Is There A Disconnect Here

There are more important things to worry about, but with this Marxist Administration and our corporate giants that play games under the covers with our Narcissist in Chief, we have learned to be suspicious of every move.

Michelle our Air Force 1, jet setting ambassador to all the beautiful vacation resorts of the world has a an ongoing campaign against childhood obesity, it involves healthy food choices and that means backing off sugars and starch; choices the FLOTUS and her husband ignore in the tradition of Marxist Elites, but she knows the healthy choices, not that you need to be a nuclear physicist. Americans sleep easier with her efforts to curb childhood obesity, since she could be making a fool of herself in far more critical areas.

Casey Anderson Learns She Must Spend A Few More Days In Jail

The Death Of A Child: Lessons Learned

America died with Caylee Anthony, not literally, but we will never be the same. A Narcissistic mother forgets to report her daughter missing, decides to party for a month and get a tattoo that reads “Beautiful Life,” while her daughter decomposes in a plastic sack. Is this the sign of a mad woman; perhaps it is a desensitizing to the ideal of a mother’s right to choose or what we should celebrate as our culture of death. Ms Anthony has spent the last four years in jail, but if she would have elected to have a partial birth abortion and had her daughter’s brain sucked out while being born, there would have been no issue.

Obama’s Justice

The Obama administration is finally putting together a show trial of a terrorist in civilian court. In a move intended to set precedent before legislation approved by the House is enacted, The Regime has flown a Somali terrorist to New York after months of interrogation aboard a naval ship, one of Obama’s secret prisons.

Obama Calls On Marx To Fix The Debt Crisis

The president maintains that Democrats have compromised their principles by agreeing to billions worth of budget cuts that will hurt the Democrat voters. Yet Republicans are refusing to yield by not agreeing to eliminate tax breaks for owners of rich oil companies and corporate jets. Thus if Republicans get their way, there will be a one-sided or unbalanced deal that will the raise the debt ceiling but will force the government to make devastating cuts that aren’t necessary.

“If we do not have revenues, that means there are a bunch of kids out there who do not have college scholarships,” Obama said. “[It] might compromise the National Weather Services. It means we might not be funding critical medical research. It means food inspection might be compromised. I’ve said to Republican leaders, ‘You go talk to your constituents and ask them, “Are you willing to compromise your kids’ safety so some corporate-jet owner can get a tax break?”

Obama Starts Another Illegal War, Anxious To Win Another Nobel Peace Prize

We are now engaged in another great illegal war, this one is in Yemen; relax, we are only killing Al Qaeda operatives and civilians, since Obama was elected with a 6% landslide margin and has the unflinching support of American Socialists, he is not bound by the usual rules that govern presidents. The war is classified so only the readers of the New York Times and Flopping Aces know about it; however, the relatives of civilians killed in the kinetic actions have probably put the pieces together. We are striking at militant leaders with armed drones and fighter jets, so in Obama’s unique definition of war and Nobel Peace Prize qualification, it narrowly misses being designated as a war, there is also a growing power vacuum in a nation we consider to be an ally.

Suspicious wet diaper stripped from 95 year old cancer victim. Your TSA at work! [Reader Post]

This is simply unbelievable.

TSA security officers at Florida’s Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport patted down a cancer-stricken, 95-year-old woman and forcibly removed her adult diaper during the search, CNN reports. Could this end up being yet another TSA PR nightmare?

The Curious Justification Of Perversion By The Left

Oh Praise The Weiner, at least until he has disgraced himself beyond levels of decency. Lies and false incriminations of criminality are acceptable to a point, but eventually, even a Democrat reaches a point too far. Now that the hounds of reality and truth have treed the dark haired spokesman for Progressivism and all things Socialist in the tree of accountability, there is still one option open.

Weiner now must fall upon the sword of mental illness; in a move meant to gather a sympathetic army of thoughtless Progressive Socialists around him, he now feigns a disease that no one has heard of, but one that guarantees him time and an excuse for his wretched behavior. He is no longer considered a wretched pervert: he is now a victim of a terrible disease and he was helpless to resist the symptoms of the disease.

With Obama’s Administration, Stupidity Is A Prerequisite

We have all wondered why the Department of Homeland Security prefers to fondle underage girls and attractive women instead of profiling single young Muslim men. So far, there have been no attempted terrorist attacks on airplanes by adolescent girls, grandmothers, women with children, women, or non-Muslim men; Napolitano carefully and concisely explains why profiling is politically incorrect and an affront to Muslims who might be terrorists, around the world. Napolitano’s illogic, a system of thought that is similar to our president’s own reasoning ability when he speaks without his teleprompter, could be an excellent comedic dialogue for Groucho Marx.

One of my favorite Groucho stories is about an incident that involved his daughter swimming at a private beach. He was told his daughter couldn’t swim at the beach because she was Jewish. He then asked if she could wade in up to her waist, since she was only half Jewish.