In 1994, a sixteen year old girl was brutally raped and murdered by having her head smashed in with a thirty to forty pound piece of asphalt, her killer is finally due to be executed tonight in Texas; President Obama is pleading for this monster’s life by asking the Supreme Court to grant a stay of execution, alleging the killer, another illegal alien, wasn’t granted consular access to the Mexican Embassy. In this new world of Obama Law, Terrorists are to be granted the rights of an American citizen and illegal aliens have more rights than an American citizen.
Humberto Leal is the 38 year old illegal alien that has Obama acting like an ACLU lawyer. Obama wants a stay so that congress can consider a law that will require court reviews of cases of condemned foreign nationals who did not receive advice from their consulates. President Obama maintains that the case will affect not only foreign nationals, but Americans arrested in foreign countries. Prosectors insist the president’s entreaties are an attempt to delay the execution and that the future legislation is bound to fail.
Leal left the nude sixteen year old’s body impaled with a stick and the head caved in; he arrived home bloody and told his brother he had killed a girl. The Mexican government maintains that if Leal had been given access to consular assistance, he would have never been convicted or received the death penalty, so powerful is their influence with the American government.
Leal moved to the U.S. as a toddler with his family from Monterey. His appeals contend that under an international treaty that Texas didn’t sign, that police didn’t advise him that he could have had access to consular assistance and that would have strengthened his defense.
The argument is not new, Texas is very proficient at executing foreign nationals or illegal aliens who commit heinous crimes in Texas.
Leal’s appeals have focused on legislation introduced in the Senate by D. Patrick Leahy, that would impose the rules of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations regarding the arrest of foreign nationals, ensuring court reviews for condemned foreign nationals to determine if consular assistance would have made a significant difference in their verdicts.
In the tradition of the Skippy Gates affair that ended in a beer summit, the Obama Administration took the unusual step of interfering in a state murder case by asking the high court to halt an execution.
Sandra Babcock, a Northwestern University law professor and one of Leal’s lawyers:
“The legislation would give Mr. Leal an opportunity to demonstrate that with consular assistance, he likely would not have been convicted, let alone sentenced to death.”
Even though the savage rape and murder happened two decades ago, the Mexican government contends that the execution should be delayed to give them time to review the case. They also implied a veiled threat by intimating that the execution could imperil Americans detained abroad.
Legislation similar to that required by Leal has failed twice in congressional sessions. The Texas Attorney General’s office cites those failures:
“legislative relief was not likely to be forthcoming.”
Stephen Hoffman, assistant attorney general:
“At this point, it is clear that Leal is attempting to avoid execution by overwhelming the state and the courts with as many meritless lawsuits and motions as humanly possible.”
Prosecutors said Sauceda was drunk and high on cocaine the night she was killed, and that Leal offered to take her home. Witnesses said Leal drove off with her around 5 a.m. Some partygoers found her brutalized nude body later that morning and called police.
There was evidence Sauceda had been bitten, strangled and raped. A large stick that had a screw protruding from it was left in her body.
A witness testified that Leal’s brother appeared at the party, agitated that Leal had arrived home bloody and saying he had killed a girl.
In his first statement to police, Leal said Sauceda bolted from his car and ran off. After he was told his brother had given detectives a statement, he changed his story, saying Sauceda attacked him and fell to the ground after he fought back. He said when he couldn’t wake her and saw bubbles in her nose, he got scared and went home.
Testifying during his trial’s punishment phase, Leal acknowledged being intoxicated and doing wrong but said he wasn’t responsible for what prosecutors alleged. A psychiatrist testified Leal suffered from alcohol dependence and pathological intoxication.
Sauceda’s mother, Rachel Terry, told San Antonio television station KSAT her family already had suffered too long.
“A technicality doesn’t give anyone a right to come to this country and rape, torture and murder anyone,” she said.
George Bush, in 2005, agreed with an International Court ruling that Leal and 50 other Mexican nationals were entitled to new U.S. hearings if their consular rights were violated. The Supreme Court later overruled Bush.
President Obama should find less despicable characters to promote placing the sovereignty of US courts under international control. Texas will hopefully be able to maintain its conservative principles despite an ever increasing illegal alien invasion from Mexico that will surely be influencing the political situation in the years to come. Placing the Texas and the other state court systems under the review of national court systems is a method of control that Obama has been advocating as a means to weaken America and to bring America under the influence and control of the UN and international courts so that sovereignty and power can be slowly diminished.
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Visit me on Facebook.
He was executed finally:
You really shouldn’t worry… the illegal alien Humberto Leal will still be able to vote for (D)emocrats after he’s dead.
The U.S. Supreme Court Thursday rejected a White House-backed appeal seeking to spare a Mexican citizen from execution Thursday evening in a death penalty case where Texas justice clashed with international treaty rights.
Justices voted 5-4, refusing to keep Humberto Leal from lethal injection, The decision came about an hour before Leal could be taken to the Texas death chamber for the 1994 rape-slaying of a 16-year-old girl.
The Obama administration and others asked the high court to delay Leal’s execution so Congress could consider a law that would require court reviews in cases where condemned foreign nationals did not receive help from their consulates.
Get that????
Obama wanted time to try to PASS a new law!
The courts rightly refused him.
And who was behind even wanting a law that imposes international law on US states?
Crime reporter and blogger Tina Trent says that President Obama’s intervention on behalf of an illegal alien killer can be traced back to a 2003 conference that featured Bernardine Dohrn, Van Jones, and representatives of the Soros-funded Open Society Institute. “The purpose of the conference was to find ways to insinuate international (read: United Nations) laws and resolutions in American legal arenas….
Dohrn is the former leader of the communist terrorist Weather Underground who, with her husband and fellow terrorist Bill Ayers, hosted a fundraiser for Barack Obama when he ran for the state Senate in Illinois. She praised the followers of mass murderer Charles Manson and Manson himself as a “true revolutionary.” Dohrn and Ayers signed a document, “Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism,” dedicated in part to Sirhan Sirhan, the Marxist Palestinian who killed Robert F. Kennedy. This endorsement played a role in the University of Illinois denying Ayers, who had been a professor of education at the school, emeritus status after he retired.
For her part, Dohrn was jailed for seven months for refusing to cooperate with a grand jury investigating the murder of two policemen and a security guard in the 1981 Brinks robbery. She is accused by former FBI informant Larry Grathwohl, based on a meeting he had with Ayers, of planting the bomb that killed San Francisco Police Sergeant Brian V. McDonnell in 1970.
“If President Obama, his friend Bernardine Dohrn, and Jimmy Carter get their way, the police are going to find their hands tied in ten different ways, and our criminal justice system will soon be utterly subservient to whatever the hell they dream up at the U.N.,” Trent states.
Now, talk about having it both ways!
Leal, the rapist/murderer was brought to this country illegally by his parents when he was only 2.
Up until he raped and murdered the 16-year old girl, Obama and Dohrn, and Carter and Van Jones would have fought to have him considered as a citizen!
But rape and murder a little teenage girl and all of a sudden you are a ”foreign national!”
And we know from how Obama wants terrorists treated we cannot be mean to a foreigner in custody, much less kill him.
Thank You, Nan; that was exemplarily.
The only good things to come from this:
The bastard is dead, despite Obama.
Texas maintains sovereignty.
Obama and Soros have been defeated.
So predictable:
And what were Leal’s last words as he began his journey to Hell?
Viva Mexico.
barack, barry, steve or whatever his name is only weighed in because he thought it would get him a few hispanic votes. What really riles me is this guy murdered U.S. citizens and barry only cares about this illegal. What is with him not being able to represent the people of the United States?
Maybe if more than one illegal criminal paid for their crimes they might not be so apt to run over the border. If this guy was in Mexico, he would have been executed a long time ago.
barry leaves a bad taste in my mouth. disgusting
Read this:
disenchanted, how did Obama think that this would pander to Hispanics when the girl Leal murdered was Hispanic? Obama doesn’t care about legal Hispanics, he only cares about those 20 million prospective new voters.
That was quite a read, Retire. It has good news and bad news: we get close to a hundred sexual predators a day crossing the border, but Obama gets new Democrats and weakens the United States day by day. Well Obama will consider it good news, at least until one of his daughters is raped and mutilated.
That POS monster 2 1/2 decades ago committed a heinous act against a child. In that Banana Republic south of our border their soldiers would have with out a doubt killed one of our own for looking at them weird. And our so called commander and thief wants to observe international law?
Of course I think he could care less.
Is this the same Supreme Court that King Obama condemned during his State Of The Union address? Now he asks them for a favor?
How far will Obama go to keep a vote for the democrats?
You always try to help those you align yourself with. The Tea Party is a good example. Obama keeps giving us examples of who he is aligned with. As I have mentioned before, if there is a democratic party left after the next election, the members will be admitting that they want anyone to be able to walk into the USA and be declared US citizens, they want the Constitution to be rewritten to international law, and they want the USA to go socialist or other kind of dictatorship.
One thing that really bothers me about the illegals is that I am retired and get less from Social Security than some of the illegals, and I paid into it all of my life. Neither party wants the SS system to go back into an interest drawing account like it used to be, and be used ONLY for SS for retirees. There are only republicrats in office. Nobody cares about WE THE PEOPLE any more. Throw them all out and start all over.
Seems like:
He was 38 years old. He came here when he was two. That means he’s been living in Texas since 1975. He would have become an American citizen in 1986 courtesy of Ronald Reagan. Why was there a need to inform him?
There was never a question of him being innocent, it was always a question of whether he could have weaseled his way out of a conviction.
Good riddance. This scumbag is gone and the world is better off for it.
What really gets me is Bush being on the side of this criminal. Maybe not specifically, but generally being on the side of giving illegal aliens rights above Americans.
You want to come to this country you should be treated like everyone else. I’d like to see how Obama and all his men would have acted if this happened to one of their daughters……..
Skookum, what people don’t realize, that pander for amnesty for illegals, is that those who sneak across our borders, according to the Pew Hispanic Research Center, are fully aware that they are breaking U.S. law. Pew also showed that the illegals are not really interested in citizenship, but simply want to either come here to work or come here to live a life of crime, and fully intend to return to their native land eventually. Many who do work here send as much as 80% of their paychecks back to Mexico, et al, and Mexico is not suffering from the construction of new homes, due to that money. You don’t build a home in Mexico if your only interest is living in the U.S. the rest of your life.
CbR is wrong in thinking Leal would have been granted citizenship under the Reagan amnesty. He would have been granted amnesty from prosecution for being an illegal, and could have applied for citizenship, which he did not do. The reason was clearly expressed by Leal in his last moments of life, Viva Mexico.
No other group that migrates to the U.S. assimilates less than Hispanics and Muslims. In Texas, we have children born in this country that cannot speak English. We have made it so easy for Spanish speakers to not learn English with everything, from utility bills to ballots, being printed in Spanish. If you move to Italy, and everything you need to make it through your daily life is printed in English, is there any reason to learn Italian? No.
The other thing missed by most people is that the Mexican, et al, that illegally migrate do not view government the same way we do. They have a Pan-American view of government and authority and no matter how you try to “bring them out of the shadows” they will continue with their ways developed in their native land, to remain in the shadows.
We must end the pandering that goes on for Hispanics. No more anything printed in Spanish. If you intend to live here, learn English. If you intend to live here, assimilate. And realize one thing; the crime that is brought to us by illegals is more often than not, committed against the very people our government panders to, the legal Hispanic community, just as Leal murdered a young Hispanic girl.
As Tater Salad, one of my favorite comedians, likes to say….
“If you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back.”
Why was Bush on the same side of this? Why was that murdering mother Anthony acquitted? WTF
@rich wheeler:
Bush took the same position on Leal that he previously took on Medellin.
In the 2008 Medellin case SCOTUS ruled 6-3 that individual states could not be compelled unless Congress enacted legislation making ICJ rulings binding.
In the Leal case SCOTUS ruled 5-4 slapping down Obie’s attempt stating:
Rich, Bush led an insulated life. As the owner of a large ranch in Texas, his workers come to his ranch by recommendation only. Thus he is exposed to only the best of Mexican immigrants. I see the program on a much larger scale and I will honestly say it works well. The good employers get good workers that often spend their life on a ranch or job.
Some want to stay and become Americans; others want to work for a few years and go home to Mexico. Although with the violence in Northern Mexico, many more are choosing to never return.
President Bush and I never see the illegals who commit felonies, so our opinions are skewed. We cannot generalize about these people, they vary as much as any group. You and I both know that many second and third generation Mexicans made some of the best Marines. One of the hardest working men I know was born in a box car in Santa Barbara over 50 years ago. They raise kids that are more patriotic than Americans families that have been here for hundreds of years.
The ranch system of referrals works well and could be modified for the federal government, rather than using the helter skelter chaos system that has 1/3 of our prison system occupied with illegal aliens. You refer someone fine, you pay their welfare if they refuse to work.
Retire, I realize the Illegal Alien problem in South Texas is out of control just as it is in California. It can be corrected by sending the malcontents and welfare groups home. Call me racist or what ever, they serve no purpose here draining our wealth to exist as perpetual parasites. If we leave our borders open to Mexican nationals, what makes them s special? Open up the borders to the whorl until America is completely drained and we are living in a Third World Dystopia of the that gives Soros and Obama Erotic Dreams.
Skooks Thanks for reminding me how many fine young Marines are of Latin descent and the many who have achieved citizenship through their service. Here at the home of Camp Pendleton I see the Latin deaths at a higher than average percentage.Thanks to ranchers like you and “W’ they are given opportunities. Maybe “the ranch system of referrals” can benefit the govt. Thank You. I’m sure you’d agree 2-3 years in service for ALL would make this a better country.
Rich, I think 4 years compulsory service should be required of anyone desiring to immigrate within a certain age group. If you can’t handle service, you probably wont do well at a job.
I actually remember Marines from several foreign countries that were serving to get their citizenship papers. One was a Canadian Mohawk. He was fearless and deadly serious and one of the best men I have ever known. They were all dedicated and never took a chance of ruining their chances for those papers.
Thank God that scumbag was killed. And Obi did not get his way. As for that psycho mother? I knew she would walk. Done deal. Our courts and laws have been revamped over the past 20 years. Many states have had the word”punishment” taken out of the code. It was offensive. texas only got it back in back after 2000. Everyone had to be re-educated back in the 90’s for the new codes, and new pc speak that were directors. The focus shifted to the criminal and how best to help him/her. The victims were forgotten. We would then proceed to give the criminals all kinds of free goodies! Counseling, transportation, treatment, you name it. For living victims they got very little in the way of “restitution” with out paying for it. Real victims would ask me”What about me”. Too bad too sad charlie! And its only getting worse with the illegal aliens. Cops in their right minds don’t bother them. Unless they want Lulac, la raza and everybody else on their butts. Bush and perry just keep the gates open!
And now Obama. And this in not knocking hard working hispanics. Thats not the arguement at all. And yes we are sick and tired of it down here. All the pandering that our politicians do, republicans and democrats. God how I wish we could get just everyday people for president and politians and be rid of these suckers which are slowly killing our nation with their compromise, and promises. I feel a littler better now.
Skookum, it is not just South Texas that has an illegal problem. Remember Angel Resendez? I do. I live in Central Texas and Resendez rode the rails just two blocks from my home. And we all mourned as three people in a neighboring small town had their lives ended by Resendez.
The hard working man born in a box car 50 years ago that you mentioned did not come here for the welfare, public housing, free medical care, TANF and food stamps that most states now provide to illegals. 50 years ago, the Mexican government did not create comic book type phamphlets advising Mexicans how to sneak into the U.S. and avoid the Border Patrol. Or have Mexican counselets in every major city in the U.S. 50 years ago, who advised illegals what social benefits they were eligible for, Mexicans actually came here to work, not to rob, rape and murder.
And then we have people like Gary who claims that Perry keeps the gates open. Perhaps Gary would like to tell me what other state has put its crack LE on our border since illegals don’t stop at the Oklahoma, Louisiana or Arkansas state lines to remain in Texas and the federal government, who claims that illegal immigration is its sole purview, refuses to do anything about it.
@retire05: Sir, I am un sure as to if you ment me in your remarks. There is another Gary on this site as well. But I can only assume you did. But in case you missed it, remember when the scallywags all made the promise that “this amnesty is a one time deal” back in the 80’s. Some of us knew that they were lying through their teeth then, and still are. Also, i don’t care if they put the German army on the texas border and claim that the problem is fixed when in reality is is not. I also don’t care if the illegal aliens are polish and or space aliens. The problem is that we have borders that are not respected, and have not been since the last massive “one time amnesty deal”. And yes I am capable of divergent thinking where I hold politicians responsible for their worthless promises, regardless of their party. I just believe that if we continue to let politicians off for ignoring problems just so that they can get re-elected to do the same thing over and over then we are just as guilty as they are in helping them to destroy our nation for the advancement of their own political careers. And if your in the mood for some interesting research, some of our founding fathers had serious concerns about political parties and the damage they could cause our nation. I agree with them 100%. Perry is just another slick politican like Rommey in my book. Who will say and do anything to get elected. And I might add that in all probability Obama will hand them their butts on a silver platter with a fork and a knife.
Retire, I have not worked in Texas in over ten years, I actually thought I remembered you complaining of the situation in South Texas on another thread.
First let me say, I am not an amnesty fool. I didn’t like the first one and I sure as Hell don’t like the idea of another one. I am totally against the idea of welfare benefits for illegals and the concept of anchor babies, whether the parents are millionaire Europeans, rich Asians, or poverty stricken Mexicans. I don’t believe we should be bringing boatloads of unskilled Africans over through legal immigration to sit on the dole for generations. If people can’t or don’t work they need to stay home, we don’t need them.
We have such high unemployment, why are we bringing in unskilled laborers.
Mexicans have become patriotic Americans in the past. I know some really good ones; actually, they keep calling and stopping by for jobs, but I am in not that good of shape to hire people. And do I want to go into production right now, Hell No! Not with Obama in the WH.
Yes it is a difficult position and we need leadership instead of pandering politicians.
Gary, how could you not know it was you I was referring to when I QUOTED you? Perhaps you don’t read real well.
Now, as to Perry being just another slick politician, I have to ask; have you ever met him? Ever been in the same room with him or worked with his, and his staff, on the problems facing Texans? Because if you haven’t, I can only assume you are basing your opinion on the left wing media that has decided [recently] that Rick Perry is the devil incarnate. So until you really know something about Rick Perry, back off Jack.
Now to your comment that “some of our Founding Fathers had serious concerns about political parties”, I know of one that was most opposed to siding with one party or another, and that would be George Washington. And don’t be such an ass as to assume that I don’t know our history. I do. Washington didn’t like that the Republicans were ganging up on the Federalists and vise versa, but that stemmed more from his worry over Jefferson and Hamilton’s feud than a hatred of political parties themselves.
@retire05: Wow Dude slow your roll! I had responded back to a few others on FA when they ment the other Gary. I was trying to be polite sir. And I asked if you were interested than read about our founding fathers. Some people have told me that they don’t care. Again I was attempting to be polite in our debate. And no sir I have not met Perry and have no desire to meet anymore professional politicians than my work requires me to. I avoid them like a bad disease. Nor did I meet Lincole, Grant, Nixon, Hitler, etc… but I have my beliefs about them just the same. So I will not back off. We still have serious problems here in S. Tex, and many of the people I know are angry not just at Perry, and Bush for buying the Hispanic vote, but all politicans as well. As a result of our politicans not addressing the illegal alien problem for decades now it has spread beyound the border states too. Does that mean that Perry has not done good in other areas? No of course not. And it was not only G. Washington who opposed political parties, but others as well. In general they feared that people would become blinded by their loyalty to their party, and that people would settle into different camps. Sound familar? And no I am not saying you! But I would have to say that they knew what they were talking about. And sir you can call me an ass plus other rude names as well, but its really serves no purpose at all except to distract from the debate. Thank-you for responding back
@ Rich
I’m Catholic and not supposed to believe in the death penalty. I do, but I’m not supposed to. I honestly don’t know how anyone can read this and not want Humberto Leal removed from this earth in a permanent fashion:
AQUA I totally agree this scubbag should be executed.Whether he was an illegal alien or the son of royalty means naught to me.
BTW I’m sure you’d agree that child killer in Fla. Ms.Anthony should never see the light of day.
Further evidence that Obama, Clinton and Holder aren’t just immoral. They are evil, imho.