are based upon the CDC initial guidance that all people who died with COVID were to be coded as COVID deaths. Medical facilities who treated people who died with COVID were allocated additional government funds. Now, the whole world except China and a few others are relooking at and reevaluating the number of deaths attributed to COVID, not just deaths with COVID. Major Universities like Columbia are suggesting that actual COVID deaths are about 20% of CDC reported deaths.

There are other sources that believe that many of those deaths were unnecessary due to the restriction of information contrary to the government guidance labeled “disinformation” by the government. Restriction 1st Amendment is a very dangerous practice by governments. Throughout history, true scientific progress has been improved by the discussion of all theories and testing those theories using the scientific process. That was not the case during the past 3 years. The theories of a few people were purported as indisputable facts and anything else was considered disinformation. People died and suffered severe injury to their health as a result.

If all the information other than the government theories had been considered “disinformation” and prevented from consideration by other scientists, this world would still believe that the sun revolved around the Earth. What we do see now is that government employees want us to believe that our world revolves around them, and ignorant people like you greggie support them and that prremis.

 The number of deaths in the US during the pandemic WAS NOT consistent with the statistics of previous years. That’s the meaning of “excess mortality”. US deaths for the pandemic period exceeded the statistical norm by well over one million. In all probability, the official count of US COVID deaths is actually LOW.

The number of weekly deaths in the US exceeded the statistical weekly norm by an average of 2% through the entire pandemic period.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

And just like that, “the Science” tells us we can stop wearing face diapers the day before Bumbling Biden’s SOTU speech.

It’s a miracle, I tell you. And absolute miracle.

That from ‘the pro-Putin wing of the GOP’… And it was a republican who made the observation.

Oh, so now that I point out your lack any intellectual prowess, I am “pro-Putin?”

Add “pathetic” to your resume, Useful Idiot.

Your divisive rhetoric is pro-Putin. It is of assistance to him.
Maybe you don’t realize how dangerous this moment we’re all in is?

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Your divisive rhetoric is pro-Putin. It is of assistance to him.

Who insists on buying 700,000 barrels of oil a day from Russia at $112.00 a barrel, with the revenue going right into Putin’s war machine?

The moment he stops it, gasoline prices in the US will spike. I guess that will have to happen, though. It’s the next logical step to take to pressure Russia to stop, short of war.

If the UN decides to declare a no-fly zone over Ukraine, we’ll be involved. That could happen suddenly.

The moment he stops it, gasoline prices in the US will spike. I guess that will have to happen, though. It’s the next logical step to take to pressure Russia to stop, short of war.

Well, perhaps Bumbling Biden should remove all his sanctions against U.S. oil production. But he won’t, so claims Peppermint Patty because……….global warming.

If you think the U.S. could not produce not only enough to supply the daily needs of the U.S., but also much of the EU, you are mentally retarded.

If the UN decides to declare a no-fly zone over Ukraine, we’ll be involved. That could happen suddenly.

I know that’s what you are hoping for.

What I’m hoping for is the sudden removal of Vladimir Putin and a cease fire followed by talks, but I’m not holding my breath.

He won’t because he’s afraid AOC will bray at him.

The moment he stops it, gasoline prices in the US will spike. 

That is a DIRECT RESULT of idiot Biden destroying our energy independence and killing the Keystone pipeline on his fraudulent first day in fraudulent office.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Your divisive rhetoric is pro-Putin.

So says the King of Divisive Rhetoric.

It is of assistance to him.

How so? Where is your proof that Putin gives a hairy rat’s ass about what I say or even knows who I am?

Maybe you don’t realize how dangerous this moment we’re all in is?

And you are doing exactly what about the situation in Ukraine? From where I sit, you are bashing Russia to strengthen your handlers, the CCP.

You remain the Commie Clown.

I have nothing more to say to you. You tend stop any meaningful discussion. Everything descends into insults and name-calling. It’s a waste of time.

And you are doing exactly what about the situation in Ukraine? 

Since you’ve asked, I’ve sent money to UNICEF to support Ukrainian mothers and children who are refugees, and am sending money to the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council help pay for helmets and body armor. They’re trying to rush through an export license.

I’ve sent money to UNICEF to support Ukrainian mothers and children who are refugees, and am sending money to the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council help pay for helmets and body armor.

Prove it.

You always deny the truth of what you do not like. I have nothing to prove to you or to anyone else. I am content with my own truthfulness.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

A link is NOT proof you donated one single damn dime to them.

Why do you think everyone else is as stupid as you are?

The links were not provided as proof, fool. They were provided because they’re places where one can donate. As I mentioned, your belief or disbelief is of no consequences.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

You always deny the truth of what you do not like. I have nothing to prove to you or to anyone else. I am content with my own truthfulness.

Once again, your mouth writes a check your ass can’t cash.

As I said, your belief or disbelief doesn’t matter.

There’s only one truth, and you two haven’t talked awhile.

Trump 2024

We’ll be lucky if there IS a 2024. The last time we were this close to the brink was Oct 1962.

No. We knew this would happen if Biden was installed.

Knew it.

Your Party’s need for power over principle caused this war.

What would you be saying if Biden had simply let Putin have his way?
Then would have attacked him for his ‘weakness’.
This is one of the ways it can be told that your ‘position’ is all about Trump.
Everything I see here always circles back to Trump.
That has got you to the point where you you’ll attack an American president while he’s trying to push back against a tyrant who has invaded a free European nation, without starting World War 3.

For me, that’s where partisan politics has crossed a line into something else. It hits me the same way calling an entirely legitimate presidential election a fraud hits me.
It’s part of a pattern.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

There’s NO QUESTION IN MY MIND who is in the right and who is in the wrong in connection with Ukraine. Putin is making a HITLER move, and threatening to pretty much blow up the world if anybody resists him. That’s the whole damn thing.

“Just like that” being two effin’ years of enormous economic disruption and 955 thousand American deaths…

Idiot Biden said that no one that was President when 230,000 had died of COVID didn’t deserve to be President. Do you think this holds true now, since idiot Biden oversaw the deaths of another 550,000? Should idiot Biden resign or is he just the corrupt, incompetent liar he has proven himself to be?

There’s political rhetoric, and then there’s reality. I think Trump shouldn’t have played down the threat of COVID. I think people were misled about the seriousness of the danger, were encouraged to believe medications were effective that really were not, and were wrongly encouraged to avoid vaccination. Not all of that was because of Trump, of course. He was booed when he tried to tell people they should be vaccinated.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

There’s political rhetoric, and then there’s reality.

You mean there are idiot Biden’s lies and there is the truth. Trump never downplayed the threat any more than Fauci advised. Recall, it was Fauci that said this was just a harsh flu and would pass quickly. Masks were not necessary. Democrats denounced social distancing and undercut everything Trump tried to do. Democrats denounced cheap, available and effective treatments because they wanted Trump to have a high death count. They called Trump a “murderer” but ignore the deaths under idiot Biden. Democrats denounced the vaccines, then forgot they did and fired people for not getting them.

So, you are too gutless to hold idiot Biden accountable for his own words. I guess “shutting down the virus” gets a pass, too. Your cowardice at admitting the lies of those you support wouldn’t be so unforgivable if only people like you would finally REJECT the liars instead of idolizing them.

There’s political rhetoric, and then there’s reality.

Here’s your f*cking reality, Comrage Greggie;

A senior Russian official announced on Thursday that a new nuclear deal with Iran will be announced within 24 to 48 hours, signaling the Biden administration’s continued reliance on and cooperation with Moscow even as it wages a full-scale war in Ukraine.
Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia’s ambassador for Iran negotiations, made the announcement in a video now circulating on social media. Ulyanov also said that he does not see the deal falling apart as a result of Russia’s war, and that the two issues remain separate.

The terms of the deal remain unknown as the Biden administration has sought to cut Congress out of the deal and prevent it from performing its legally mandated oversight. Under the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, Congress must give its approval of any new agreement with Iran. While the Biden administration has promised to follow this law, Congress has not been presented with details of the deal or been asked to approve it before the United States signs.”

So Biden violates the law and tries to keep your attention on Crazy Ivan’s actions in Ukraine so you won’t notice Biden is about to put a target on the U.S. with his desire to let the crazy Mullahs have their nukes
You know the payout to Biden for selling out our nation is hefty.

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

Yeah, I’m SURE you can trust anything a Russian ambassador said about the US yesterday.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Yeah, I’m SURE you can trust anything a Russian ambassador said about the US yesterday.

Are you denying that the Biden administration is including the Russians with nuke talks between the administration and Iran? Why is allowing Iran to have nukes even a consideration?

Why in the hell is Biden even talking to Iran? What, exactly, does Iran have to do to prove to you leftists that the only thing they really want is to blow all of the U.S. to smitherines?

Jimmy Carter, who was smarter than Joey Biden ever was even in Biden’s “good” days (which are long gone), tried to negotiate with the Iranian mullahs. How did that go?

Jeeze, how sad it is that your shoe size is bigger than your I.Q.

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

Do you have a source besides the Russian ambassador? Because he’s not exactly a reliable source at the moment. Because he says whatever Putin tells him to say.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

i guess you just are ignorantly ill informed. Must be your news sources. https://www.reuters.com/world/we-are-close-uk-envoy-iran-nuclear-talks-says-europeans-fly-home-2022-03-04/

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

And you say whatever Communists tell you to say.


Do you have a source besides the Russian ambassador? Because he’s not exactly a reliable source at the momentBecause he says whatever Putin tells him to say.

Man, don’t we know what THAT’S like.

Just can it , the Jig is up on the Kung Flu, health ministers everywhere are stepping down as the Pfiser data is being released. 9 full pages of devestating side effects, no telling what the long term will bring.
Crimes against Humanity