The Week in Radical Leftism, 10/22/21

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Welcome back to day 276 of the Let’s Go Brandon* Occupation! What insanity have our Lefty pals dialed up this week? Let’s jump right in!

10/12 – Retro-liberals: #WalkAway is your best chance to rescue America’s democracy

I met Brandon & chatted briefly in the hallway at CPAC a few years ago. Nice guy, and I tried to connect his #WalkAway with our local Tea Party group to see hoe we could support him, but sadly nothing came of it.

10/14 – Walgreens closes FIVE more stores in San Francisco because California’s stupid crime laws

At some point one has to stop wondering if it’s just stupidity or if there is genuine malevolence behind these laws

10/15 – Ecowarrior Bill Gates Arrives by Helicopter

Remember, serfs, the sacrifices needed to avert Climastrology’s apocalyptic teachings will be made by us, not our moral and intellectual superiors


Can’t think of a nicer recipient

10/17 – Ohio Mom Becomes Minister, Signs Religious Exemptions For Masks

Two words: American ingenuity

10/18 – Kamala makes pro-McAuliffe video to be illegally played in over 300 Black churches in Virginia

I would love to put time into fighting to keep Virginia from going the way of New Jersey, or at least slow the inevitable Thelma and Louise re-enactment, but crud like this is why I don’t. If the VA GOP isn’t loudly fighting garbage like this or McAuliffe trying to eliminate signature verification in Dem stronghold Fairfax, what hope is there of them fighting the thousands of 10:00 PM ballots that will be magically appearing in *certain* voting precincts on election night?

10/19 – Democrats Pushing Transgenderism In Schools Are Fully Responsible For Bathroom Sexual Assaults

The bigger question is why aren’t Republican leaders (as our press would like to say) “seizing” and “pouncing” on this to relabel this ridiculous trans-rights movement for what it is – The Radical Left’s War on Women?

10/20 – White House Details Plan To “Quickly” Vaccinate 28 Million Children Age 5-11

Read to the end. I don’t know if the final sentence is more insulting or disturbing.

10/21 – The Media’s Agenda is Not to Mislead People, But to Demoralize Them
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Yes, we might have reached the point where we can’t attribute the media’s behavior to stupidity – they are evil.

10/22 – The WaPo channels Jimmy Carter

Just curious, but do any other Gen Xers reading this remember singing this song parody of the Oscar Meyer jingle:

My President has a first name, it’s J-I-M-M-Y

My President has a second name, it’s C-A-R-T-E-R

I spit it out every day, and if you ask me why I say

‘Cause Jimmy Carter has  a way of messing up the U-S-A

Anyone else sing this as a kid, or was it just a North Jersey thing? Or maybe us Jersey Boys were the original “Let’s Go Brandon!”

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is winding down his presence on Twitter, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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“10/12 – Retro-liberals: #WalkAway is your best chance to rescue America’s democracy” Unless you prefer the lies (as some we have seen actually do) one would think more would be rejecting the totalitarian nature of the left.

“10/14 – Walgreens closes FIVE more stores in San Francisco because California’s stupid crime laws” Why don’t the California Democrats just open their own stores and give all the merchandise away for free? This would cut down on crime, wouldn’t it?

“10/15 – Ecowarrior Bill Gates Arrives by Helicopter” Yeah, these hypocrites are not very convincing that the actually believe the crap they shovel about climate change.

“10/16 – TEXAS POISED TO REDISTRICT JACKSON LEE OR GREEN OUT OF CONGRESS” Can’t they both be gone? How has Jackson Lee not been forced to change her racist name?

“10/17 – Ohio Mom Becomes Minister, Signs Religious Exemptions For Masks” Is it blasphemous to use such methods to undercut the mask mandate religion?

“10/18 – Kamala makes pro-McAuliffe video to be illegally played in over 300 Black churches in Virginia” Odd how the people who believe denouncing abortion in church is “political” support such total abuse of Church for political gain. Oh, God, I can’t wait to see that scumbag McAuliffe, the Clinton tool, defeated. The corruption and abuses of education alone is turning the tide. The election fraud is going to flow like water.

“10/19 – Democrats Pushing Transgenderism In Schools Are Fully Responsible For Bathroom Sexual Assaults” I don’t wish this kind of abuse on anyone but, sadly, this always happens to the wrong people. Just like the effects of illegal immigration, the leftists that support these insane policies and programs just because the ill effects always hit someone else never care about the tragedy they create. The risks of pandering to these mentally deranged “gender confused” people was clearly known, but they don’t care. Ideology trumps all.

“10/20 – White House Details Plan To “Quickly” Vaccinate 28 Million Children Age 5-11” Follow the science, huh? Despite the FDA and CDC warning against vaccinating children, let’s just go ahead and do it. Funny, though the FDA has already come out against blanket vaccinations, especially of children, idiot Biden is anticipating them changing their minds… as if he has some power to make that happen. That final sentence is to make clear they are obeying not for any benefit for themselves; they are obeying because they are supposed to obey.

“10/21 – The Media’s Agenda is Not to Mislead People, But to Demoralize Them” I was sure it was to make people more stupid.

“10/22 – The WaPo channels Jimmy Carter” Recall the Obama administration declaring that weak, low economic growth and terrible jobs was “the new normal”. Democrats know their policies will NEVER benefit the US taxpayer, so they simply try to convince the people that failure and incompetence is the desired outcome. They don’t fail to deliver on those counts.

It’s the build back better Joe Biden agenda.

I prefer the Trump era gas prices myself.

bill, ecohypocrite extraordinaire, pedophile gates is a closet gay and die hard communist. his mania or legacy is to create mega metropolises around America that will be the now gulag’s for american socialists. you recall that Hitler idealized an elite community in Austria for his supporters. gates and microsoft have gutted this country and continue to spy on it for cia, nsa, and fbi.

Well we got our first frost camp is fully winterized waiting for Deer hunting. We were robbed before we closed up. 2 huge bags of walnuts that were carefully placed in one of the temporary garages. They were to be all planted in hopes to get a walnut tree to sprout. The suspects
Left us with a mess of hulls took every single one, we dont think he worked alone.
I think I may have to lower my expectations for a walnut tree or trees at camp.

For real comedy find the Big Guys most recent town hall.

WATCH: Biden Pressed on Supply Chain Crisis, Rising Gas Prices at CNN Town Hall

1,5million illegal aliens crossed the border so far this year.
California gas hits 8.50 per gallon thats 138 bucks a fill-up for a 16 gallon capacity tank.
Memories light the corners of my mind, misty water colored memories of the way we were.

WTH is this about ”Just lower your expectations”? I’ve had NO positive expectations since Brandon became pResident.

Well, prepare to lower them. Idiot Biden is still in power (he thinks).

Here’s an offering for next week:

Cancel Culture Comes for NFL Announcer Tony Romo After On-Air Joke About Tom Brady’s Wife